Secret Self Hypnosis Hacks & Intuitive Dreaming Hacks with Celebrity Hypnotherapist Kimberly Friedmutter
Feb 20, 2023
This episode is full of wisdom like, several specific ways to receive answers in your dreams, how your subconscious and intuition are intertwined, self hypnosis hacks & "the big 5" negative emotions that block us, PLUS a mini exercise! World-renowned hypnotherapist and author Kimberly Friedmutter talks about her acclaimed book Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You've Always Wanted and why it's more of a "How-to manual for the mind" than any other self help (or as Kimberly calls them, "shelf help") book you've ever read. What a great conversation!
Some Key Ideas and Takeaways and their timestamps!
Intro to today’s episode. 0:01
Who is Kimberly? 2:40
How hypnosis helped her with stage fright. 4:39
How to use a tear sheet to receive impressions. 10:37
Blending clinical training and spiritual training. 14:04
The power of imagining a freedom. 20:20
The difference between the conscious and subconscious minds. 22:29
We are what we think and what we believe. 28:33
The significance of the hypnotherapy room. 31:54
What Is hypnotic trance? And asking questions of your dreams 38:20
Life is a loop not a line. 41:07
The power of a perspective shift. 48:04
The importance of staying light. 51:41
Show Notes:
Kimberly Friedmutter is a globally acclaimed hypnotherapist and best selling author of Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You've Always Wanted:
She is on the UCLA Health System Board and a former radio host on the Howard Stern station in Los Angeles. You have seen her on The Doctors, Dr. Oz, in Oprah Magazine as well as CNN, CNBC, FOX, NBC, ABC, TLC and HBO. She is often featured in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, People Magazine and many more publications. Kimberly is the Hollywood elite go-to hypnotist for elevated performance in every form of entertainment including professional sports. She works with professionals of all types including CEO's, politicians, titans of industry and anyone 'expecting the exceptional' in both personal and business matters.
IG: @kimfriedmutter
Link to the book:
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Hey beautiful soul Welcome to spirits speakeasy I'm Joy Giovanni joyful medium. I'm a working psychic medium energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time so come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world is I chat insider style with profoundly different souls we go deep share juicy stories laugh a lot and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips you might even learn that you have some gifts of your own so step inside the spirit speakeasy
Hey, beautiful soul I am Joy Giovanni, joyful medium and today's episode, we are going to be having a very special guest, Kimberly freed mutter. We're going to talk all about her book, subconscious power, use your inner mind to create the life you've always wanted. Now she is high level board certified clinical hypnotherapist. Her accolades are off the charts. So when I get into her bio, you're gonna be really shocked. She's pretty amazing. But she is so generous and goes into these tips with us for self hypnosis and how we can start working with ourselves right away and gives us a little gem even in this episode, these self hypnotic Hacks is what she calls them so you're not going to want to miss that I really dive in as you would expect and ask lots of questions about hypnosis and about her journey with hypnosis. And really this book serves as a guidebook a tool book for helping us to shift anything in our lives that we want to really just like the book says subconscious power. Use your inner mind to create the life you've always wanted. Who doesn't want to create the life they've always wanted? I certainly do. I am so excited to share this conversation with you. Join me now inside the Spirit speak. Hey beautiful soul Welcome to spirit speakeasy. Whether it is your first time or you are an old friend. You are not going to win. Want to miss today's conversation. My guest today is Kimberly freed. Mutter Kimberly's a globally acclaimed hypnotherapist and best selling author. Her book is conscious power, use your inner mind to create the life you've always wanted. She is on the UCLA Health System Board and a former radio host on The Howard Stern station in Los Angeles. You may have seen her on the doctors or Dr. Oz, maybe in Oprah Magazine on CNN, CNBC Fox, NBC, ABC TLC HBO, she is often featured in Forbes magazine, The Wall Street Journal, People Magazine and so many more publications in places. Kimberly is also the Hollywood elite go to hypnotherapist for elevated performance in every form of entertainment, including professional sports. She works with professionals of all types, including CEOs, politicians, and any titan of industry. Anyone expecting the exceptional in both personal and business matters. Help me welcome Kimberly fried butter. Welcome to the show.
Thanks, I appreciate that was long winded but I liked it. Oh my goodness, but
you just have this deep wealth of practice in this field. And I love this book. I'm so excited to dive in. Because you really have taken all of these years of practice and boiled it down to a system. How did you put this all together?
Well, with the lovely people at Simon and Schuster, they were so helpful. They were the pros. And they were amazing at really, like you said condensing it down. And it's a funny thing because our subconscious is really responsible for everything about us, like all the good touchy feely stuff. So like our emotions and our memories and our spirit, all of the all of like the best part of us really the way I see it. And so they were great at being able to condense it because like how do you take the whole human being through their whole entire life and all of their thoughts and belief systems and value systems and morality, and spirit and soul and how do you put that into pages? That was the big dilemma. So it wasn't a dilemma for them. But for me I was completely overwhelmed. So they took it and they mastered it and it really is this beautiful curation of what makes us us is I guess the best explanation for that.
It's so incredible the way that you organize it in to these very easy to do chunks that anyone can digest and apply. Before we dive into it, though, I just want to ask you, you do go into this a bit in the book, but you actually came into hypnotherapy through your own personal journey and experience with it. That's right.
I was very needy, and I needed hypnosis. I didn't know it. I was I had just been lucky enough to get the show on the Howard Stern station in Los Angeles, which is Kala 690 7.1 FM. It was at the time, the only FM talk station, you know, back in the day when there weren't that many. But Howard was our leading show. And I got stage fright. And so it was funny because I'd had this fairly illustrious modeling career, and acting and all that kind of thing and writing and so I wasn't new to the camera, but I was new to 8 million people listening to every single word right? So I sought out hypnosis to help me with that, what I would consider completely debilitating fear with being heard, you know, by that many people and
your job is to talk stage is
the first thing I did when I wrote my when I got the show was I wrote my dad and I said, See that, you know, the teachers all needs to control talking, you know, in your school, and all the bad marks I get needs to control talk to me, and I was like, See, now they're paying me to talk to ads. But anyway, it did translate into this fear of being heard. And so with hypnosis, it works so easily. Like, literally, I thought I had just taken a nap. And I woke up so refreshed, like even better than sleep. You know, it was like really like, met asleep. altruistically. Yeah. And then I came to the hypnotherapist with a list of I don't know, 50 things that didn't work on. I said, Please put me out. Here's my list, go to town, you know. And after that, just because it was such such a beautiful experience. It was easy. And in fact, one of my mottos now is what if it's easy, because it is that easy? Yeah, it was really beautiful. It took a lot of the it took a lot of the angst out of just traditional hypnotherapy, which of course, there's a place for cognitive behavioral therapy and all of that. But that's not what I do. So I chose this form, because I was I was mystified by it. And I was also magically transformed from it. So with that, I thought this is for me.
That's amazing. Were you finding some results for the stage? Right, that piece of it after the very first session?
Yes. And that I only had one session for that one, I was like, let's move on. That was the beauty of it. Yeah. Because, you know, the part of us that absorbs that information and changes habits and fears. And all of that is really a beautiful part. And it's a listener, you know, I refer to that part of this as our inner eight year old in the book. Yeah. And I love that precious little part of us, because it's like our interior stenographer. It's constantly, like, if you were, if you wonder what your dreams are, you know, there's a lot of science behind the fact that the dreams are that part of that stenographer, taking notes, you know, all day long, and discarding later, while you're sleeping. And the things that are no longer necessary are not relevant to your life right now. And among so many other things, you know, when we're sleeping, that's when I imagined the cruise, you know, they whistled them in income, the cruise for cellular repair, and immunity building, and all of these amazing things, but also really nurturing that subconscious mind, you know, you can't go in and do surgery on your spirit or on your soul or in your subconscious, which is fascinating, because you can kind of mechanically work on anything in the body and a lot of things in the brain. But the ever elusive beautiful subconscious, and spirit and soul are that special that can't be worked on like that, you know, you really have to interior do the work?
Well, in it. It's so as you talk highly about in the book, it's so intertwined with the emotions with our experiences with what we did use those experiences down to mean as that inner eight year old in the subconscious, right,
exactly, exactly. You did good.
I did. It was fascinating. And I just, I'm a gal who loves some action steps and some processes. And I really believe that, you know, part of our role as inspires, if you will, is to empower others to be able to use these tools and in a way that you already alluded to it taking these big concepts, these big themes, these universal truths that we know to be true. We know deep inside of us somewhere that there's more than just this day to day, you know busyness conscious Yeah, exactly. Just this conscious state. For you. I was so curious as I read that whole segment about the inner eight year old and that you know, representation of the subconscious how How do you view intuition and subconscious differently and the same,
I view them as the same now that use because they are basically the subconscious, but the use of your intuition, I go into pretty detail because I love it. If you want your life easy Listen to your intuition. So it was interesting because, you know, the intuition can show in many ways, it's that little feeling that we've all had, you know, did you turn off the oven Did you Shut the garage door, and all those things, but also like finding lost objects and things that are for the future, which is really compelling. So it's not, it's not really time travel or psychic energy or whatever. But it kind of is, there's a little exercise that I do, that's lots of fun when I give speaking engagements, and I take an envelope, and I put a Tear Sheet inside of an object, so it could have like a picture of a vehicle or a avocado or tomato or anything, right? So or predominant shape, let's say in size, like a plum tree or something, right. So I have people pick from a number of envelopes, I just have them choose one, I have them, hold it close to them and just connect with it. And then they and then I have them draw on it, just whatever comes to mind. And of course, you can't try to do an exercise like this, you just have to like let it happen. Yeah, and sure enough, more times than not, when we and seal the envelope, we open up the Tear Sheet, that item, something very similar to that is on the Tear Sheet. Now, it shows us that our that we can receive impressions from things that we don't or visuals that we don't have access to, which is also in a developer, you probably had guests that have talked about this in the past, but it's also a form of remote viewing. So if your intuition and your gut can produce a drawing on an envelope of something that you haven't seen inside, and it can have relevancy to match or sometimes be identical, there was a gal if I may, just to further that thought along, there was a gal in one of the speaking engagements and she ran up to me and she said, Oh my gosh, look at this, look at this, you know, because usually when it's really close, it's it's kind of freaky. To the normal person doing this, I've seen it seen as being absolutely shocking. Yeah. And so when you see how the subconscious mind works, so she brings me the envelope, and she says, look, look, and she had written the word MI, M E on the outside. And then she ripped open the Tear Sheet. And it's a piece of like a slice of watermelon. And I said, How is this relevant, she said, My last name is fruit. So on the outside, she wrote me and it was these fruit. And then there's, there was a woman who it was a Vogue cover, and it was folded up. And on the Vogue cover it was a beautiful hat with red feathers that were just going like this. And this wave would look like hair. And she had drawn red hair on the outside. But when she handed me the envelope, she said, I know I did it just because you have red hair because I was on stage at the time of fine. And I said I don't know, maybe not. Let's open up and see. And sure enough, it was at the Vogue cover of the red feathers that look like hair on a hat. It was fascinating with the brand new.
It is I actually do a kind of similar version of this exercise, which is really funny when I'm helping people understand that we all are experiencing or the way I say it is we know more than we think we know. way smarter. Yes, exactly. I do it where it's, it's in a bag. And so it's if you can guess the approximate size of something. And I did the last one I did. I think one of the things in the bag was a canister of like ice cream sprinkles, rainbow sprinkles. And it was fun because someone had said, like I just have them almost move their energy. Like they're blending into the bag and just write any impressions they get even if it seems to make no sense. And she had written rainbow she had written summer time she had written excitement. Yeah. So it is such it's such an amazing part of us that you know, and you're clinically trained. So that's why I'm so excited to hear your perspective on all this. Thank you. So let's talk a little bit about that clinical training and how you have because I've seen a little bit of your work through videos and through some of your television appearances and I have to tell you, I know hypnotherapists and I think it's a beautiful modality for healing and understanding ourselves but you your methodology is there's something magical about it. There's something that also brings in the spiritual element. So I'd love for you to share how you blended the two as an your unique expression.
Well thank you for noticing first of all I'm I'm very blessed and lucky to have the two you know clinically you can understand everything and then you know is the artist within that really can bring that forward, you know, and that's what you develop a practice around. And so I became very interested in high performing problems. So people that were, you know, really at the top of their game and every form and fashion, and then they're just still not happy, or they are experiencing low energy or malaise or something like that. And because the investigator in me really loves to go in and noodle around and see exactly what that is, I started hosting like five day programs for clients, and they'll come in for five days straight, and I see them somewhere between four and six, maybe seven hours a day, and we just get it done, I have to make a wish list. And usually people come with one presenting issue, you know, I want to be happier, or, you know, I'm tripping up on one thing. And usually, it's a major thing made of 100 little small parts. And so I feel like my work is best served, and best in service to those that come by really starting to investigate down what it is. And that turns out to be my secret sauce like, evidently, because in five days, whatever it is, it can be addiction, it can be anything, you know, people are up and out and shiny and the halos all adjusted, debt free, and it's all looking good. But yeah, it really is. And, you know, it's just like anything else you can textbook know it, but how do you really apply it into practice? And then time after time after time? Individual, you know, to individual, it's pretty fascinating. I just,
yeah, and you you've worked and helped people across so many different walks of life, so many different professional careers and experiences. Do you feel like it's the same tools apply just in a slightly different way, case by case basis? Or is it pretty much the same across the board?
It's it's definitely a case by case I mean, there are no two alike. And there are even really no two similar, if I can go that far. Because it's you know, it's as different as imagine that you spend a lifetime or you know, the majority of a lifetime building a problem. And not really knowing. And so it can range from health issues all the way to, you know, neck up, it can just be so one of the things that I really focus on initially is disconnecting anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt. That's the the end, I laugh and make jokes that by the time I get to guilt, like sometimes men don't really have that one. make jokes about it all the time. Don't panic if you don't have guilt, because by the time we get to guilt, it's miraculously, like erased from the database is really
watching where the anger, fear and sadness, I would assume that you don't just kind of slide through. Yeah,
but not necessarily for females, you know, if we wanted to make it gender specific, which everything has its crossovers, but it's very interesting, because you look at it, and you just think, Wow, this is like, that's one pretty strong truth throughout individuals. But it's the whole thing is so fascinating. And then, you know, of course, you're really getting into the minutiae and into limited decisions, you know, when did you decide to create this? When did you decide to feel that way, you know, really start to go, but it's amazing how resilient the psyche is, and, you know, between neuroplasticity, and all of the things that we're so gifted to have this magical, amazing machinery called brain, it's really remarkable how the brain just is so resilient, and how it just pops into shape, you know, right back, right back to where it started, when it wants to be happy. And when you're seeking, you know, real real alignment, not just, you know, oh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. Not buoyancy, but like real true alignment.
Well, that's one of my favorite things about this work is it's not a quick fix that is then going to be something that will be you know, that yo yo effect that we so often experience when we're trying to change a habit, for example, I love that it's so is that one of the connectors that you find no matter what the wish list is that someone's bringing in to you is that is it that underlying guilt, shame, sadness, and what was the other
anger, sadness, fear and guilt. It's like it you know, when you when you go see, like the Big Five people talk about in Africa, the big five animals to go see and take photos of right, these are the big five negative emotions. But what happens is, if you can imagine, like the way I describe it, as I say, if you took like the bottom of your hair, and you imagine that there was a tiny little weight on the bottom of each hair, you know, that hair specific, it wouldn't really matter, right? It's tiny little weight on the end of that hair, but when you add a whole head full, and you have all of that weight on you, it's literally like lifting that weight off the psyche. And what's magical about it is you come to this point where you realize just basic simple truths of human nature that most people are doing the best they can at any given time with what they have. And when you come to that level of peace and acceptance and forgiveness, you know, it's not writing letters, and it's not doing any of that not to knock that at all. But this is different this is interior work that you're resolving conflict with whatever that is, or whatever, whoever that is, you know, whatever, whoever, wherever, and why ever. And so we go through all of that. And like, literally, you just feel so good. You feel like I imagine you felt when you were a kid, and then you felt carefree. Although I don't really remember that feeling so much. It's my childhood. But I imagined that I mean, I believe it's how you feel when you feel like that, you know, if you were blessed enough to feel like that as a child.
Yeah, exactly. And I don't know if, who knows if who of us had that. But like you said, imagine that it would be a freedom. Yeah. And if you couldn't, if you weren't looking at something through the framework of anticipating a limitation, you just were open to experiencing and, and moving forward.
Right? Because it's almost like it's just gone. Actually, it's not almost like it is it is just gone. It just you don't feel it anymore. It's literally like you sprouted wings feels really good. In fact, I needed to make note to self go and do a little cleanup on aisle four for myself. I'm ready to feel that again.
Yeah, I bet. And is it something that like you're saying, Now, is it something that you revisit to kind of have get that refresh or that renewal? You only bet I
do you bet I do. You know, I get lost in my own way, like everyone else too. And when I do hence, earlier today, this essay, is I think, oh my gosh, I need to go back and I need to really do that I need to go back and say you know, when was the root cause the first time which when disconnected with causes anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt to disappear. Knowing that I just need my mind to take me back to a place in time eyes closed, that I can that I that pops up for resolution because the the mind is so fantastic. It literally hands the information to you, it just brings it forward feels like your imagination. It's literally just this gift box being delivered to you, hey, this is what it is. And so then we open it, we look at it, we find the compassion, and we find the beauty in it. And then we're able to disconnect that negative emotion or association with it. And then that's where you start to feel your buoyancy.
That's amazing. So someone coming in, obviously might know their wish list items that they're trying to heal or work on within themselves, but they probably don't know, the initial trigger, they might think they know or they might have investigated it through other tools. But this is really whittling down.
Right. And even when you think you know, chances are it's not bad. Because information coming through the conscious mind is very different than information coming through the subconscious mind. Now I can look at someone who's experiencing health issues. And you know, say, What would you think if you did think I know you don't know. But if you did know, what would this be attributed to, you know what thought processes or whatever. And usually the mind just goes right to it's fascinating. People say, you know, we know ourselves the best. And we're most of the time, our own favorite subject and our most certainly our most learned subject, whether consciously or subconscious, because your subconscious mind has your historical data everywhere. And so that's accessing it consciously, we can be wrong about things. Like for example, there was one gentleman who I did the envelope exercise with. And he drew the picture of a dog's face on the outside, that's very cute dog's face on the outside of the envelope. And he said, Oh, I drew a dog because we're a dog sitting for some people this weekend, and this and that. And I said, Well, just a minute, you know, maybe maybe not right. But his conscious mind was sure that he knew why. But when we open the envelope, it was a dog food ad. And so his subconscious was way more intuitive, intuitive, you know, to the the concrete information inside rather than just the supposed why he did it consciously. So things like that. So I always am skeptical of the conscious mind, you know, when it when it jumps into, because logic mind, aka conscious mind will go in to absorb some of the information. Like let's just say that you get a negative feeling about someone when you meet them. We do that sometimes we do that. And the conscious mind might jump in and say oh my gosh, well don't you know, don't do that, or you know, don't judge it or don't whatever, because you know, we need to be PC. And while this is true, there actually was an amazing book that I do reference in my book a lot and that's the gift of fear by Gavin de Becker. And he opens with that very first example of, you know, the first intuitive hit it is, you know, listen to it, follow it, because that logic mind comes into soften it. But that might not be the truth of it.
Well, and that logic mind is often I don't know if you'll agree often operating from some sort of fear based previously decided filter.
Yes, yes, exactly.
Wow, that's amazing. So if someone is trying to create a habit, for example of learning to listen more, I guess more into podcasts
to that
podcast to all the wonderful things to audiobooks to that intuition that they get that first bit of intuition, is there a way to start creating that habit of of listening to that first rising feeling?
Thank you for asking, I trust it and live a week by it. So take a week, five days, seven days, whatever you have that and trust it and do it and see if your weekends, more joyful, or worse, which it Well, I'm here to tell you, it'll be it'll be the nicest week you had, if you follow that. You follow the gut and see how easy because my whole premise was literally when I was approached to write the book, My My thing was, I cannot possibly give people and busy moms and busy you know, people in business and careers one more thing to do. Yeah, not interested in it, what I call shelf help books, is interested in something that can really be utilized day to day more like a handbook more like a guide, a Bible of the mind, if you will, and so that that was my mission. And so within that, finding great parking spaces, finding lost objects, how to run your relationships, knowing who's in your inner circle, your mid circle, your outer circle, all of these things that you can use for life, it's not for now, it's not for later, it's for all time. So you're there truisms, you know, it's really true things that you'll carry with you that your mind just does and won't stop doing. Well, and I
love the way you explained it as kind of a manual because when I was reading through it, that's exactly what I thought this is. It's like, Oh, my goodness, this is one of the fundamental, you know, we're always complaining and teasing that we don't come in with a guidebook or with an instruction manual. I feel like this is one of the basic, you know, Encyclopedia of instruction manuals. so helpful. Yeah. Do you create these little fears, these little things that we attach to through those younger years that then become part of that subconscious limitation? So yes, really, then the know that we Sorry, we don't even have to understand it, to use these tools to strip it back and
route, right, even the health and well being of your parents or your siblings, like things like that, that, you know, you would think, Oh, I'm just witnessing this through life, but we do attach to it. And then we think, Oh, is that me, you know, a lot of people I see there, they start to approach a time and date when they might have lost a parent. And they want to make sure that they're, you know, all cleaned up and operating at full speed ahead as efficiently and ecologically as they can. Because they do have this deep seated fear. Do I have the DNA of dad or mom, you know, brother, sister, and uncle. So you can see that? I mean, there are a lot of things, you know, people say, Oh, I've had such a bumpy road, and it might just be a bump in the road. It might not have been a bumpy road at all, you know, but it's translated into, oh, my gosh, are we going to crash? So? And to that, I say, cancel, cancel, that's on page 86. Just kidding. There's all kinds of things.
And I love it. I love the cancel thing. Well, it's you have a quote, and it says we are what we think so whenever we affirm would be similar along those lines, what you're what you've been talking about just now, is this, what you refer to as the condensers.
Yes, so convincers, right. And so I like positive convincers, obviously. And so when you like, for example, the week that you take that you follow your intuition, and you see how that week goes, those are your convincers, every single time that something goes the way, you know, you intuited that it would go, that's your condenser. And of course, there's negative convincers too, and we have a lot of that, like, don't practice anything badly, you know, learn how to do it, right, and then practice it that way. Otherwise, you have this poor, I play golf. And so golf is, you know, very, very known for just going out to the rain to just hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting. But if you're practicing wrong, you're convincing yourself that you can't do it, or you're really not mindful about it. You know, Golf is a game from the neck up, and I'm way better at the sport because I use my neck up, I use less of my body and more of my mind, and I'm way better at it than I have any right to be by how little I play and how little I practice. But the point of that is and it just shows us again that we you think a thought and that thought begins to think and so what is it you know, what are you thinking? That then starts to lay out in front of you as what we at the end of our life call our life?
Yeah, that's right. The amazing and you also as part of the tools, you have a lot of tools and techniques and strategies in this book, I just want to touch back into that one week trial, for testing your intuition or testing something new, I love that empowerment of, you know, just try it get collect some data. And I feel like that's what you're saying, if I'm correct about the convincers is it's these data points that we're constantly collecting. And we can use them to affirm something, we're wanting to create a feeling we're wanting a life or wanting to live, or we can use them to prove to ourselves, the opposite
exactly every day is another either in this bucket, or that bucket, another little morsel that you're taking with you either I can do it, or I can't do it. And again, you know, my motto of what if it's easy, and then the other motto I have is expect the exceptional if something is not working, get the book, read the book, or listen to the book, or do whatever you have to do. Because it's so you don't have to live like that you just don't everything is adjustable. Even health, you know, mindset does set the path for every single thing we do, you know, the body trying to get our attention in different ways. And, you know, even like little things like when you're not feeling well, you know, what is that about what happened that day to trigger that response, you know, even just in again, malaise or depression or all of that it's it's so fixable, the further we go down that rabbit hole to have not feeling well and and that cycles into this and that and accidents or whatever, you're you're literally being shown in the physical form in this body that we came into this planetary experience with, you're being shown that something isn't working, you know, if it was a vehicle, we'd run it over to the shop, and we'd have someone run diagnostics on it. Right. So it's so important because the IT room is right, you know, six square inches between your ears. Yeah, pretty easy to find.
Yeah. Do you feel like with hypnotherapy? I mean, because you practice clinical hypnotherapy? Obviously, you're clinically trained? Is it sort of dissecting in there as part of the process to find out? Is this a purely physical? Cause? Is this for health, per se? Is this an emotional, you know, component that's adding to this? Does that all bubble up as part of the sessions? The treatment?
Yes, because even if, let's say that mechanically, something is wearing out, you know, why you and why not everybody? At your age, and your demographic, and your all of these things? I do believe that thought controls everything. Yeah, I mean, that's, that is 100%. My belief, I know that there's outside influences, of course, but what makes you vulnerable to that at that moment, and I also like causation, I like to put everything like every being at cause for something over the effect of something that's a very powerful position to be in, because we are, if we feel at the effect, then we don't feel empowered to do anything about it, especially when it's our own cells causing our own sales. I mean, really, you know, there's a lot of that. And so if I say, how did we cause this? What did we do to cause it? And people are like, wait a minute, but didn't cause that that guy hit me from back there? Or whatever on a car. But if we put ourselves at it, how did we attract it? How can we not attract it? Are we set now where that's what we're doing? You know, it's all kind of habitual patterns of thought, from my one, I
love that. Yeah, I love that you go into that in the book too, because I feel like with all of the self help books that are out there, the shelf help books, if you will. So often we're seeing this framed in more of a victim blaming, kind of a way instead of a taking accountability and shifting perspective, way. Do you know what I mean? So I love the way that you do it, because you position it as more of a way to step into ownership of a situation and less of a way to, you know, victimized further. So it's useful the way you pose it,
right? Simply only because that's the way you can change it. You can't shift someone else's behavior, right? You know, that if you're feeling victimized, but you can shift your own and that's all we can do is shift around. So if we shift our own, then the reaction to that shifts. So how do we shift people's behavior by shifting our own behavior? So it all goes back to you always, I mean, there is no there is no blaming.
Yeah, and it's it is I mean, I think it's it's so fascinating to me, because I'm a medium and so it's interesting to me I teach healers and and I teach regular people how to tap into their intuition. and see signs from the universe and all the things. So it's fascinating cuz I feel like there's such an overlap in our work even though it's so vastly different and we're trained so differently. It's it's just fascinating to me how it comes down to these core truths that we know what didn't work go ahead and more ability to change than we think.
Right and what it is, you're so much fun to talk to you first of all, thank you. I just keep jumping in. I'm like, Oh my gosh, oh, my gosh, I never really have this much to say. But what I'll say to that is that perspective is like, like, if you said, boil everything down into one word, what would you say? Maybe you were gonna say that, I'm sorry. jump the gun. But if you said boil everything down into one thing, I would say that shift in perspective, because you were reminding me that when you're saying, you know, from the universal perspective, and, and all that is that, like, literally, there's a there's a hypnotherapy protocol that I do about being the university or the university universe is inside of you. And what I do is I take people up to the galaxies, the metaverse, the Uber verse, all those places, so that everything else here on planet Earth is very, very small and tiny. And then one of the neat things about it is that when I finally bring them back to being in the chair, being in the room, being in the office, that they're still part of space, so we still are hitching a ride, if you will, on this host planet. Thank you mother earth, we're hitching a ride on her back. So like, right now we are in space, I happen to have a box around me, you know, called Office, but we are hitching a ride in space right now. And we can see that when it's nighttime, because we look out and of course, it's dark. And so we're on the edge of that like non stop. We're really just not in this house. And so when you look at perspective like that, and then you present the problem again, in that framework, people are like, Oh, my gosh, this is like, I'm good. Now. I really get it. I get Yeah, I get the perspective shift of that. It's fascinating. Because wherever
you're listening, oh, sorry, you really do go into this even deeper in the book when you talk about the big picture of it. All right,
yes. And so you do have to extricate yourself out of the monofocal kind of focus of what you're looking at, that's got you upset or got you twisted or got you anxious or angry. Whatever that feeling is, is that when you draw back perspective, then all of a sudden, everything shifts, it's really beautiful. So I would say like, that's the that's the one thing that if you're in search of anything, change your perspective.
Well, but also, it's just so valuable coming from you because of your training and background because it's not going to be in this book. It's not a spiritual bypass of just pretend nothing's happening in life. And don't worry about any of that. Yeah, exactly. Just fine. You can't see me it's not here. Right, right. But instead going about it in this really deep understanding way. So I love the way you do it. Thank you. It brings me to a different type of perspective shifts that you talk about in the book. Can you talk a little bit about hypnotic trance?
Yes, so Hypno really is just deep sleep or relaxation. It's you know, trance, then is what we all do. When you listen to a boring speech or you're driving down a long stretch of highway and you don't consciously know how you got there. We're constantly in trance during the day, you know, watching children play or the flames of a fire anything as you mesmerized. In fact, it's often joked about that, like, I can tell who your hypnotist is by just writing down like your top five priorities. Men like big shiny objects and women like small shiny objects. What as you mesmerised? What has you in this hypnotic trance. And so it is a natural state of being after all, we are ambulatory standing straight up, and then all of a sudden, in a certain time a night, most of us lay down and we go into this sleep trance. That's, that's pretty fascinating. If you look at it, all animals do it. There might be some that don't, but I'm not aware of those. But in any case, you literally are laying down and becoming, for all intents and purposes, incapacitated, so that the body can go in and do all of this work at the direction of that IT room, right. And so when you look at the magic in that like the most amazing thing, and that animals do this, and that's how we get up in the morning refreshed and new perspective and all those things. And then also like neat little things like you can talk to your dreams and you can say come closer, go further. You know, what are you here to share with me like all of these things because it's still a part of your functioning brain, and you're in there You know, so you can ask your brain questions
ordinating Will you just a little bit more about kind of talking to your dreams, because I know that's it, that's a topic that a lot of people are interested in seeing how they can play more.
Yes, so people are mystified and in sciences, kind of all over the place on what dreams really, really are. But I say, you know, focus on what you think they are and what feels right to you. But the truth is, you can gain a lot of insight and information from your dreams, even if it's just that in interest in ographers, you know, taking all of the notes because you know, so much information passes just our eyes, and in one second, right, so imagine all of our senses together. So that interest in ographers has all this information. And you can literally say like, if someone visit, say, Aunt June comes to visit, right? And you can say in June, what do you have to share with me, you know, what's the purpose of your mission, and you know, you can get as techie as you want about it. Or you can just simply say, you know, share with me in part with Me What there is, sometimes loved ones will come with a scent, you know, all of a sudden, you'll just smell a scent. You haven't gotten there yet. But at the end of the book, there's a chapter that life is a loop, not a line. And that was in reference to Muhammad Ali and the spirit. Which I met Lonnie, his wife so beautiful. Yeah, she's dear, just really a good soul. But anyway, so So you look at how we can get information, even from those who have transitioned, that's really special. What do you have to say, there's a protocol that I use, little you ideal, you and you and so you travel back to little you. And of course, it's you. And it's your memories of when you were small, but you're looking at yourself. So you're in a disassociated position, looking at yourself, not through your own eyes, and asking that little you What do I need to know to stay hopeful? And, and you know, with promising thoughts for the future and this and that, and then ideal you at the end of your life looking at he or she or you know, and ask me, What do I need to know from this lifetime? What don't you know, what paths what decisions, you can gain information from your very own journey, pre and post of where you are, it's fascinating, because the mind will say, Oh, that's what I needed to do. Great. I had the intuition that was that, but now it's confirmed. You know, it's, it's those moments, those beautiful, touchy feely moments about your journey, it is so tactile, and so beautiful, and so interpersonal, that you're the only one that can really decipher what those dreams are for.
Absolutely. I'm, I'm with you. I do feel like there's some good resources out there. But it's really what resonates with the dreamer. Because it's the it's the dreamer. Right? Yeah. I, I'd love for you to touch a little bit more on your personal belief or understanding based on your life and work about the spirit world and the other side, and how we can I believe everyone has access to their own loved ones to communicate and visit and share that energetic space. But I'd love to hear your thoughts on that.
I sure hope so. You know, I feel that and that's my own interpersonal feeling. I love contact from the other side, I, you know, short of begging for it, stay an open vessel, I'm like, please see anybody there. You know, it's like calling a friend, do you have time to chat. And I really do feel that, but I also have, you know, clients that absolutely don't feel that like at all. It's just not part of their makeup. And so that's beautiful, too. I mean, they get their information. They're scientific, they're, you know, steeped in science, and that really excites them. And it's beautiful as well, you know, they get, it's interesting, because Spirit does creep in even to you know, folks that don't really feel it, they'll still say that there was something special about that, feeling that transition with the person to interesting, there's always a little nugget of something that they'll say, you know, and isn't that the human spirit and the Phoenix and us to believe that anyway? I mean, personally, like, you look at religion and you say, faith, you know, when you watch Dateline, for example. Okay, so when you watch Dateline, I mean, look what faith and belief does and drives people too good and too bad, right? And so you know, whatever feelings about it, but faith is, and that does come from the subconscious, by the way, faith and morality, and symbolism. So if I show you a peace sign, and you know that that means peace, or I show you a Buddha, and you know that that means comfort, or whatever that means for you, that is all in the subconscious as part of the prime directive of the subconscious mind. It's our morality, and it's very highly moral. And so when someone is let's say, immoral, or amoral, I look to do like a little system ship, and what's going on inside there, you know, Where did it Where did that wiring, maybe need some help and a little Jumpstart?
I love that. And then I feel like there's an endless amount of techniques that you have for any, anything that might be going on with someone. Will you talk a little bit about you go into it in the book, you have this series of self self hypnotic Hacks is what you call them. Right? We talk a little bit more about those and give us I know, you can't give away all the goods. But will you give us a little teaser? Oh, sure. Sure,
sure. Yeah, I mean, give away the goods. The thing is, I'm all about giving away the goods, the book, I just like, right, because I do have a private practice. And so I thought, if I do that, if I do the book and write the book and put the book out, you know, in my, I don't think that way, you know, I think you're the
magic of the of the techniques.
Well, and I think also getting anything out, it's, we should be so lucky to to let it all be in one book, you know, we're constantly learning and transforming. But the whole idea of self hypnosis was that, you know, nobody needs to read about my practice. And you know, the wonderful things that have come from that, what we need is we need again, to not waste time, we need to get right to it, and we need to get our thinking aligned with what we want. So, first of all, everybody wants something different. Right? It's a moving target, it's malleable, you know, we don't know exactly where it is, it's like always say, like, help, you know, the tide comes and different things you want. And also, just so you know, this might be helpful for folks to hear is that the mind is always going to want for something, one of the presenting issues that people come with, is, I'm constantly in the want mode, I want want, want, want want. And I say excellent. That means, you know, normally organized, everything's firing on all cylinders. Wanting propels us into evolution, we are meant to want for something. So what are those things that you want? Are they ecological? Do they give you a sense of agency? Are you able to, you know, attain them if you really, really want them. So feel peaceful and feel okay, that if you want something that is perfectly normal, and you will always want so embrace that, it doesn't mean that you're greedy, it doesn't mean that you're needy doesn't mean any of those, it just means that you're human, and that you have a beautiful mind, that's functioning perfectly. That's, that's my thing on wanting, secondly, is for hacks, you know, it's very important that we're able to control our thought processes. And by that, I mean, being able to tweak and I'll just use the term tweak, things that are disturbing to us. If you can't fall asleep at night, when you get up to use the bathroom or whatever. If you can't get rid or shake of like negative emotions, anger, sadness, fear, hurt guilt, just to remind you of the Big Five, yeah, there are hacks, the book is full of them, because I insisted on making it so that readers or listeners could diagnose. And by diagnose, I don't mean medically, I just mean, you know, yeah, fix your own thing, right? Not a medical doctor, but that you can look at yourself and think, oh, that's what I'm doing. Got it right, I need to go off planet for five minutes, I need to close my eyes and gain perspective on this, you know, just a simple super little hack is a perspective shift is if you can think of a time when you had an altercation with somebody or where something didn't really go smooth. If you imagine like just close your eyes for a second, we'll do it real quick. So if you close your eyes, and you imagine that altercation or that situation with the person, and you can see how you felt and you felt like you did at the time, right, you feel some kind of upset now, looking at that other person through your own eyes. And then I want you to float up out of your body into their body and look back at you. So now you're the other person looking back at you through their eyes, and note how that feels. And then there's yet a third perspective, or what we call the god perspective, which is going up between the two of you, and looking down from above, at the two of you having the same altercation or upset whatever that is. And then go ahead and come back into the room and open your eyes. So when you do this, you feel like you felt at the time when you were you? And then chances are you feel very different about the situation when you're them. Right. Yeah. And then even another completely different way. When you're up into that third perspective, looking down. Most of the time you say, Who cares? That was so silly. What was I thinking, you know, must have been hormones and things raging or whatever. But what's neat about that is it shifts in our compassion for what happened in that time and hopefully shifts, the way that you feel again, the perspective that you feel for that encounter, or maybe how it turned out. That's a really good balancing when to use for friends and family and loved ones.
What a what a powerful tool to use. I mean, can you imagine teaching this kids in school this tool for mediation and problems? Having between them if they could start to stand, you know, just view from each other's perspective will start to understand how someone else might be feeling. And then can you take that third perspective, which is removed from both, which kind of moves that emotion away? I mean, I can think of 100 applications for this tool right now everywhere from little kids to CEOs who might need to understand, you know, the people that they're managing, for example, outside of that C suite and how how that feeling could be and how that could be a different perspective. Wow. That's an incredible tool. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. You're welcome. Are you up for the spirit speed round? A little change of pace? Okay. Fun for questions. Okay. There's really no pressure for speed, but, okay. That sounds fun. Yes. No, buzzer
I was gonna say I don't have a buzzer but I can I can clap. I remember
when we were kids, they had that game that was like perfection where like you set these little pieces and it be this really loud timer and then it shoots all the pieces out. And yes, it was stressful. So yes, it's not stressful like that. There were several
so that that bop it, pull it bang it or whatever. Do you remember that little thing that you held and say Bob it and it went to the beat like a metronome that was fun
and lit all up? So funny. Okay, well, it's more fun like that. And less stress. Okay, good. One thing that really shocked you or was unexpected about the power of hypnotherapy?
Oh, my gosh, that everybody can do it. That surprised me. I thought you had to be like special or intuitive or something.
I love that. And how powerful to know that you know what I mean?
Yeah. When people say to me, Oh, I don't know if I can be hypnotized. And my first reaction is, oh, I'm sorry. And they say well, why? And I said, because only the smartest, most imaginable people or imaginative people can be, then all of a sudden you're like, Oh, I think I was once I think that was? Yeah. Anybody, anybody you can even stare straight ahead at your hypnotist and still be hypnotized. It's okay.
Wow, that's so cool. If you got to spend a day in the spirit world, on the other side, you got the full tour, you got to spend time with everyone you've ever known who's crossed over and it's almost time to return to your life. And your guide tells you you have one hour left and you could spend it with anyone who's on the other side. Who do you choose and why?
I think I picked my mom, because I didn't really get to know her as an adult. So if I got to adult with her, that would be I think I would do that. Yeah,
that'd be amazing perspective shift. Good house. Yes. Because
yeah, knowing her because I only knew her as a mom. I have no idea who she was as a human person now. Wow. Right,
right. Yeah. Oh, that's beautiful. I love that answer. Even though we have spiritual gifts and lives of healers and helpers, we live very human lives ourselves. What's one quirky thing about you that people might be surprised to learn? Oh, that's easy.
So I write jokes, Buddy Hackett was my best friend, his passing, and he taught me about joke writing. And then I ended up writing jokes. For Jay Leno's monologue, so I wasn't hired to do it. I would just pass them to someone. And then they would say, when I see J out in Malibu, we say hello.
What a fun fact about your eye. That is a fun, quirky bit of information. Yeah, I'm
a good joke writer.
I bet you're really fun at a dinner party.
I can be. I don't know that I write them that fast. Like I really structure them. And in fact, you're not even supposed to call them jokes, but it would be rolling over right now. Sorry, buddy. He thought I said that. They're called stories in bits. But anyway, so call them jokes, because otherwise people don't know what I'm doing.
Yeah, leave us with one pearl of wisdom. What's one piece of advice that you wish that you'd had early on and your understanding of all of this work?
Oh, my gosh, one thing you know, lighten up. I use that as my email. Lighten up. I I was such a serious child and was so and that's maybe why I'm drawn then to the funny side of things and joke writing. I would say lighten up. See, I go very serious and kinesthetic. When I say lighten up and go, you know, like strangle the words lighten up. But the thing is, is that it's that freedom of Spirit, you know, things like when we're when we're serious people and we mean serious business and we are in serious businesses, that lightness of spirit can still live I would say that was my biggest probably still today my biggest challenge is to stay light. Because it's just it's more fun. It's just nicer. You know, that's better. Yeah. And it's gonna be okay. You know, it's one of those things and so seeing that light Notice and brightness in even the worst of it. You know, there's a lot of that. And so staying light I think lightening up would be.
I love my funeral. That's a pearl of wisdom. Thank you so much for talking with us today. I want everybody to make sure that they get your book, please show it to us one more time. So those are watching can see the cover and just read it out to us. So the
subconscious, the subconscious power, use your inner mind to create the life you've always wanted.
And of course, I will have links in the show notes and links to Kimberly's social, so you can follow her there and see all the things that she's up to. And I'm sure that she just spills out little life hacks here and I don't see yourself. I appreciate your for shining your light.
Thank you. It's beautiful. Thank you so much.
Light, the special conversation with Kimberly freed mother, I was just so amazed at her willingness to share with us I mean, she is at the top of her field and help such high level high profile people. I'm so I don't know, speechless, I guess that she was willing to share tools and techniques with us that aren't even in the book that, you know, trust your intuition for one week? How are you going to try that? Is there an area of your life where you're not trusting your intuition, I asked this for you. So I wanted to see what she would say and what hack she had. I mean, she's known for her self hypnosis hacks, like we were talking about, if you don't already have this book, I really encourage you to check it out. I'm gonna have all the links in the show notes. Kimberly fried butter, and I'm going to have her social media links at Kim fried butter on my social media profiles myself, as well as in the show notes, you guys can find her. And I really just encourage you. I feel like this is one of those books that you'll go back to time after time anytime you're wanting to. Like she said tweak something, adjust a habit, create a new goal and how to use these tools to focus to manifest the life that we each want. I'm going to give you the title again but again it's going to be in the show notes and on my website as well subconscious power use your inner mind to create the life you've always wanted. globally acclaimed hypnotherapist Kimberly freed mutter. I just am so grateful to have had this conversation. I'm so grateful to be here with you and have you listening I'm going to be using some of the tools for this book to envision what I want for the year and even beyond that and I'd love for you to share with me how you're going to do the same if you are I hope you will. If you like this episode be share Be sure to share Be sure to share Be sure to share and comment and make sure that if you would like a free signs guide free sign guide called sign magnet, head on over to my website joyful Just drop your email in and you can get my free mini course sign magnet which will teach you how to communicate with the universe to get signs and maybe you can even tie these together and play with the sign techniques and then use it during your one week of trusting your intuition hey could could be let me know if you try it. Let me know if you try any of the other self hypnosis hacks or any of the other tools and tips in the book. I'm definitely going to be working this book this year. I'm so honored to share this conversation with you and to have had this time together and of course with wonderful really fried butter. Big hugs. Thanks for joining me inside the spirit speakeasy bye for now.