Weekly TAROT AND ORACLE Card Reading May 8-15, 2022 Good news of celebration!
May 06, 2022
Weekly TAROT AND ORACLE Card Reading May 8-15.
Look at the energy and potential this week PLUS receive a message from the spirit world. Good news is coming your way. Remember, you can be happy for someone else’s joy without sulking or saying something you’ll regret later. With Mercury retrograde on the horizon, you’ll want to take the way you communicate into consideration. Rest assure, your own celebration is just around the corner. As you celebrate others, so too will you become abundant.
Pay special attention to HOW you are making your choices right now.
Connect with Joyful Medium Joy Giovanni in her Facebook group Joy’s Soul Spa or check out the new website at JoyfulMedium.com
Decks used: (Please note I am not an affiliate for any of these decks, they are from my personal collection)
#AngelTarotCards by RadleighValentine
#ModernWitchTarot by #LisaSterle
#Natureswhispers by #AngelaHartfiled
#TalkingtoHeaven by #JamesVanPraagh