Some of these dolphins are sharks!🐬Weekly Reading, Energy, Potentials & Guidance for June 14-21
Jun 14, 2024
🔥The choice is yours and you’ve got multiple choices coming at you this week. Pause and get clear about the life you are trying to create going forward and choose accordingly. How do you want to feel?
👀 Pay attention! Your opportunity for abundance is practically knocking at your door between last week and this one! Plus, truths big and small are being revealed.
🤌🏼More choices! Choose your battles wisely this week. Does this “battle” or how you’re going about addressing it serve your ultimate purpose/intention we talked about above?
👓As part of this energy, people may be revealing their own true intentions/true character. Not everyone is for you and that’s ok. Some people show up for a reason or a season- it’s about being clear on who’s who. Your spirit team is trying to guide you through your intuition.
☎️Seek trustworthy guidance as needed as these new opportunities present, collaboration is strongly encouraged, but choose wisely on who you’re sharing details with, or teaming up with.
🐬As things become more clear over the course of this week (and continuing into the next few weeks) and you get clear about your own long term intentions, there’s a strong possibility some people or situations that are no longer a match for where you’re headed (at least temporarily) may step away. (Some of these dolphins are sharks!)
💡This change is ultimately a positive one for you but, for some, may feel messy in the midst. The guidance here is to be in integrity to yourself, choose your words carefully, respond not react.
🛑The caution is, don’t share the opportunities brewing with everyone or just anyone, choose wisely.
🪬Choices, choices and more choices! Eyes open, heart open, use your discernment, speak/share carefully and itentionally. Everything is working out for your highest good.
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