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Secrets of Sacred Geometry Revealed with Masters Gail and Gregory Hoag

Aug 19, 2024

Sacred Geometry is not only “the building blocks of the Universe” but can help you harness Law of Attraction to manifest, work with your Higher Self, receive intuition and so much more! You see versions of Sacred Geometry each day all around you and you may not even realize it, until now!

In this Deep Dive conversation with Gail & Gregory Haag, you will learn how EVERYTHING is connected through this sacred geometry, how it affects you personally and affects us as a human collective.

Here are just a few of the things you’ll learn in this episode:

What is the difference between consciousness and awareness?

Can you explain the example of the veery thrush bird being tapped into pure consciousness? What inhibits consciousness?

How does Sacred Geometry fit into the picture? What are some examples of sacred geometry we might see in everyday life? (hint: pineapples, turtles, and more)

Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrated through his work with speaking emotions into water how positive intent could be held by water to transform its purity. How does collective consciousness instruct what manifests on planet earth?

Learn about Dr Emoto’s work here:

What are some universal principles connected to Sacred Geometry you talk about in your book?

Do you have any personal practices centered around sacred geometry?

How are Sacred geometry and Law of Attraction connected and how can we use sacred geometry to transform our lives?

Show Notes: Gail and Gregory Hoag Bio With over four decades of dedicated expertise in the realm of Sacred Geometry, Gail and Gregory Hoag have pioneered groundbreaking technologies and new discoveries that have transformed the lives of tens of thousands across the globe with their teaching and tools. They have harnessed the power of divine archetypes to amplify higher dimensional energies and elevate the human experience, catalyzing personal and spiritual growth. The Hoags are well known speakers and teachers revealing how the universal patterns displayed in sacred geometry play a foundational role in the evolution of consciousness.

We are here today to discover the profound wisdom and innovation that have made Gail and Gregory Hoag esteemed leaders in the world of Sacred Geometry. Through their lifelong dedication, they continue to inspire and guide countless individuals towards a path of higher consciousness, well-being, and profound connection. Today, they will be revealing insights from their acclaimed new bestseller Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment.

Gail and Gregory Hoag’s website:

Facebook: @msSacredGeometryTools




Free Gift: Meditation with Universal Patterns of Sacred Geometry, Attunements, How to Connect to Higher Guidance, Pathways used by Spirit: @ule-meditation-thank-you/  

Water Experiments mentioned with Dr. Masaru Emoto:




Full Episode Transcript:

Hey beautiful soul Welcome to Spirit Speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni, Joyful Medium. I'm a working psychic medium, energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. So come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world is I chat insider style with profoundly different souls. We go deep share juicy stories laugh a lot and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips. You might even learn that you have some gifts of your own. So step inside the spirit speakeasy. Hey, beautiful soul welcome in to spirit speakeasy. Our guests today are Gail and Gregory Hoag. If you have ever wondered about sacred geometry, what it actually means isn't some kind of woowoo magic, it is not it essentially houses all of the secrets of the universe that we all want to know, including how to live our best lives, how to transform our lives. I had the joy and pleasure of reading Gail and Gregory's book which is called Sacred Geometry, The Universal Language of Divine Alignment and they are going to ask for so many of my questions. As you guys know, I often I'm like this waterfall of questions. I have been called to and dabbled in sacred geometry many times over the course of my spiritual journey here, but never to the extent that is explained and expressed in this book. I always felt like I was sort of missing something when I was dabbling with sacred geometry. But the way that Gail and Gregory go into unfolding all of this for us is so incredible and profound, and it makes it so accessible to everyone. So I'm so excited to share this conversation with Gail and Gregory Hoag. Hey, beautiful souls. Welcome back, or welcome in for another episode of spirit speakeasy. My guest today it's our first time having a dynamic duo of guests Gail and Gregory Hoag. With over four decades of dedicated expertise in the realm of sacred geometry, Gail and Gregory Hoag have pioneered groundbreaking technologies and discoveries that have transformed the lives of 10s of 1000s across the globe. With their teachings and tools. They've harnessed the power of Divine archetypes to amplify higher dimensional energies and elevate the human experience, catalyzing personal and spiritual growth. Those are well known speakers and teachers revealing how the universal patterns displayed in sacred geometry play a foundational role in the evolution of consciousness. We're here today to discover the profound wisdom and innovation that have made Gail and Gregory Hoag, esteemed leaders in the world of sacred geometry. Through their lifelong dedication, they continue to inspire and guide countless individuals towards the path of higher consciousness, wellbeing and profound connection. And today, we are so lucky because they're going to be revealing some of their insights and secrets from their acclaimed new best seller, Sacred Geometry, The Universal Language of Divine Alignment. Welcome in Gail and. Gregory,
oh, thank you for having us. Joy.
I am so excited to have you, I have to tell you, I loved your book, I can tell that it is a labor of love that you put into it. And really, for anyone that hasn't read it, I'm gonna link everything in the show notes. But you this is the most expansive, prolific description of sacred geometry that I've ever read where most works are scratching the surface, you really go so deep in under 300 pages. I don't know how you did. It
was a lot of work. For me. It was
a great editor, I'm sure Oh, my gosh, I can't even imagine.
And and the other thing is realizing that it's a pretty dense book. And there's only so much that people can take in at once. Yeah, and we want people to understand it. We want people, you know, not to get overwhelmed out of it. But actually, one of the things I love hearing is when folks will say, you know, in school, I just, I just hated math and science, you know, geometry was just not my deal. And when I got into your book, I thought, why didn't they teach it that way? Yeah. And I think that, you know, that's really an important thing to create. ate all the connections to what this is about, you know, what's the purpose behind it? How does it really? How does it speak to us and make our lives more understandable and better. And so we really worked to put out the information and also show people why it's important how it really adds value to their lives.
I think that's one of the really special elements of the way that you all wrote the book, and perhaps your editors put it together. And for anyone listening, there's pictures, which I found really helpful diagrams and explanations. So to your point, if you're someone that felt like, Oh, I didn't really like math or geometry in school, this is not that type of textbook, dry style. It really is. Yeah, it's really delicious in the way I actually was just thinking, like, I'm gonna have to read this book, again, just to really, more deeply absorb it. But all of the graphics that you show and all of the, like real life relatable examples are just wonderful. Oh,
thank you. Thank
you. Yes, thank you. And, you know, it's so important, it was important to us that we've been doing this for 40 years working with the way energy comes through, and vibrates with everything around us, and follows geometric patterns. So we've been using it and it was in the use of the tools that we've been building, that we started understanding what we were being guided to build, and how it related to everything else, it was not just one piece here, and another piece there that kind of showed up out of nowhere. But everything is tied together. Everything is related. And I think that's one of the more exciting parts of the book is that when you start understanding how there's so much perfection, being displayed in this entire universe, and we are part of that we are part of the perfection, we are part of that understanding. And if a plant and a bird, and some other rock here can all relate through some dynamic, oh, my God, we are also connected to the rock, the bird and the plant in very dynamic ways. So it's an exciting journey that I hope a lot of people start going into.
I hope so too. And some of the examples that you all give are so profound, but at the same time, pedestrian enough, I would love for you to share the example about the birds with the hurricane. I can't remember even the type that is it. Those greys are a different type of bird. Of course, that's what they're doing. Yes, the Thresh. Thank you. Will you share a little bit about that story just to kind of start to fold this for us? Well,
this is one of my favorite stories of what animals and plants, everything works together. And it does it so immaculately we often disregard things and just say, Oh, yes, that's instinct, you know, whatever. And yet, this little bird called the very thrush, that nests in northern New England and southern Canada, the scientists that were observing the very thrush, notice that some years they would leave earlier than others, literally abandoning their nesting sites. And so they thought, well, is this due to population or due to food scarcity? Or, you know, they tried all these different parameters. And what they finally discovered was that this little bird winters in South America, and it has to fly over the Gulf of Mexico, in that migration. So what would happen is, if our hurricane were to come in earlier, as barrel did to Texas this year, this little bird was able to time its departure, so it would avoid major hurricanes. And it did such an amazing job of discerning when to leave, and what the hurricane season was going to be like, it did a much better job than NASA, then all of our weather services together, haven't been able to predict hurricanes as well as this little bird. And what that pretends for us is that this little bird, all animals all, all life, it tunes into what it needs to end is served so completely by universal understanding, and that we, as human beings have that same opportunity. But it exists on a higher dimensional level. And that's what we are opening up to, and what we have been doing with building the tools we've been building for the last, you know, 40 years, we've been discovering these higher dimensions. And that's where the information comes from, for us to build what we build, and it's there for the, for this bird, and for the fish that needed and so on. And there are so many things in creation, that can tune in to the understanding of all that is, and this is what we're growing into. And, you know, in how channeling and bringing through information from even people that have recently passed, there's some bit of wisdom from that higher perspective, we can go even higher and higher into an understanding that oversees our lives in such a way that we don't take this characters personally anymore. And we're able to navigate life with a lot more love, and joy. And as Gail likes to say serendipity. Because the magic happens when we're operating from those higher levels,
which is so incredible, actually, you lead lovely, lovely into my next question. In the section of the book where we're talking about this very thrush, you also really make so clear and beautiful this idea of what is the difference between consciousness and awareness, which is sort of what you're tapping into here. Will you share a little bit about those differences? Because I think it's the I'm always complaining about language, and I think it's a little muddy in the waters. Right?
You know, consciousness is kind of like the big your, let me get over here a little bit.
No, you can you I'm back here. Oh, I
see. There you go. Okay, good. So consciousness is the container of everything. When we were putting out the information about sacred geometry, we decided that the first chapter in our book should be about consciousness, what is consciousness? Because consciousness is not separated from creation, consciousness is embodied in creation. It's the foundation of creation. And in fact, that consciousness is love. And that energy when you when we understand universe, and how spectacularly it's created, there is an energy that brings it through because everything starts out as energy, its frequency, vibration, whatever you want to say. But it's energy. And that energy isn't just some random abstract thing. It's consciousness. It is coherence. It is an intelligence, it's a creation, and that there's, you know, it's the spirit that is so essential and all of that. Now, when we think about awareness, awareness is really more attuned to what our brains and our perceptive capabilities in this body, lend to us. So our awareness is going to track more on what we can see, hear, touch, feel, those kinds of things, and think, and consciousness incorporates all of that, but it's it goes beyond it. It goes into the higher dimensions of who we are and into the essence of creation. And so that consciousness is so important for us to connect to now. And you know, one of the things that I love about our journey into sacred geometry is that, you know, there's a lot of people that you know, are walking around feeling very dis connected. Yeah, and connection is part of who we are, we aren't fully alive without connection. If we're not connected to soul, then basically, our body will die. And when we are connected to soul, that's where we thrive. So all of our work has really been predicated on helping people to not only strengthen, but in some cases, even establish that connection at a much higher degree than what they've been able to do up until now. And I believe, and I'm guessing that you're feeling this to the energies on this planet now are, they're pretty amazing. There's a lot of shift going on a lot of metamorphosis, and opportunity. And the more that we are connected and understand our grounding into this foundation, the better we are. And, you know, I wanted to also share that for me. I really can remember, as a little child, looking out at the stars at night, and wanting to understand, where, where do I belong? And all of this, how am I connected? What is my place in this incredible realm. And sacred geometry has been my way of being able to understand that. And it shows us in so many different ways. You know, sacred geometry isn't just about these beautiful pictures that people have that you can look at. Yeah, it's about the rhythms and patterns and cycles, and, and the very essence of creation, which is why it was so important for the ancients. They created their temples, their sacred spaces, based on these principles, because they wanted to bring something to humanity that would support them in those essential and divine connections. Well, that's
one of the things I loved so much about the book is not only do you give a lot of real world examples that we've either heard of, through history, or with different, you know, you talk about the Greeks with 108 pillars and but also you really break it down to the one through nine numerology of it all how that fits in, and what that means in relation to these various geometric shapes that are so sacred, but, you know, to Gregory's earlier point, are so much a part of just our everyday experience that we can easily overlook them. Will you talk a little bit more about how sacred geometry fits into this picture of overall connectedness into this higher consciousness of love?
Well, you know, it's so it's so
it's a big question. I know, it's a huge question.
And read the book, because it's in there. Yeah.
Every Let me ask it this way. What are some examples of of sacred geometry that people might recognize just from like, you give so many in the book? I love the pineapple one, because it's like, oh, yeah, we see this all the time. What are some ways that the average bear might have already experienced lots of sacred geometry in the world around?
Okay. And I also, let me just quickly say, and then I'll get into, but you know, when we were just talking about consciousness in sacred geometry, it, it is the, you know, it's the God's Spark, finding its way into the physical dimension.
And so maybe the expression of times, yes. Yes.
And, and how it expresses itself is in these absolutely magnificent patterns, and rhythms and cycles. And so the patterns that we see our, you know, everywhere around us in flowers and trees, and pineapples and turtle shells, and our bodies, the cells within our, our bodies, the way that the molecular structure is, is predicated, everything has an order. And so here we are, from this perspective. People sometimes feel like oh my gosh, we're in this crazy random universe. Yeah. And yet, when you get to another level of peeking into it, you see essentially, how that creative spark is so focused on being able to come in and create physicality, because here it is think about energy, raw pure energy, with no shape, no form from these higher dimensions. And then through this, you know, through this dynamic of love, is coming into this physical capacity. Yeah, and it's creating form, this form that we all are everything around us, the rocks, the trees, the way the clouds move, everything is within that. And so, you know, we tend to get, we spend more time focusing on our physical world, even though our physical world, the actual density is such a minor part of it. And yet, that's where we, we, you know, we put our attention into, but when we start putting our attention into what the majority of it is, that space, that, that, you know, that integrity of everything that is, it is so enormous. And so we are filled in our consciousness and our bodies, in our, our hearts were filled with that capability to touch into that. And, you know, that's what I think is really exciting. In sacred geometry, and Gregory is chomping at the bit, to say something to where
we have such a fun time going back and forth. We're
a dynamic duo, like I said, it
is. And,
you know, the exciting thing that I wanted to really share in our book is that the universe does follow these patterns, everything from atoms all the way through molecules to galaxies. And that that's the way that energy flows through these relational harmonics. So that even in different types of measure, like degrees, years and time, minutes, and seconds, and time, and miles in distances, like the diameters of the moon, the Earth and the Sun, there are harmonic relationships, where energy can flow. And that's really what we've been working with, in the tools that we build. And that's some of what well, I guess, in this crop that you can't see what's next to me. But bottom line, there are geometries that we build, and we put in dependence and work with certain frequencies and materials, because we want to create a resonance with the way universe works. And when we do that, we can bring that energy into our environment. And it shifts the way we think, the way we feel the way just as that very thrush was able to tune in. I mean, we need support in tuning in. And that's what some of the tools that we've built for people help them do it, it helps move them into a higher vibrational frequency that allows for a deeper connection to all that is, so you can start to understand how things come together, you can understand how to be in the right place at the right time, you get the aha was about what you should be doing with your body to help it be in better health. You get to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right person, the right thing. All the things that we sometimes struggle with in this lifetime, can be much easier in the way we execute them. If we're just coming from that place of connection internally, and there are so many things in our environment today. And that's another thing we talked about in the book. We spent a whole chapter saying, Well, this is consciousness. And this is what keeps us from exploring that vast consciousness is the things like the electromagnetic freak It sees the toxins in the environment, all the fears and the separation that we feel in the world today, and what's going on with the judgments and the stress. And that limits our abilities, It confines and pushes us into a small part of our being. No, just this little character that sometimes we don't realize, we are like an iceberg, where we have much more going on, on other levels that we can't see. But we can feel on a mental level we can feel on an emotional level. But those emotions, they exist around us, like in the auric field. And some people have the ability to see that. And that's moving to a higher dimensional perspective when they can see the colors in an aura. But bottom line, if we don't be careful with the amount of negativity that we put in there with all the worry, all the fear, all the stuff that's making us sad and angry, those fields hang out around us, and are so thick, it makes it difficult for that love to come through for that perspective of higher self to come through for that relationship. You know, we talk about this in the new age all the time, so that we are all connected. And yet to really feel that connection, to know that you and I are here to be in service to everyone. And that's what gives us the greatest joy and the greatest support. Because we are that full body. And we are just playing the part of one aspect of that party. Each of us has our unique parts. And that's what's so magical about being here, right now. You
do such a beautiful job in the book of use this analogy of the iceberg, right? I mean, there are many examples and, and food for thought there. But I think in the new age, like you were saying, a lot of what's out there is talking about how we're a soul having this physical experience, the way I understand it in my work is the greater part of our soul is actually outside of our physical body. And that's some of what you're illustrating in the book, but you really go deep into it. I want to come along to your tools and technologies in just a few minutes. Because through the book, what you also share woven throughout is that you both are artists in your own right. And it's some of how you started playing with this technology and experimenting with it. And I love that you also lean into other people's experiments and discoveries to help advance your own. In the book you talk about. We've talked about it here before. It's Doctor and motos demonstration through his work with water how those positive versus negative or challenged emotions can be held in water and can transform it actually, you give a few examples of this. But I think there's a great bridge from what you were just saying, Gregory, how does our collective consciousness instruct what manifests here in our experience.
And something that I also shared when I was talking about a modos work and for people listening who aren't familiar with his work, it's he found that by working with water, people could either use very positive emotions, like love and positive affirmation with water, and then he would freeze the water into ice crystals. And the higher the vibration of the emotion, love joy connection, he would find that the snowflakes would be more perfectly formed. And in cases where it was water that was out of the pipes of some city or it was with people putting negative thoughts into it fear and anger, he would find that it wouldn't form very good snowflakes at all. And the interesting thing I also thought is that, if our consciousness can create a perfect geometry, that that perfect geometry goes back the other way, and could also inform our consciousness and affect our consciousness. And so that's what we've been doing with our geometries. And saying, if the perfection of a geometry is a reflection of consciousness, it works both ways, both in the way, you know, he has shown us a moto has shown us that our thoughts make a difference. And if we spend time worrying, you know, just like the bad water vibes that you get, that's what your life is like. And if you instead, put a little more time into gratitude, into in your morning ritual, thank the universe, thank god thank creation, for your life and everything you've been given. And you put out those positive vibrations. That's what comes back. And, you know, we know this in the New Age community, and what people are thinking about today. And yet, sacred geometry really brings it into some very concrete forms, and showing how geometry is a reflection of this consciousness as well.
I would love for you to say more about that. Go ahead, Gale. Geometry
is really, it's the structure, it's what, what came first. And, you know, I always like to keep reminding people, let's go back to the origin, the origin is energy, its pattern, its frequency. And if you know, if you want to make change, it's easier to make change at that level than it is once it's gone through this whole pathway into the physical, because the physical is then really representing what has been, you know, what we're tapping into, on those higher dimensional levels on those frequency levels. So just like with the ice crystals, what, you know, what really shifts, the way they look, is that the frequency of whether it's joy and love, or whether it's fear, and sadness, are going to be vastly different. And then they show up into the physical realm. But the, but the place that we really want to come back to is, we can impact our lives based on understanding and utilizing the principles of universe, I mean, universe is giving us all of this. And so when we're in harmony with the construction of universe, and we understand the way energy flows, and the movements and all of that, then we can play with that, you know, just like a musical composition, it's not all going to be just one sound, you know, there's a variation of harmonics. But within that, you can still stay within a band of what creates positive outcomes. So if you go into a concert, where actually we were just at a concert the other day, and it was like this really loud, banging metal sounding really hard on my body kind of energy. That is one place that I kind of don't want to visit again for a while, as opposed to going into a concert, where the harmonies are beautiful, the sounds of the voices, or the violins or the piano or whatever, make my heart feel good, rather than the other way, which is like, I need to protect my heart. So we know all this, we feel all of this. And if we allow our awareness, to help us gravitate towards those things that the universe is, is offering to us that really support you know, healthy well being, then we're going to be in really great condition. And just like the very thrush when we're in harmony with the universe, we get all these different instructions. Now The question is, are we going to listen or not. And the very thrush isn't obstructed by all this other stuff, right? So it tunes in, it listens. And yet, there's a lot as Gregory was just saying, there's a lot that distracts us. And that's why we've been on our mission for the last 40 years, to create tools that are vibrating with these universal patterns, so that we can stay in harmony with that positive creative force. And it makes, it makes all the world of difference to be in that place.
I think there's such a fine balance to your point, we are trained, particularly in this last phase of time to focus on the physical the physical manifestation, and new age and your work teaches us that actually, it's these unseen layers of the iceberg, and it starts there. And by the time something's manifesting into the physical world, it's more of a symptom of what's happening than a root cause. For me, when I came across Dr. emotionals work, it's why it was so powerful, because it's this intangible, you know, speaking words of of love, and those higher vibrational emotions, and you can physically see the tangible result his work is out there, I'll link it in the show notes for everyone, just when I think it's such a powerful representation of what the book teaches. Now, you, you have alluded to it a little bit, you all have designed to these incredible their tools, and I know we call them technology, but their works of art is is the way I see it, anyone that's going to watch the video version, you'll see this beautiful geometric structure behind the hoax. And also these pendants that you're wearing are part of this beautiful technology, this artwork, I think it's part of the power of these tools is that it's a physical representation. So we can see it in the 3d world. And I think there's something about it. I know in the book you talk about I know these two are connected in my mind, you talk about earlier on in your work many years ago, that you were creating actual large, sacred geometric structures and meditating inside of them and having other people meditate inside of them. And then somehow along the journey, it has metamorphosis, I'm sure through the guidance that you've received being so connected in that, okay, we can, we don't have to everyone doesn't have to have a giant structure in their home to meditate in it can be condensed into these wearable pendants, for example, will you I feel like I have seven questions between here but will you will you share a little bit about how that jump happens or how this inspiration comes in for these technologies and how they work in real life?
There's a lot of questions there.
I know. And you should see the list I have on the side that you can't Okay,
let's try to cover some of these.
I was going to, I think there you can see, this is a close up of some of the pendant that we're wearing, it has two sides, because one side moves the energy down, and the other side moves the energy up through your body. And the patterns that are on it are actually what we found is that we can take a three dimensional form,
here, a star tetrahedron, and when you look at it, from one perspective, say the point it looks like a six pointed star. You look at it from the side, and you have a diamond in triangles. And then you look at it from another edge. And it changes the pattern. So we found that we can take three dimensional energy that comes through three dimensional forms and put it into a two dimensional pattern that we have in the pendants. And so working with these different geometries, we found you know, at first I liked to build big things because I wanted to sit inside them. But then, you know, it's nice to have that energy around you can be able to give someone a hug without having something you know on your chest that's going to poke them, you know,
better listening on the audio version, Greg's holding something that's a little bigger than The softball and it's this are geometric shapes. So yeah, you couldn't necessarily wear a giant softball on your chest, around in the world, I guess. But you
know, part of it is practical. Part of it is, you know, the way Spirit worked with us to is it, let us discover things, it's, it's just like you are someone who is a parent, you don't go up to your child who's coloring and say, Hey, let me do it for you, I do a better job. And you know, you let them do their coloring thing. And spirit has let us do our discovery thing. And yet, as we discover a little deeper about the energy, we find that, oh, we could make it smaller, we could make it this way, we could add this element. And it's the newest pendant. You know, we've gone through a number of pendants, but the newest one has a geometry on it, that we just had a friend working with us the other day. And this particular geometry is spherical, and it's very soft, it's very feminine, in its energy. And that's been part of the shift to the new pendants that we've designed, is working more with the divine feminine, because that's an aspect of creation, that we are moving into more and more. And it's something that is coming up in the world, you know, with women's rights and what's going on with so many things where people's attention is moving in that direction, because it is through the divine feminine, that we discover source that we discover that higher aspects of being. And so that was something that as we were getting ready to put out the new pendant, Gail said, I mean, she heard that we need to bring this aspect into our new pendant. And so that's the way it happens just step by step little by little, you know, we've had 40 years of 1000s of little steps. And you know, one thing leads to another you discover, science discovers holograms, and then we go, oh, that's the way the universe works, too. So it's almost like we discover something in science and then realize that this gives us a window to understanding how universe works. That if you have the hole, and you cut a small piece out of a hologram, it still has the whole picture in that small piece. It may be less defined, but it's still there. And, you know, that's something that Rumi shared hundreds and hundreds of years ago in one of his poems, that you are not the drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop. And if we start to understand that and embody that, that's what gives us access to all that is access to the entire ocean. We are not limited to the drop that we think defines our edges. We are much more when we are able to energetically move into that bigger space. That answered a few of those questions. I
love it. No, it's good. We missed so many I know. Well that we have more questions Gregory and Gail. So based on that and I love that Rumi quote it really helped me kind of opened my understanding when I first heard it the love to understand more about the micro and the macro of these healing pendants. So the micro being like for the individual, what does it do and then in the ocean, it's essentially you're harnessing all of the healing into kind of one drop of the sacred geometry and gemstones that are then in a wearable pendant. I feel I know I'm condensing that down to a very like Sesame Street Style painting here but we you explain a little bit about what can be gained from the sacred geometry pendants a little bit more about how they work. are the individual?
Yeah. So, you know, the the most important thing and so much of our tools are about this. And it's, it's about connection, how do we connect with those higher aspects of who we are? Yeah. And, you know, because we're not just wandering around in these beautiful places in nature, most of our lives, actually the way we live, we are, but most people aren't. There's a lot, a lot that distracts us, you know, we, we give ourselves certain labels, and we start trying to fit ourselves into certain boxes. And those limitations keep us from being fully human from being who we really are. And so, you know, the pendants, their purpose is to establish a divine connection. Because when we're connected, we have access to all that. Just the other day, I was doing a meditation with a friend. And I got this piece of information that kind of startled me. And it was that we have become addicted to certain frequencies. And like, for instance, the frequencies that are in our phones, and our computers, and, you know, we have so many of us that get sucked into, you know, hours of playing games, and social media and all this stuff. And so it's easy for our brains to think, oh, that's because it's so interesting. And we're looking for all this interesting stuff to do. And what I was hearing, and you can check it out with your resources to joy is that it's actually like, being addicted. Yeah. So whether it's the wiring in the walls, it's going off at certain cycles per second over and over again, that we get entrained into, or 5g That's bombarding us with certain elements of the electromagnetic spectrum. It not only gives us more than what we need a huge, you know, amount on our plate. But it actually obstructs us from being able to relate to the magnificent array of what's out there. There's so much you know, as much as you know, all these universal patterns, they have, you know, rhythm and cycle and pattern and all kinds of things so that things can be created over and over again. But everything is always a little bit different, right. And so those differences, those variations are so important. And the only way that we can really access all of that is by staying connected. So for instance, we have, one of the structures that we have, that people absolutely love is called the Five G solution. And what it really does is, you know, people when 5g, you know, after, you know, all these different things were coming through, to elevate our capability to connect with each other on the internet. And with our while that they, they give us great capability to connect on that level. But what they do is they're bombarding us with this, this pattern, this rhythm that so in training, that it keeps us from the vast array of what else we need. So people would say, Well, what can you what can we do to protect ourselves from it? And I would say, it's not about protection, protection is coming out of fear, right? What this is about is connection. Connection is strengthening who we are, it's strengthening our relationship, to our soul to Cosmos, to the God's Spirit, all of all of that. And when we are connected, then our access is absolutely phenomenal and unlimited. So that's really essentially what these pendants I strayed away from that for a while, but attendance and so many of the tools that we create, bring that connection back to us, so that we are not, we're not limited by all of those different aspects that are, you know, just like bombarding us all the time. And that's what we need. We need to be able to have access to the vastness of what's here for our well being and our creativity and our higher connections of evolving into being more fully human. Yeah, so
I wanted to say that it shifts our frequency then literally frequencies coming into his shift and the frequencies that come out of a shift. And it's very clear, with some people like a grandmother who told me that what she loved about the pendant was that her grandkids used to run away from her when she visited. And now they crawl all over. Wow, because they're attracted to that energy. I had prison guards tell me that prisoners, treat them better. Teachers say the students act better. Lawyers talk about clients arguing less when they have certain geometries running in the environment, because it shifts the frequency. And we don't realize that so many of the things going on in the world are creating an agitation for us, that make us uncomfortable, and we look around. And if you're the closest person sitting next to me, I go, must be your fault, that I'm feeling bad. And, you know, we do that with each other. But we don't realize it's just the whole field is creating something where we feel agitated. And when the vibrations of natural order that we have found come in from these forms, like antenna systems, then our frequency start shifting, we feel better, because it feels more natural, it feels like it does when you're sitting under a tree next to a stream, and the birds are singing and the wind is blowing. And you have that sense of connection, because that's the natural order of everything. And when we you know, slip into that natural order, it feels so good. And we can now do that, with the help of a pendant a tool that will shift the frequency coming into our body and shifts the frequency coming out of our body. So that then the world starts dancing in a different way to accommodate what we are putting out.
I really want to unpack this a little more, because that's that's back to mirroring the vibrational harmonics, the resonant harmonics that you were talking about earlier, right. And it sounds like these pendants because of the matching sacred geometry that is naturally around us are acting almost as tuning forks in a very basic sense. Again, so many questions. I do want to highlight those. So you gave some great examples of how you know someone wearing this is adding a more of maybe a balancing vibration to the space that they're in and it's affecting the other people's moods or behavior in that space. Where in here is the responsibility for like the individual's emotional work, for example, because with the prison guard, let's say, yes, there's a harmonics happening, that they're noticing a direct result in the way people are engaging with them. But is, is it? I mean, for me, I'm like, why? No, there's no magic pills here. So is it where that Matt guard is still responsible for kind of doing the emotional tuning on? Where they're placing their awareness? Are they placing it in the more loving part of the spectrum? Are they treating other people poorly? Because it's not going to override that? Is that am I understanding this? Right?
So that's a really good way of looking at it too, because that's one of the things you know, being in the human body. In this life, we have responsibility, right? And we're really here to, to learn, not just be at the mercy of all of this stuff. Yeah. And, and that actually is an important piece of it. Because oftentimes, when we're feeling very disconnected, we could be, you know, reacting. We're more at the mercy of things, rather than being empowered to actually interact with something where we're utilizing our capabilities, our our wisdom, our experience, our knowledge, you know, our, our compassion, and understanding. So, you know, something that I remember people talking to me about the pendant, there was just one psychologist that she said, What I love about this pendant, is that it allows me to be able to step back for a moment. Take a breath and be able to come back into the moment in a way where I'm engaging more of myself. So that's really the beauty of it, to engage more of ourselves, rather than the limitation of it. And when we're not, so in a place of feeling as if we have to battle what's going on around us, then we can be creative, we can draw on the, you know, our history, our wisdom, our relationships, whatever, and bring them into the moment in a much more positive way. And then evolution can actually take place in a more in a more appropriate way, rather than, you know, reacting. You know, it's like something, I loved the end. So love the work of Buckminster Fuller, he inspired me. And, you know, he was the amazing genius who created the geodesic dome and talked about synergy and lots about the tetrahedron, which is a three dimensional triangle, and how energy works with that. And he made a distinction between we're in a time where we are focused more on weaponry, and what we really need is living MRI. And so in order to really embody living MRI, then we need to be able to step back and not feel at the mercy of other things, not feel threatened, instead, connected. And in those connections, drawing in what we're capable of drawing in each and every moment. I
love that. And then it sounds like it's in the way you're explaining it, it's giving a little bit of I don't space is the best word I have for it, even though I know that's not quite right. So that the individual can then more intentionally, the way I say it in my work is set the frequency of their crown chakra to what they're wanting to experience. And it sounds like the pendant in a way can help to then magnify that out into the world. And that's how it's affecting either the classroom or on a more macro scale. Is that am I understanding that right?
Yes, to a certain extent, it's like when we started talking earlier on,
and when we can be in the screen.
Okay, where am I, when we started talking earlier on, yeah, about awareness, and about consciousness. And we talked about us being like an iceberg, where the 90% of us is unseen, unused. And we have so much information in universe that we can garner. But we have to take our awareness from just this physical dimension, take it to this bigger part of ourselves. And that can happen simultaneous to all the things that we're doing right now that we're talking back and forth, we're interacting with this world, but we can be coming from a little bit higher, broader, more loving, more inclusive perspective. And then we see the bigger picture, and then a bigger relational picture, and so on. And then we see ourselves in relationship to all of that, where we go, oh, I don't have to take myself so personally, because this is just a character in the play. Look, what joy is doing, look how she's doing things. And look how her friends and my friends and everyone. And so it's just allowing our awareness to be coming from a larger, more inclusive place. And the tools over time, you know, when you start working with these shifts and vibrations, maybe your mind is in an old habit of worrying about stuff, what that guy did to me 25 years ago, and I'm not going to forget it in maybe it's time to forget it. And maybe it's time to let the stuff that doesn't serve you go. And you can see that more easily. From a place that's a little more loving, a little bigger, where you're watching yourself, just the way you would a small child. We give directions to children so easily. But we don't take those directions very easily ourself. If a friend comes up to you and says, you know, you do this. You go, not me. You know, you can't tell me that. But you know We have to open ourselves up to a space, where we can see that we can recognize that aspect. And allow change to happen. Allow the frequencies to slowly if we keep showing up and it feels good. You know, pretty soon we're going to start focusing on what feels good. And let go of what doesn't feel good.
So then is this how sacred geometry starts to help us transform our what we're experiencing in this life, because, obviously, while maybe it's not obvious, if we if we have this whole iceberg happening, but we also are responsible currently for living in this 3d reality simultaneously, right, so these two things are happening. And I know a lot of people are focused on results in the world, and we all want to live a wonderful life, what you were just talking about with having more of that frequency of those higher levels of self? Am I understanding that piece, right, that this is how that this technology, the sacred geometry helps transform our lives. Absolutely.
You know, and what's really important, you know, there's a lot of people when we talk about, you know, how to create, you know, how to create your, your, your life, we're really more able to create on the higher realms first, through our, through our clarity, through our, our feelings, you know, when we have really, you know, passion, and positive emotion around something that's fueling what it is that we're putting out to the universe, you know, we're putting it out vibrationally. And, you know, think about it in terms of what we've been talking about, we're putting out something vibrationally. And the more coherent it is, the more we're fueling it with positive intention, and, you know, our love and passion and all that stuff, you know, it's helping it actually come together, crystallize into something that wants to come into the physical, that's the way that it all works. So, you know, it's, it's a beautiful way to think about how it impacts our lives, it helps us move out of that severe of stress, I mean, look, we all go through stress it, you know, things that go on in our lives, and what we see going on, outside of our lives, sometimes around us, it can create, you know, difficulty. Now, if we stay focused on that, then that's where the energy is going to go. You know, that's quantum physics tells us, you know, there's all this potential in the universe, which way are those those molecules going to get directed, it really is a matter of what we're focused on. And here's a real interesting experience. Just yesterday, we had a friend that came to visit us, and she's been going through some rough times from a major loss in her life, and had just gone through a healing session that just jarred her. And, you know, instead of getting into her space, what we did was, we accepted her with where she was in that moment. And then kind of like, brought her into another energy through, you know, for who we are the work that we do, the way that our, our home feels, yeah, and then we gave her this, this form, that's called the divine divine integrator. And it really helps she needed integration with what had been brought up in that session. And she sat with it, and held it, and meditated with it and held it in different places on her body. And her energy shifted radically. And she looked different, she breathed differently, she acted differently, she was able to move from that space, into a whole new space. And it was really profound to see this and these aren't isolated situations, we see this kind of thing all the time. Because you know, that energy that you know that sometimes we get sucked into, it's potent. And this is a way to move out of that. And not in a in a way that denies the value of what it was but instead helping us to integrate so that we can take responsibility for whatever it is that we've come here to learn. And then kind of take that moment, that breath and redirect it and to where we can really bring benefit.
It's really powerful and I feel like it's in those spaces those breaths The I personally experience the most, what I would identify as divine inspiration of when people are saying, What's my next step? Or what do i It's? Well, the answers are there, it's just can you create that space to receive them? Right?
Good point, it's about the reception. And that's one of the things with us moving into more of these feminine aspects that we're doing right now, you know, just universally and what we're, we've all been directed into with our work is, it's the reception part, you know, we're, we're away now from that place, we're moving out of power over. We are, you know, Dun dun dun with it, but it's still there. But really done with it, it's just still playing its little game. And what is replacing it is allowing, you know, compassion, allowing, being able to embrace a situation in a more conscious, compassionate and loving way. And so, you know, we need these aspects and tools that are embodying more of that feminine spirit of allowing.
I feel like it's one of the one of the many reasons why your work is so powerful, it's who doesn't, in their own lives and their family in their workplace, who doesn't need more of that cooperation that the Divine Feminine offers the receptivity, the connection, which is, which is the underpinning of all this work. Exactly,
beautifully said. And it really is the doorway into higher consciousness, as explained in the book, I mean, just simply with numbers, understanding one and two, and how to is this duality. And duality also offers us the opportunity for relationship for energy to flow between the separate components. And it's just such, such a beautiful universe really, that we live in. And it's our opportunity to be part of it, to be dancing with it, rather than trying to fight it, trying to overcome it, trying to do all the things that, you know, humankind does with nature, it's like we want to conquer it, rather than work with it. And that's, I think, the real difference we're wanting to share in this book. And
it's an incredible work I like I said, you share in the beginning of the book, the story of how you meet and through, kind of through Buckminster it's a beautiful story for anyone who, I hope everyone will read the book, but I see you as artists. And, you know, it's you're bringing all of these sacred tools and techniques through as artists in the world, which is really incredible. You do a lovely job in the book, like I was saying, there's plenty of pictures and you show pictures of these tools and technologies. And you also have beautiful artwork and illustrations and photos on your website. Will you tell everyone, I'll link it in the show notes, of course, but you tell everyone where to find you and where to find the book? Yeah,
our website is I connect to So it's the letter i The word connect the number two, and the word all a l And here's an offer for you. If you put after that backslash chapter, then we're offering a free chapter of our book, the first chapter on what is consciousness. So we'd love to have you come there. And then on our website, under the tab shop, you can explore the different tools that we've been creating. Over the years, there's lots of videos, YouTube videos, all kinds of information that we have. And if you want a digital download of the book, you can get that at Barnes and Noble or Amazon, our books are all there as well. But if you buy the book from us, you can get a signed copy of the paperback book. That's very
cool. You also have a free gift meditation, which I'm gonna link in the show notes with universal patterns of sacred geometry attunements how to connect with higher guidance, which is a beautiful offer. I'll link it in there. I highly recommend everyone checking that out. We
love doing guided meditations, they're, you know, they're basically short meditations. And we show how the geometries are really mesmerizing, engaging, relaxing, and allowing you to go into another space. So creating that, that beautiful field that supports you in your in in your unit. This
one, it's such a powerful and simple way to illustrate how this work, even though it's so profound, and there's a lot to it, it's so accessible to everyone. Everyone can listen to a guided meditation. Right. Thank you. Thank you. Well, shifting gears, I could talk to you guys all day. Because obviously, as you probably have already discerned, I have a million questions for you, especially after reading the book. It's like, okay, my, my little brain is working for like, you could see cartoon steam coming out of my head. We hear when we interview guests do something called the Spirit speed round. It's doesn't have to be speedy, but it's for fun and interesting questions. I would love to hear your perspectives and answers. Are you okay to dive into that?
You bet.
Exciting. The first question is, I think you might both have a different answer on this. So I'm excited to hear it. Will you share one thing that really shocked you? Or was unexpected about working with sacred geometry?
Ah, well, you know, I'll tell you the first time that when I met Gregory, and he was carrying around these these structures, these geometric structures that he had created. So this is, you know, close to 40 years ago, yeah. And he didn't really, totally know what he was carrying yet either. And so I just happen to put my hands over like some of the points and went, Wow, I can feel this, I could feel the energy coming off of these points off of these different structures. And so that, that really got my attention. And then the next thing I wanted to know is, well, wait, what are we going to do with this? How can? How can we actually do something wonderful and positive with it, then we started to find out how they were awesome for meditation and bringing in higher guidance and intuition and all that stuff. And that was, that was profound, because I had no idea that that's what I was getting into. I think that's,
that's gravely shocking to me when I came from a background of science and math. And that's what I studied in college. And then when I spent 10 years working with kind of ashrams spiritual pursuit, and then when I put these geometries together, when I started seeing them, and sharing them with people, I was really surprised when people would say, Yeah, I can feel energy. And I say, really? How about this one? And how about this when you really, I mean, because it was amazing to me that people were feeling energy, and that it's just a geometry. It's a form. And we don't think about these forms, sending out fields of energy. Now, I certainly do. But it took me a long time. To open up to that. It's, I
think, we don't really realize not everyone realizes you obviously do this connection between science and spiritual. And we think of them as these two entirely separate spheres. And they're so for me, that's my hope for the future is that there's going to continue to be visibly more connected or experientially more connected for all of us, along with art.
And, and science. Yeah, when we really bring all that together. It's going to be fabulous emergence, hope I'm still here.
And I loved doing art. And yet, I would say, Why should I paint a flower when a flower already exists? And it biodegrades. And it works with bees, and it smells good, as well. As you know, nature has it all worked out. So what can I create, that would be unique for a human being that would add something to the whole system, add energy to the play. And that's what led me toward this understanding of sacred geometry. This was something I could do as an artist that would have benefits and be unique, rather than trying to just duplicate what has already been done so well by nature. You know, build a better waterfall build a better tree, build a better flower. No, that's already pretty good.
Now more structural experiential art is kind of your I see. I see you more as a sculptor or a fresh structural or Artist, this is a bit of a different question. If you got to spend a day in the spirit world on the other side, or I guess in those higher levels of consciousness, you got the full tour, you got to spend time with everyone you've ever known who's crossed over, it's almost time for you to return to your life. And your guides tell you you have one hour left and you can spend it with anyone who's in non physical that you choose, who do you choose and why?
Well, that's an interesting one. You know, I,
I really loved
the experience with Buckminster Fuller, after he passed, and asked him to come to me and teach me and so I would probably go to him first. I had a feeling before I would leave, you know, I have to tell you just what's going through my consciousness right now is Buddha is just to sit in quiet and meditation with Buddha. Now I also love just you know, the idea of not the being Buddha, but the energy. The energy,
yeah, the consciousness, right? Consciousness Buddha. Yeah, that's beautiful answer.
I would love to build something with Leonardo da Vinci. Oh, that's good. We know, he's, and we saw an exhibit where they had a lot of his work. And it was really wonderful. And yet, there was a quotation of his, that struck me really deeply inside. And it was that he felt that God was displeased with him. Because his work didn't get out. far enough. People didn't understand what it was he was trying to share. So he took that personally, as as a mistake on his part. And so I think that's so important to realize, for each of us, that we do everything we can to share what we know and our love in our abilities. But not to feel personally slighted, or feel that we've done it wrong, or we've displeased God, because it hasn't taken the form that we feel it should. Because look at how many people have been inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, I think all of us and just in his lifetime, I mean, he struggled with his, his humaneness and the failings of being a human being. And so that's an important lesson for each of us to take to heart.
Wow, those are really profound answers. Thank you guys. Even though this is a total pivot, even though we have spiritual gifts, or we work in this field, we have very human lives. What is one quirky thing about you that people might be surprised to learn quirky thing? Well,
you know, I love now that it's summertime, I love getting up in the morning in my nightgown. We don't have people around us where we live out in, you know, the country, yesterday,
Apple photos of your home in the book too, by the way,
and going into the garden and picking, picking vegetables, picking sugar snaps, and eating right off the vine. And, you know, looking at all the beautiful growth that's happening picking it and thinking of now what am I going to do with it? I I just something about summer that's so special. I just really love doing that. I love it.
So, I like to play with everything outside and watch the animals and it's so it's like the very thrush. I love to watch all the different birds and animals we have. We have everything from I catch rattlesnakes, wow and move them away from the land I've caught probably 40 or 50 in the time we've lived here. Wow. So I catch things like that and i i Watch mountain lions and bear and bobcats and a lot of elk and deer and spiders. I like to help take care of snakes if they get caught in, in fence or take care of animals if they get caught on if worms get caught on the sidewalk. After rain, I always go around and pick them all up and put them someplace where they'll be. Okay. That's
beautiful. I love that answer. See great expressions of humaneness. Right? Will you each leave us with a pearl of wisdom, what's one piece of advice that you wish you had earlier in your understanding of sacred geometry?
Ah, I think the most important thing is go from your head to your heart, take it in here. You know, it's it's really fun to intellectualize it and to try to figure it out and all that stuff. And that's a part of it. However, take it in here and experience the essence of what it offers to you.
It's beautiful, I think one of the things I am constantly learning is what's happening now is perfectly perfect. And that timing is not something that can be figured out in the head. But it's something like part of the questioning that we had a little bit ago, it came down to allowing. So we have to allow the universe to do what it does with us, in the space of the perfect timing for everything. And not try to push the space. But to be happy with where we are right now, each moment. So if we can be totally present each moment, it'll be perfect.
That is a really important piece of wisdom. Well, I so appreciate you both. Being here. Again, the book is Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment. Of course, everything will be linked in the show notes. I just from the bottom of my heart, want to thank you for the work that you somehow condensed into that book, and the teaching that you continue to offer and all of the tools and beautiful representations of those tools that you are pushing out into the world. So thank you so much for sharing your time with me and for shining your light. Oh, thank you. Pleasure
and such beautiful questions. Thanks so much.
You're such a light. You're very sweet.
Thank you. Nice to be in your presence, or you as well.
What an incredible time I had in this conversation, I hope you guys could feel my excitement. And a lot of times I was just chomping at the bit to ask a follow up question. But even as I was thinking, the follow up question, they would often answer it. And it's funny because you can hear in the interview them saying like, Oh, I went off on a bit of a tangent there. And I'm laughing inside saying you Yeah, because you were answering the question I was thinking. So I love when things just get into that flow and feel so tuned in tapped in serendipitous, which is such a part of their work and so profound, what you guys didn't get to hear is after we ended the interview, we chatted for a few minutes waiting for the digital files to upload. And I sort of invited to their place in Colorado, because like they share in the book. And like we briefly touched on they have built these structures of sacred geometry, which are represented in some of the pendants and tools that they have, which again, be sure to check out their website, let me tell you what it is it's going to be linked in the show notes. It is I connect to all the number two. I'll link it in the show notes. But I'm so excited to continue to explore and investigate this work myself. If you are at all interested in sacred geometry, I highly recommend checking out their website and definitely the book, I read it and I plan to read it again, I probably will use it indefinitely as a resource. And as a touch point, you guys know that I don't just bring everyone in to share and to talk to you and Gail and Gregory literally have over four decades individually in this work. So we're getting more than 80 years of knowledge between the two of them. And we only scratched the surface today of what is expressed in the book. So that's my that's my review to check it out. And just the power that sacred geometry can can bring it's all around us in In Plain Sight, most of us have heard of it or seen it, even if we don't realize that we have like we were talking about, but they take it to this deep yet simple understanding of how it can profoundly affect each of us and how we can use it to transform our lives. So I hope that you enjoyed this conversation. I hope that you learned a little something and maybe got a little bit curious all it did for me besides making me so excited was making me more and more curious to learn more and more and to start integrating their work more and more into my practice. So I hope that it has done something of the same for you. I so appreciate Gail and Gregory for being here shining their light, they are truly luminaries of our time and for each of you for being here with me inside Spirit Speakeasy, Big hugs. Bye for now. I will talk to you soon.

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