Are Your Stars Aligned? Astrology Secrets You Need to Know with Monika @GuruGrit
Sep 25, 2023
Ever wished you had an instruction manual for life? Look no further! In this episode, we explore the incredible world of astrology and how it provides personalized guidance, well beyond horoscopes and sun signs! Meet Monika, the passionate astrologer behind @GuruGrit . You'll learn the difference between Western vs Vedic astrology, Destiny vs Free Will, discover the types of Cosmic Secrets that lie within your birth chart and how to navigate your unique soul path and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires. Join Joy and Monika for a soul-enriching conversation that will expand your horizons. Your journey to self-realization begins now—don't miss this empowering episode!
Show Notes:
Monika is a passionate astrologer and longtime student of the occult. She runs Guru Grit, a place for learning which aims to inspire and educate rather than propagate fear-based attitudes within spirituality. Energetic and curious, she reads as well as writes and teaches on many subject matters within the esoteric realm.
When she is not teaching or reading for her amazing clients, Monika busies herself spreading knowledge from her vintage book collection, running, cooking, traveling and avoiding scratches from her greatest spiritual teacher, a mean cat named Mila.
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Hey, beautiful souls. And welcome back to another episode of spirit speakeasy, today's conversation is not going to disappoint. Now, some of you may know this about me. I am a psychic medium. I know a lot of mediums and practitioners and readers of various kinds. I don't tend to receive a lot of readings. It's not because I don't love them because I do but often I feel like I have my own guidance or I don't necessarily need a reading. So I wait until I feel really moved or really called to book a reading with someone. And that happened recently where I just had a few questions kind of nagging on me, I did all my practices and the way that I do them. I felt like I had my answers. But I just wanted some deeper insight, some confirmations and validation. And through an amazing friend, client colleague, I was introduced to this incredible soul named Monika. She goes on many platforms by Guru Grit. That's where her Patreon is listed under and that is what her tick tock is listed under. She's quite a tick tock sensation. So if you go to tick tock and search at guru grit, you will see that she has 10s of 1000s of followers at this point. And I received the most amazing reading from her I listened to it, it's an audio reading. I listened to it in my living room and set some time aside to listen to it. It was like an like over an hour reading. And I laughed through the whole thing because she was so spot on with the depth and specific details of information that she was sharing with me about myself. Some things that were a grander scale, like life purpose and potential type of partner that I might be looking for. And some things that were maybe more like if we're gonna measure maybe smaller on the scale, like being injury prone, and a certain type of dog. I've been talking to some friends about very recently, that just so happens to be a good type of pet for me, and so many things in between. So I reached out, I immediately followed her on all the platforms, join her Patreon and then reached out and I was like I wonder if Monica will come on spirit speakeasy and let me talk to her and just share some of her wisdom and information about not only the way astrology works, but what are the differences between something like things that are fated for us or destined for us versus free will? How does that work? What's the difference between Western astrology and Vedic Astrology? And really what type of things can we actually know through astrology, like the depth and specificity? So she shares all of this and so much more? You hear me say it through the episode a few times, but I could chat with her for like 1000 hours. She is just such an incredible resource and beautiful soul. So without further ado, I'm going to share with you my conversation with Monika to regret.
Hey, beautiful souls. Welcome into this week's episode of spirit speakeasy I, as you heard in the intro, I'm so excited to get to chat with our guest this week. Her name is Monika. The name of her company or the work that she does is Guru Grit and I'm going to tell you all about Monica she's a passionate astrologer and longtime student of the occult. She runs guru grid a place for learning which aims to inspire and educate rather than propagate fear based attitudes within spirituality. You can see why like her already. energetic and curious. She reads as well as writes and teaches on many subject matters within the esoteric realm and when she's not teaching her reading for her amazing clients. Monica busy yourself spreading knowledge from her Vintage Collection running, cooking, traveling and avoiding scratches from her greatest spiritual teacher a mean cat named Neela I will link in the show notes where you can find her she's @GuruGrit across most social media. Especially her like really wonderful Tik Tok following have like such an amazing following she
has, so you can find her there, check out the show notes. And welcome Monika. It's so great to have you. Thank you joy. Thank you for having me. More importantly, well, I mean, and I was just so grateful that I was able to get you I know you've got such a lot going on. And you're so busy. As I will have mentioned in the intro, I met you through a mutual client and friend, and I actually received a reading from you, I don't get a lot of readings, probably just like you, I think we get pretty good at reading for ourselves and also know a lot of other readers. But one of the most amazing things about your work is the way you're blending. So many different, I don't know spiritual techniques, so many styles of reading. So I would love for you to share more about what you do and how you came into this work. Sure, I came into this work. I think like most young people, when they discover what horoscopes are, I was only 12 You think it's cool, or you look at the little symbols. Only thing is I never outgrew it. So it stayed with me forever. I just took it deeper and deeper. And when I was 13, my sister for my birthday got me my first little little birthday book on astrology and a book on dreams and signs. And that same year, by total fluke, a friend of mine was coming to visit me she lives outside the city. And she took the bus down and there was a little store in this bus shelter that sold little occult things, and we didn't know anything. You know, it was like the 90s She got me my first ever tarot deck, I didn't know anything. And that was kind of it was just I was put on that path. And for someone with a really short attention span, it's the only thing I've never really gotten sick of along with, like, food, my love of animals. And so like most people, you know, I grew up in Toronto. So in the West, most people, the first thing you're gonna learn about is Western astrology. Right. And I feel that here the culture is greatly one of consuming entertainment. It's very popular, I'm not judging it. But you know, it's mostly used as a tool for entertainment, like would not be fun if it was true, or if they did it. But a lot of people don't give much credence to it or a lot of weight, you know,
as and when kind of thing that you use. And I think like you mentioned, a lot of people think of it just like the ones that we well, we might be near the same age, but the ones that used to get like in the magazines or in the newspaper like more for entertainment. That's what you're talking about. Right? Yes. Yeah. And they'll say, you know, oh, like Taurus and Capricorn. Are you going to be steamy? And the sheets are something like really? You know, that's all it takes a nationalized? Yeah, very sensationalized, you know, it's like it just it has to hit all the pleasure centers of your brain for you to pay attention to it. And that's sort of interesting, because that's the first cue that you shouldn't take something seriously, because it's just an instant hitch. But I mean, I'm not like, again, people have done great work, especially through I think, the 70s astrologer Linda Goodman, she single handedly kind of caused this like revival. And I have her books like love signs and star signs, I have got her like old vintage books, and I think this woman will, you know, it is cool. And I think like, what's cool is for her to she didn't really live a spiritual life, particularly. And then she dove into this and brought it back. And I think we're going through huge renaissance of the occult, and in the best possible way. We're kind of in a spiritual dark age. And I think a tool is useless if you don't use it. And we can use this for something really wonderful. So through my 20s, it was mostly Western astrology, of course, I heard about other systems, but you're like, I've only got so much time in the day to like work and stay alive. I don't have a lot of information. It's a lot of information. You know, and I'm foolish in that in my in my usefulness, I thought, in a way I was lucky because I was naive. I thought I'll give it a year. Because I started hearing about something called nakshatras lunar mansions. I said, I know like, Vedic is a little bit different. I said, I'll just give it a year. If I don't like care for it, I'll get an anyways, it's been eight years and I'm still doing.
Because once you start learning, you can't stop. I always liken it to like the fraying of a sweater, you pull the thread and that's it. You just need Why would you stop? Realistically, when you've met a collector of something, if you're a collector yourself, once you start collecting something, you cannot find a good reason to stop. Even if it's animals, you can't stop, you know? So, and then it dawned on me that there's still a lot of bias. And, you know, human filtration when people will say, this is the right way, this is the wrong way. You know, you have to be afraid they're right, we're wrong. And I thought Why would anyone in their right mind disregard anything they've ever learned that makes absolutely no sense. And the people that we take our cues from who've done great things wouldn't think so black and white. And it's about resonance. It's about energy. So I had some serious discourse with myself when I moved towards Vedic Astrology and I thought, okay, you know, am I going to disregard everything I've spent over 10 years loving so much. No, it's taught me something valuable and before any of this, you know,
that I did like for my friends or for money. I love history. So I did what I knew how to do, which is to look it up. And there was a time, you know, not I suppose too long ago in human history, all things considered, Eastern Western astrologers would gather, and they would sit and share information and break bread. And they weren't so different, you know, they really weren't so different. So the differences would come down to I mean, the reason for the differences, I don't really care, there are some technical differences. But I think some people, they have some really good theories, one of them was caused by a Greek missed translation, you know? Yeah. So I think you know, what, though, the only way to really be sure is if if you know that it works, and I think that comes down to the instrument that comes down to the human vessel. So, you know, if you go to Western astrologer, and they're really in alignment, and they're very much in tune, they don't need divisional charts, they don't need nakshatras, they can just, they have some ability, they can just tell you, it's like something speaking to them. And the same goes for Vedic astrologers there's just a resonance in that individual. They it transcends what you can learn from a book or from a teacher, you know, they can just feel it. I mean, as as a psychic medium, my two cents about it would be that there is a level of blending of the energy of souls and you're not just, you know, just like, it's, I'm amazed, we'll get into this in a second. But I'm amazed at the depth of information that can come from someone's birth chart, it's like a whole guide map about, you know, so many things, but I feel like it's like sometimes if we're, if were expecting it to be one thing or judging it as one thing. It's like, you might like you were saying you might lose the power of information that another systems bringing, and I believe that we're all doing some form of empathic, intuitive work at all times. So if you're steeped so much in this teaching in this learning, and and probably doing your own spiritual practice, as well, yeah, like a degree, a percentage of this is going to be what you're intuiting as the practitioner as the reader, when you're, you know, because two people might have some of the same information, but you're looking at it in comparison to all the other information plus what you're just receiving intuitively, right? That's what I would think you definitely blend a piece of your essence. This is, this is very important that you bring this up. There's a reason if you go through my work, public, you know, posted work, why you don't see a lot of I would call frivolous and I don't say that lightly or to shade anybody. We're all in our own path. But celebrity examples like I don't care. Oh, yeah. So and so broke up with or is married to, to do that to sensationalized something every other day of the week to get you know, a lot of views. Yeah, is a misuse of something quite sacred. And you have to understand to the person who's casting those charts, you give a bit of yourself every time you do it, you know? Yeah, that makes sense. That's a good point. Yes, because there is an exchange of we can call it karma or an energetic transference. You know, people talk about love at first sight and eyes or windows to the soul. So there is an energetic transference. When you look at someone, they give you the creeps or something. But when you look at a chart, you look at their blueprint of their soul. Actually, it's so funny, you mentioned that just yesterday, the day before someone we were taught, I was talking to someone about this and I said, I can only count it on one hand like I'm not an angry person, I have a pretty good composure, you know, if anything, I'm I'm angry. I'm an ice queen, you know. And I thought I remember reading two charts, one in the spring and one just last week, and I swear it like, threw me into a fit of rage. Like I went for a walk and I couldn't relax. And it was just a few nights ago. I live in like very residential area and a car didn't stop at the stop sign. It like rolled and I was crossing the road and I like waved at it like Hello, and I'm not Yeah, like I'm five nine. I was like, hello, like, don't kill me. And it didn't it sped up. And then I gosh, yeah, I tried it. And then he like sped through the stop sign. And I thought, I've definitely had something latch on to me, you know, and I know Eckhart Tolle has talked about that happening to him as well in his earlier work. And I thought, there's a serious energetic transference, okay? And you don't know these people, you don't know who's coming to you, they might know a bit about you, but you don't know about them. And so when you're constantly reading the charts of celebrities for fun for enjoyment, or even opening your own chart every morning to say, okay, Mercury's doing this and it's training that and am I going to get on the bus or am I going to walk, you're actually weakening your own willpower. Okay, the point of a tool is to be useful like if you use a knife for mundane things that will dull the blade you need to use it, you know, from chopping an onion very intentionally. So that's a great point because I think that covers not just what you do with astrology, but any modality of reading even like you know, some people like to pull a card everyday for themselves even something like that can if it gets to be where it's stressful or where we're, like nervous and trying to chart are you
no path to work because of it or Yeah, that's not maybe not the best way to use this tool. So that's a great point. Yes. So it makes you makes you like decadent makes you soft and not in a good way, not in a relaxed way in a way where you're so dependent on your external circumstances that you're never no matter what happens, you can win the lottery, you wouldn't be fulfilled, you would think about how to win power away, right? Giving your power and talking about like forgetting how we're a conscious co creator. Yes, these placements or you know, if it's astrology, we're looking at the planetary placements, they are what they are, but we still have freewill for how we move, you know, it's not just things outside happening to us or never. Yeah, it's the way we're moving intentionally through the world. Right? Yes, very much and aware of it. So that's why any modality you use, you're the user of that thing. Okay. So one of the things that I really enjoyed learning deeply through the Vedic system was the nature of planets. And I always, when I teach, I think, think of the planets as people, it's very helpful. And interesting. It is because it gives you, you know, like, ancient Greeks were really good at that in the Romans to like they the deities, they gave human personalities to they were jealous, and they were coveted or lustful, or something. But you can do that in a good way as well. So let's say like, you know, Venus we know as love and beauty and arts, okay? But Mercury is the artist. He's the actor, Mercury rules, expressive people. And so if you know you're looking for if someone has a creative capacity in their chart, of course, they need a strong Venus, but it depends what they're doing. Are they an art dealer? Are they in a shopper? Do they have a shopping addiction? Do they just appreciate refined things. So when you look at Mercury, I always thought and it's Mercury days, so I'm bringing him up in Omashu.
The, the creator is greater than the thing being created. So if you think of yourself as a creator, you have more power than a deck of cards, you have more power than some software that generates compatibility or something, you know, so you have to keep that in mind. Anytime you get any sort of work done. I think that's such so important. Even just, you know, as you're talking about that the ancient Greeks and the way they personified these planets and things, you know, it's not dissimilar to a sculptor having a tool. It's not the chisel that's creating the statue. It's the sculptor in the way that they are wielding the tool, just this. Exactly. Some questions for you. So will you quickly touch on for anyone that doesn't know? You've mentioned Vedic Astrology a couple of times? I know just a little bit about it. I know that it's based in the East Indian system, right? Yes. So it originates from the eastern part of the world, as you mentioned, and it's just, it's very well preserved, compared to the west. So clearly, as a struggle, I think Alexander the Great actually salvaged the majority of astrology and brought it over. And whatever remained intact is what we have today.
At one point in time, they weren't super, super different, I would say. I mean, like, if you go back a long time ago, but the Vedic system, obviously, if you were to take it very seriously, it would be like a lifestyle. Okay. So whatever the question, they have an answer, that's basically how it goes, what you should eat, you know?
Like, for example, this month, I'm not supposed to be harsh with my speech, okay. There could be some temper flare ups, you know, as you can tell, I'm not shy, so I have to kind of watch my tongue, they can tell you that ahead of time. There's okay. So there's 12 signs, 12 houses, they unless it's Neo Vedic Astrology, they don't tend to factor in outer planets, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune. Personally, I have not found them to be very effective in Natal charts. Unless they're very clear, like if you have Uranus, very close to the moon, or Pluto close to your moon, you know, I could say you might have some mental health instability, you know, but generally, I like to use them for mundane charts, because they are they're very slow moving. And so they will affect generations more so I think, than individual things, but to each their own. And so they tend to use the original seven planets sun through Saturn plus the nodes, the nodes have a very deep meaning. And the Vedic tradition in Jyotish in the in the West are more like we understand them to be karmic and powerful. But it's just and they're malefic. You know, when we talk about the North Node, it's like, it's what your soul wants, want and needing to experience are different things. If something is faded, you know, if you have, if you have fixed karma, to experience pain, and you come to me, I can tell you, brace yourself, nothing in the world. Nothing in existence, including, you know, the Almighty because the Almighty wants your soul to expand is saying you're gonna go through this breakup or you're gonna go through whatever, you know, it's how you face it, but you must face it, you know, so you can kind of it
is just a little bit more realistic, I think, in that regard. And in any case, so that's what they use. And then they have something called lunar mansions. nakshatras actually predate astrology. And there's 27 of them. Some people use 28. And they give a deeper insight. So let's say like each, the dial sign will house about, you know, two and a half, three, so three of the nakshatras, because they're divided, you divide it down, if you take like 12 divided by 2.5, it's based on moon. So the movement of the moon, the moon, spends about two and a half days and every single sign. So that adds another layer of information. And then on top of that, there's something called Varga charts, which are divisional charts. So let's say like you take the seventh house of partnership, marriage, the corresponding chart to that is called the Navamsa chart, the D night, it's pretty much the most popular chart after your rashi chart or your D one chart, your birth chart. So your birth chart is like the king. And then you can open a chart for everything. There's a chart for children, our chart for dating and CO creating with others, a chart for wealth and home, a chart for career, end of life, illness, studies, lineage, past lives, like everything. So a lot of that has been lost in the Western tradition. And so you did mention something about people using intuition. And this is where I find, you know, East Meets West is so interesting, where in the West, it's so funny to me how most things in the West, culturally, we feel the need to intellectualize everything and anything in order to give it some kind of weight or importance. You know, it's like, oh, but, you know, like, I don't know, there's just always this need to like be able to measure and quantify things like very scientific, except when it comes to astrology, divination, it's very much like you go online, now. It's so oversaturated, you know, I'm glad these things are making a comeback. But just because you're in the age of information doesn't mean that all the information is good, or that it's correct, you have to be very discerning.
And they'll say something like, intuitive.
Whatever, astrologer. Okay. And I'm wondering, what does that mean? Because I don't know what your intuition means for you. I don't mind which means for me, but I know if you say you're an astrologer, and it's not a regulated profession, so I can only hope to God, you've done the work, you put in 10 years, you know, of ours, you've read the books, you've taken the seminars, you spent serious tuition, you know, time and money or something, to to learn, I don't know what that means. So you cannot substitute technical skill with feeling alone, unless you're somehow masterful, and you have such abilities that you don't even need astrology, okay, in that case, then don't call yourself an astrologer. And then when we look to the east, which, you know, spiritual life is so well preserved, and harnessed regularly, we tend to get a lot of sort of inversion where this this one thing is super spiritual. But over here, it's super technical. So to be taken seriously, to be taken to be a good astrologer, you really have to know your stuff. It's very unforgiving. And you should, you should honor it, you should respect it, you should do the work, you should sacrifice and all of that. But I think like intuition, or certain abilities play a smaller role or a lesser role. And I think if you can meet in the middle, and use both, that is sort of the best. So yeah, another thing too, that will really go with that when I said, you know this, this is a lifestyle for people who do it, they really do it. This is what I mean. They will, you know, I was talking about the planets as Gods planets as people. Well, you know, Saturn is Lord Shani, it is a deity, and then there's corresponding deities to every single day, you know, so like, one of my favorite days is Tuesday, because the deities I really like it's their day. So like a Ganesh, Lord Ganesh guards, all the sacred science, he's the guardian in general, he guards all the sacred science, the sacred knowledge. So every astrologer before reading, you know, they they know, you pray to Ganesh, or you give something to Ganesh, you acknowledge, you honor, it is because of him, that you're able to receive this information. And so it's really interesting how they blend this incredible technical knowledge and prowess. And, you know, it's a science it really is. It's not, it's not frivolous. I'm not saying it's very No, thank you for clarifying that. No way meant, I actually, it's one of my pet peeves, too, when people just take a weekend course or get some online, you know, I like people to be steeped in the knowledge that they have the practices, you know, whatever it is that they practice. But I do like the idea of intuition getting used more, but like you said, alongside that training that experience that wisdom, so thank you for clarifying accent. That's a really important point. It's hard for you to cover all right.
I think it helps to have someone show you, you can go to a really good astrologer and you could have this happened to me twice the person who came to me, the people I should say both of them had no desire to learn astrology and I said you have
have incredible talent, like you're just naturally attuned to this work, consider it, you know, and three, four years later, they've went on to learn a lot. And in some, in some of the areas, they far surpassed me. But someone showed them like someone showed me, you know, it helps and it helps to, you go to a good astrology, they'll say, you know, I think people come to me a lot for money. And they'll say, I need a money remedy. And they're, maybe they're thinking they'll burn a bayleaf or, you know, invest, I'll tell them something practical, like invest in stocks. And I see that the way that they eat, is hindering their ability to save money. So you, you tell them, Oh, don't eat this, or try eating that or clean your liver or something. It's all connected. You know, some people have issues with love, and I'm telling them, You need to go take a trip, it will or make peace with your with your mother or something, you know, it'll unblock it. But in any case, the the interesting thing that is really is a lifestyle that corresponds to spirituality, having a sadhana having a discipline, and ritual practice, because where do these abilities come from? Like, yes, they do come from you. But if you want to sharpen them, if you want to be better.
You basically work with the planets, you work with the gods, you work with the deities, you do something for one another. When you do the mantras. When you do the prayer, when you do the offering, you're feeding them. And then when it comes time for you to read and be a better reader, they feed into you, which helps you serve people, it's not about you, right, and you do all of that to just give a better experience. I think it's really magical and beautiful. But that's what I really liked about it. Yeah, and even as you're saying that I'm thinking about I mean, I tend to relate everything to myself, just because how my little brain works over here, but I'm thinking even with mediumship, I do a version of a meditation, that is just my devotion and relationship building and time spending where I am offering my time, just to sit with the spirit world and create relationships so that when it is time to work they already have we have been spending time together, they do know how to work with me it is it's not dissimilar to what you're saying where it's like putting in that time and devotion and dedication or whatever it is for that practice to get. It's not just something that you flip a switch, and it's not part of your life and the way you move and breathe in the world at some at some point when you're practicing that level. So I love it. I love that. Yeah, it's like flexing a spiritual muscle. So the first thing is, it's not transactional. It's not like if I do this for you do that, for me. That's why I say it's a lifestyle. Because if I take a vacation for one month, and I don't touch a chart, that doesn't mean that I get to stop. Yeah, it's a part of you. It's a part of who you are, you form relationships with something bigger than yourself. And I mean that not in a hierarchical sense, like humans are teeny and meaningless. No, you know, it's like, okay, my father is religious, when he goes and travels on vacation, he doesn't forget God, he still prays, he still does what he does, because he's a godly person, you know. So it's like, if you're a medium, even if you don't have a client for a day, you don't forget that you're mostly spirit, you don't forget all that surrounds you. So that's what I really liked about Joe tissues is really integrative. And I felt like I didn't have to choose between being a very, you know, cerebral person who could do you know, look at combinations, look at yoga is in the chart, or being a feeling person who's intuitive. I can actually do both. And when I committed myself, you know, I think just what I could do exploded, like it opened up all sorts of possibilities. So yeah, so that's, that's the difference. I think, on a very technical sense, from our perspective, but to a person coming to you what would be the difference would be that, you know, in the West, they use the tropical system. So you know, if you're a Capricorn in the West, you're probably a Sagittarius in the in the East because there's a 23 to 24 degree difference in in how the signs are going to apply and then probably the way that they the astrologer is going to cast the chart and you know, extract information from it is going to sound or look different, but I mean, so many things. I think in life when you're meant to receive an answer, you'll receive the answer so it doesn't really matter who you go to, the person knows their stuff, you're gonna get the same answers there.
It is. So I have always been so drawn to astrology and I as you know, I've got my little Gemini Moon over here. So I like to have my fingers and lots of pots and just for my, my personal education and expansion. I love to learn bits about lots of things. Astrology is one thing that's always felt. So I don't know it's almost like as I as I start to tip toe into the water, I realized like oh my gosh, this is a big ocean to swim and I kind of just wait in the shallow for me, but will you share just kind of some different examples of like what people can know through astrology because I think it's back to what you were saying that for so many years, especially in the West. It's been
and no no presented more as like entertainment or, like more fluffy. And the depth and specificity of information that you can know about someone in their chart blows my mind to the point that I don't even know how to articulate it. When you share some of that, or give some examples of like, what we what you can know, you can know anything, actually anything. So, you did say yes, it's mostly for fluffing entertainment. And I've always been very suspicious, even as a child why that was? Because there's very famous people who use astrologers. You know, I think Ronald Reagan very famously had an astrologer who told him when to board a flight, what you know, when not to go to an event went to to avoid any kind of like, attempt on his life or anything, you know, I know, I believe, one of the British Prime Ministers, I won't say I'm a little bit scared, they're still alive. His wife is really into the cold. And I think, you know,
experience, it's something that can't really be explained, it has to be experienced. And this is something I find it is difficult to do with some men, they feel like, well, if they can't make sense of it through scientific lens that they think is the only way to understand something, then it can't ring true. But I'm telling you, it's like, you can't measure it like that, you know, it's like, doesn't make sense. So that's the first thing but you can know, you know, the basic things, like ice mentioned, fixed karmas, you know, so what kind of family are you born into? Why is it difficult? Is it not? And I think it gives people a lot of peace and closure to know that everyone suffers in equal proportion, but a different ways. There's nothing personal, you know, and then there's things that you can kind of change with some effort. And then there's things that you can change with very little effort or conscious effort. So it could be anything, capacity to earn money, what kind of work you should do. I specialize in relationships, that was something that was taught to me, I didn't think I would ever do that. But my teachers opened my eyes. And so, you know, can you have informed loving relationships? You know, what are the chances of that? Obviously, predictive things are pretty hot. Everybody loves to know when things will get better for them. And anything diet, what kind of food you should eat, and then something that I really find interesting. I did mention, you know, people coming to me who didn't realize they were naturally Natural Born astrologers is spiritual ability. You can see, you know, one, yeah. Is someone open minded? Are they open to the world? Will they travel a lot? Their body type, their health, the kind of children they'll have? Truly anything. It's like looking into their soul. That's why I say never to do it. And I'm not saying it to fear monger, but don't do frivolously because the payoff is so minuscule. Why would you waste your energy on that? I think when I say like, when I grew up, it was more like, Oh, we don't really believe in this or frivolous? I think it's because my misconception was that it was just the general, you know, 12 sign in the newspaper like that's it. But the depth of, of what it is when it's a personalized reading or personalized chart is like, the way I understand it, you tell me if I'm right or wrong, I guess is you you cast the chart based on time of birth, exact location in the world and birth date. And then it's it's a essentially a map of the planetary alignments, the sky everything as it was in the moment that someone was born. And then I always jokingly, half jokingly see it as like, we all say like, Oh, I wish we came with a guide map or like, I wish we came with an instruction manual. I'm like, that's your astrology chart? Yes. That is the instruction manual for only you for your this lifetime exile you see it exactly. And people say, what if somebody is born the same day as you are the same hour as you? Well, one of the really wonderful things about how intact and well preserved Vedic Astrology is, is in the divisional charts, they change, okay, so the ascendant will change every two and a half hours for the main birth chart. But some of the let's say the D, seven of let's say, it's the chart of the kind of people you're going to date before you're married, kids put it like that can co create with others, that will also change around two hours. When you get to the marriage chart, the D nine that shifts every 10 minutes. Wow. So even if you're born within a 14 minute window, or this is an important fact, to mention, if you're getting a reading, if you're a multiple birth, if your twin a triplet, I'm just thinking about so very important. So if you're a natural, you know, twin birth, and the turnaround time was 18 minutes or something like that, well, that's very different. That's already going to look different for your married life, you know, or your dharma, or your second half of life, and then you get down to the D 60. Which is really important. That can shift 60 seconds. So even if your C section birth with a pair of twins, you're not always going to be born one minute apart. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. So there is always and there's slight differences.
as well, even if they were born to the same minute, consider your environment. You know, like two people growing up in some suburb houses next to each other, they're gonna have different parents, or they're gonna feel differently about their parents. So even like I you can see, like I talked about Saturn moon conjunction and a chart. People like that tend to be a little bit older before their time. You know, they're not grown, they're not raised in the most nurturing environment. But even if they have like a loving home, like very Brady Bunch, you know,
very happy or something. Like it was von Trapp family, okay? I mean, okay, their stories a little bit much, but they were loving, okay, if you had this conjunction, even if you're one to four, and it was a happy childhood, on some energetic frequency or vibration, you just knew you didn't really fit in, or you were like, the different one, you know, you were like, quiet or you were, you know, they just your parents knew you were like Benjamin Button, you were like born old, and then you turned young. So no matter what, you know, there's this energetic thing that we find hard to put into words as human beings, and we're always looking for a mental reason, or, or a weight of reason. But reasoning too much actually causes insanity. So, just, you just have to accept that some things cannot be explained. They can be experienced. So Astrology can show you everything. And what you choose to do with that, that's up to you. I can't tell you how to do it. I can tell you, you know, do this mantra face west 108 times a day for 40 days, even if you get what you want. Don't stop. If you don't, if you come back, and you don't get what you want. I say what did you do? And you're like, yeah, for five days, I can't breathe for you. I can't chant for you. So, you know, even if you have siblings or twins, you're each you have your own will. God gave you your own will? So that's what you do. Well, yeah, totally true. And each person is an individual soul, even if like you said they were a minute apart in birth. And it's why I think so many of us I don't have siblings that I grew up with, but so many people that do will will say Oh, yeah, even though we grew up together, we're, we're very different. People, I we haven't even chatted about the reading that you just for me, I've chatted with several other people about it, but not you. It to me, some of the there are so many things in there that like I've listened to it already a few times I've put it through a program to give me like the transcript of it, so I can read it. And I've made notes about it. But even something as small as anyone listening that knows me will know I it's been kind of a running joke my whole life that I'm dangerous with like sharp objects and knives, like I will hurt myself. And I was like you're laughing now I was laughing out loud. In my living room. I'm looking at my living room the whole time. Because I was like, this girl knows me like this is crazy, these things because it's something about my Mars, you're like, you need to be careful with blades or sharp objects. And I was like, oh my god, I do need to be careful. Objects like it's paving the way I'll hold something to try to open a box is like, always the wrong way. Like even though in my mind, I know. So it's just kind of funny and validating to see the big and small things that can be understood known, identified through the reading. So it's not only very informative, there's some funny little nuance. It's always funny, because life is funny, you know, and that's why I always I pay attention to the the I just open your chart. Sorry, while you were talking. And I was like, there's two more things I had to tell you. I told our mutual friend I was actually I don't want her to think of a stalker, but I have to like update her. Girl.
For sure. But yeah, you can see so I have a combinations for being accident prone. And there's just things you can't you see what I mean, it's like experiencing injury, I can tell a client you know, I jokingly I'll say, don't run with scissors and don't hug a fire or don't try to high five a barrel when you're hiking, like, Be sensible, you know. And that's the whole point. It's like, I know, because I have it. And it's precisely because I have it, I have a good attitude about it. Because injury is unavoidable. But I'm not going to let it get me down. And because I don't let it get me down. It manifests less and less and less and less and less. And it helps mitigate it somewhat. Yeah. And that's what it means to like work with these things. So for example, when you work with deities, perhaps your my injuries were unavoidable, but because I was open to being like you said, devotion devoted, I'm a devoted individual, because of my devotion. My spirits were so high that even when I was laid up in the hospital, I was like, Okay, who cares? I'm alive, you know, and I remember my mother, being a great spiritual teacher, unintentionally, I think all mothers, you know, I was going through a really rough period, and she was like doing something and I said, and then this happened, and that happened and like, and then this didn't work out and like, I've got nothing. Everything's gone wrong. You know, I was like, so sad and she slowly turned around and went, you're alive, aren't you? And I was like, she's got me there. You know?
If we have
good sense of humor, if we have perspective that this isn't personal, but it's unique, right? It's unique to you then something else that you've been talking about on your Patreon. So those of you that love Patreon and know that it's this amazing place where you can go and learn. Monica has a Patreon under guru grant, which is your call name for most things, so find her there. But you've been doing this series, and of course, it's been a series, you're not gonna be able to explain it in a few minutes. But about the difference in the things that are more like, quote, unquote, predestined in the chart versus like what we have free will over, will you? Since it's kind of like a natural transition, we've touched on that just a little bit. It's been such an amazing series. I know you put it out and just yesterday. Yeah, I did hear that one. I just ran with it. Okay, so let's say there are free will exists, never forget that free will is the dominant thing. It comes from God, nothing is greater than God. It's you can't question, okay, I can look at someone's chart and say, you're going to get married, whatever 27 how they get married, where they get married, who they marry, if they want to marry them or not. That's up to them. You know, it's not to say that, like it's unavoidable, it's probably going to happen, it's highly probable, but how you do it, you have control over that. And, you know, that's a good example. But if I say to someone, you know, the, you're coming into a period of survival, like, you just have to survive, I don't know what's going on, you know, but, you know, get your affairs in order. Drink water and meditate, you're going to need it, you know? So, it's up to you. Are you going to go through that experience joyfully? Are you going to extract what you need from it? Or are you going to victimize yourself? Are you going to feel low? And here's something evil? I am glad I use the marriage example. Something people don't like hearing is negative relationships, you know, with no, it's always the mom, I don't know what it is. People with mommy issues love going to challengers and other readers but it's like, difficult mother difficult father.
horrible breakup. The truth of the matter is success is really easy. And after a short while, it's very boring. You know, people who won the lottery, like the high wears off, like very fast, you know, negative relationships are far more useful to us. You know, food tastes better when you're really hungry, whether you want to admit it or not.
And circumstances have to taste you ever eaten like a crumpled up granola bar that's been in the bottom of your bag for two months, but you were starving. It's the best thing you've ever eaten. If you had a hearty breakfast and lunch, you can go to the best dinner, you know, Michelin restaurant, whatever. It's not going to feel the same. Unless you're very like ravenous. Right? Yeah. So you have to acknowledge those things in terms of limitation. So people love to be addicted to their limitations. Because it gives them an excuse not to try it because they're afraid if they try, they'll fail or worse, yet, they might be great, they might find out that they're great at something, and then that puts more responsibility on them. But you came here to evolve. So what tends to happen is you have some karmas, you cannot change, okay, your eye color, my eye color, my height, what your children that you had, that's done, right, our parents where we were born. And that's done. What you do with that is up to you like you and I moved away from our birthplace, we had that choice, we took that maybe we made the decision, we took the decision to make it happen. So some karma is cannot be changed. And that's not to say that that's to punish you. A lot of the times people think of it as they did something bad, it's there to punish them. You opted into that, to experience growth. It's like the most fun thing ever, you get to exist. People are clamoring to be born here. So if you're Yeah, you know, if you think of it like that is a great thing. And then some things are mid range, okay? Like,
I have combinations for multiple relationships, but I'm never married. I don't, I don't want to accept every offer I get that's within my control. And some people it can show that they'll never get divorced. But if someone's been mean to you for the last 10 years, and you'd rather be single than unhappy, they might take the decision to get that divorce right.
Some people might have a chart they're incredibly fertile and they choose not to have children that's on them you know, whatever it is so there's an but there's tears there's some things that are easily changed I'll give you one minute mid level one that I heard a lot from psychics every every reader ever. Tea Leaf. Someone through beans you know anything astrologer is all of them so many ways to read. Yeah. I love all the ways you know.