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Weekly Reading,-Guidance, Energy, & Potentials for July 5-12: 🌻Moving Forward Brings an Abundance of Choices!

Jul 05, 2024

🌻Moving Forward Brings an Abundance of Choices! Weekly Reading,-Guidance, Energy, & Potentials for July 5-12

🌈Have you ever had the experience of having so many choices and options that it feels confusing? That energy has the potential of showing up this week. The remedy is to really tune in to what you want to create for your future and choose accordingly. 

🚤For the last several weeks you’ve been working on getting clear about what’s not serving you. Now you’re likely in the “planning” or “taking action” phase. You’re ready. 

🔑The energy for beginning your next chapter is available. Will you get in the flow and use this current to give you the hand you need? 

🍂Remember, as part of this energy, something needs to fall away to make space for these wonderful new opportunities. 

💥Expect the energy to feel like the pace is starting to rev up again. Things are as they need to be. Keep going, with intention and deep breaths. 

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