5 Ways to Feel Love from the Spirit World this Holiday Season (or anytime!)
Dec 19, 2022
This holiday season, I wanted to share with you Five Ways to Feel Love from the Spirit World, no experience necessary.
Sometimes during this time of year, it can just feel a little bit differently highlighted for us if we're missing someone who's crossed over to the spirit world. And the truth is, our departed loved ones still spend time with us and they're still interested in our lives. They really want to be around us and want us to know that they're around so that they can communicate and say hello. And so that we can feel the love and the presence of the people we care about who have crossed over. The love we share never dies, the spirit world isn't a faraway place, although sometimes it can feel like we're separate from them, especially during the holidays.
So I was inspired to share these five ways to feel the love from the spirit world this holiday season. You don't have to be a medium to connect with your loved ones in the spirit world, we all have the ability to connect with our own loved ones. So let's get into these five ways, I hope that you'll hear them, I hope that they'll stir some inspiration. And you of course, you could try all five. But even if you pick one or two, that's okay. It's just something for you to think about. These are some other ways that you can feel close to those that you've loved, that have crossed over if you're missing them or wanting to spend a little intentional time with them this holiday season (or anytime!) ❤️
Transcript of Episode:
Hey beautiful soul Welcome to spirits speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni joyful medium. I'm a working psychic, medium energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. So come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world as I chat insider style with profoundly gifted souls, we go deep share juicy stories laugh a lot, and it wouldn't be a speakeasy. Without great insider secrets and tips, you might even learn that you have some gifts of your own. So step inside the spirit speakeasy.
So this holiday season, I wanted to share with you five ways to feel love from the spirit world, no experience necessary. Sometimes during this time of year, it can just feel a little bit differently highlighted for us if we're missing someone who's crossed over to the spirit world, who's passed on to the other side, if you will. And the truth is, the spirit world is all around us all the time, the way a lot of mediums say it is a world within our world, they're not some faraway place, they still spend time with us and they're still interested in our lives. They really want to be around us and want us to know that they're around so that they can communicate and say hello. And that we can feel the love and the presence of the people we care about who have crossed over the love we share never dies, the spirit world isn't a faraway place, although sometimes it can feel like we're separate from them, especially during the holidays. So I was inspired to share these five ways to feel the love from the spirit world this holiday season. And you don't have to be a medium to connect with your loved ones in the spirit world, we all have the ability to connect with our own loved ones. The way I often explain this to people is that a medium can connect with the loved ones of other people. Whereas we can all connect with the loved ones that we have that are on the other side. We share love with them, we share emotions with them, often we share memories with them. So of course, we are able to connect with our own people, if you will. So let me get into these five ways, I hope that you'll hear them, I hope that they'll stir some inspiration. And you of course, you could try all five. But even if you pick one or two, that's okay. It's just something for you to think about. And some other ways that you can feel close to those that you've loved, that have crossed over if you're missing them or wanting to spend a little intentional time with them this holiday season or anytime really, these are a little bit more geared towards the holiday season though.
So one way to feel the love of the Spirit World this holiday season is to ask for a season specific sign. Now maybe it's something that reminds you have them like if it's a friend that you used to go sledding with maybe red mittens remind you of them for just an example. Maybe it's you know something that we only see this time of year, if it's a season specific sign, maybe it's something to do with snowman or snow families, for example, or something like Cardinals that are traditionally known as a seasonal bird, but also come on lots of seasonal decor, greeting cards and wreaths and decorations and things. So there's lots of ways a cardinal could come through to you. And maybe it's something that's very personal and specific to them. I had someone special in my life that when I was a girl took me into Boston in the height of the holiday season to this really what I felt was a magical department store was called filings. It doesn't exist anymore. It's kind of like a Nordstroms. And I have just the most beautiful memory of shopping with him is a very special, near and dear person to me. And so for me in the holiday season when I see a very specific type of bear that used to be a holiday mascot for this store that he actually bought me the bearer of because I wanted it so desperately I think of him so could be something that's really specific to your person. Maybe there's someone that didn't celebrate Christmas particularly so for them you would see something like who knows maybe you set the sign as the Santos that or I always think of them as Santa and Hawaii Sanchez with the tropical shirts Emma
on surfboards and holding tropical looking drinks and not looking like they're from the North Pole at all. So maybe it's something like that. If you don't know how to set a sign or receive a sign from your loved one the spirit world, I do have just as a side note of free, it's called sign magnet a free three day mini course all you have to do to get that is just hop on over to my website joyful medium.com And right on the homepage, you can sign up for it. And then it just comes directly to you in your email. And one of the lessons really goes deep into teaching you how to set up receive, see understand signs from your loved ones. If you don't know how to do it, you can take these suggestions and head over there and get the lesson. Now why number two, that you can feel the love of the Spirit World this holiday season is to consider creating an altar space or a sacred space if you don't like that word altar. These are fairly common in different cultures. Often you'll see them as just a special shelf or a special area of a decorative table, for example, where they might have things like a photo of that person and perhaps a candle to go alongside of it. Sometimes you'll also see prayer cards, like from a memorial service that have nice words and a laminated card, you could see really anything on these altar spaces, depending on that person's religious beliefs or traditions or the person that's crossed over things that they love. So you could consider creating a special sacred space like this for your person, it can look like that more of like a memorial. Or it could just look like something like a single candle, that is their favorite color that you could get from the stores that cost under $1. Or the grocery store that you could just pick up those glass candles that are colored, maybe you find one that's their favorite color. And that's what you're going to use to set an altar space or a sacred space to memorialize them. And this holiday season, it could look much simpler than that it could look like a little collection of words, or mementos, or things that remind you of them or make you think of them, it could even look like a specific photo that you just hang on your refrigerator. And that's your little memorial space for them your little altar space that you say hello to them at during this holiday season. Now, way number three that you can feel the love of the holiday season is a fun one, you could consider making a treat, or a meal if you want that this person loves now we all have our favorite little treats, and some of them are holiday inspired. And some of them are not. So it might make sense with the holiday. Whatever this treat is maybe it was this person's favorite dessert that they loved to have at a holiday meal. Or maybe it's something completely unrelated. That is something that they just really loved and didn't care what time of year it was, but they always wanted it for example. So it could look like something like that it could be even just a side dish of a meal doesn't have to be that serious. I have a really dear friend who is of the Jewish faith and her family, as is often common of Jewish families from back east went to Chinese on like a Chinese meal on Christmas because they don't celebrate that. So in honor of her parents, every year at Christmas time, she still has some of their favorite Chinese entrees. So that's a little special way you can do it, you can make it yourself or you can buy it out if you don't know how to make it. Or if you just don't want to make it. That one's kind of fun. And you could do it for different people even you could consider if you really wanted to go big with this. Say that it's someone that several friends or several family members love and want to honor this holiday season, you could even consider doing a little bit of like a potluck or like a everyone bring a dish kind of an event where it's like a friend's dinner or a family dinner that might not even be on a holiday, it might just be on a convenient day where we're going to celebrate love and celebrate each other and our connection, our relationships, and this person who we've lost and maybe everyone brings a dish that has a story about this person or a dish that this person loved. You know, maybe this was your person that you always went to Taco Tuesday with and so the way that you remember them in the story you want to share about them at this friend's dinner let's call it is about how you guys used to go to Taco Tuesday and laugh and really just reminisce about this person. So each person could bring a dish like that that has some significance to a memory or a story that they could then share as a part of a let's go around the table and everyone share something about
memory or something we loved about this person. So that is another idea. Now, number four
is, you can take this a few different ways. So make or buy. So you don't have to make if you I get hesitant to say the word make, because I know that some of us are like, Oh, I'm not crafty, I don't want to make anything or I just don't have time to make something. So you could make or buy a special ornament or decoration that represents a shared memory with your loved one who's crossed over to the spirit world or a shared love. For example, I have a client who someone that they really loved and adored and spent many, many holidays with passed away just a couple years ago, and this person still every year will buy a special snow globe in honor of that person, because that person for many years would give them gift them a beautiful snow globe every year. And sometimes they were very small snow globes, sometimes they weren't holiday related at all, sometimes they would be from a trip or from something that they enjoy, or just something really beautiful. So every year, this person buys themselves a snowglobe because the person who was buying the snowglobes is now in the spirit world, but she still pretends that it's from that person. And she still while she shopping for it has a conversation or has the sensation, the feeling the emotion of that person shopping alongside her and choosing it out. And she remembers little jokes that they had and she remembers the tunes that they liked in the snowglobes because some of them play music. So you could do something like that, where you buy or make a special decoration or a special ornament. If you do some sort of holiday tree. For example, no matter what your belief or faith is, if you do tree, you could do you know an ornament that you hang that represents that person, you could make it or you could buy it, there are a lot of little craft kits. So you can get as as creative as you want. It could be their initial it could be their name, it could be just something that represents them or is in their honor, it could even be something that no one else would know or recognize. Now they even have ornaments of like different types of candy and things like that. So it could be something that is just private and special that no one else would question you about. But it's right there in plain sight, and you're seeing it and you're remembering your person, and you're honoring them in that special way.
Now, number five, I want to see what you guys think about this, it is really special. It's something that I feel really strongly about. The fifth way to feel love from the spirit world this holiday season is you could consider creating a new seasonal tradition that represents you spending time with them. Now that could look so many different ways. It could be something very simple. Like every year, you listen to this one playlist and you're gonna spend an hour of your day just sitting or just going for a walk one day, it doesn't have to be every day, it could be just one day where you listen to this playlist. That was all songs that you both love together, or that was songs that they loved that you didn't have, for example. So it could be something simple like that. Or maybe they loved the lights and the festive decorations that are out at this time of year. So maybe you take a field trip in their honor and you go see the lights like you would have with them or like they would want to.
I have someone in my life that lost someone that they loved. And it's a group of friends that lost this person. And so these friends do a little snow trip every year and sometimes it's snowboarding. And sometimes it's just going somewhere where it's snowy and they have a friends get together. But every year in honor of this person, they take a little snow trip because that's one of the things that this group of friends enjoyed doing together was being on the slopes. So it could be something like that if you want to go a little bigger or a little more extravagant. Or maybe it's an every few year trip that you take as a group to remember this person or to do an activity that you guys really love doing together. I've known people to take dives in honor of a person that was a diver I've known people to take rides in honor of someone that that was a motorcyclist for example. So there are a lot of ways to create a new seasonal tradition for this loved one. Maybe it's something really simple like you know that they used to love the holiday parades and you maybe don't or maybe you do love the parade but you're gonna have it on in the background during the day while you're doing your cooking. And it will help it just feel a little bit more like they're there or you can feel them
with you, and be aware be available for little memories to pop into your mind that you might have forgotten about. This is just a special way, it doesn't really matter what the activity is truly, it's just a special way for you to hold space and to spend intentional time with them this holiday season. Now, those are my five. So I'm so curious to hear in the comments, I do read all the comments. I'm curious to hear which of these Maybe you've tried before which of these you like which of these you want to try or if you do try them, I definitely want to hear about that, and how it went. And sometimes part of the miracle of what they can do because they're with us is they can help to unfold things in a way that we hadn't thought they can help to bring people together in ways that maybe we couldn't have personally orchestrated. But if were open to it, if we give the space for it, and we allow for it, they really can work in our lives in very special ways. Because like I mentioned at the top, they really do love us, the emotions that we share the relationships that we shared,
that doesn't go away, they still retain those memories, they still know who you are, they still know who they are, they still care about what's going on with you. And of course, they want to be with you during this time of year, whether it's really faster for you and you love it, or whether it's difficult for you either way, they're gonna want to be around you, sharing in the love sharing in the emotion with you. Now, I have one little extra suggestion. And I say this with love, and I say it gently. But I just want to invite you, and maybe remind you to honor the emotional ebb and flow. No matter how long it's been since this loved ones passed away, the holiday season can sometimes feel particularly emotional, and it can stir up emotions, often in ways that we are not expecting, particularly around the holidays, but for a lot of us throughout this whole season. So sometimes memories are triggered so that we can feel and heal those emotions. Sometimes it's just a way of our loved ones letting us know that they're near us. And an important thing to just keep sight of is that there are as many ways to grieve as there are people. So don't expect yours, your grief, your celebration of this person's life, the way you memorialize them, the way your emotions move about them. Don't expect yours to look or feel like anyone else's, and and vice versa.
And it's okay to be honest and honor what you need. Maybe you need to talk a little bit more about them this time of year, maybe you enjoy sharing about memories. Or maybe you don't like to talk about them this time of year, maybe it's something you feel you want to keep private and you're uncomfortable, or just not ready.
honoring what you feel is honoring your loved ones because they love you. They care about you. They wouldn't want to see you in pain and memorializing them in a way that you didn't want to.
So it's okay to be honest and honor what you need, even if it doesn't, quote unquote make sense to anyone else. You're entitled to experience grief, to experience happiness to experience the memories of your loved ones and the way that you honor them in any way that you choose. Whether that means you want to honor several of them or whether that means there's one person in particular who has crossed over to the spirit world that you really want to spend time intentionally honoring.
And also keeping sight that it's okay to experience joy.
Sometimes that can feel a little bit against the grain when we are really missing someone or when we are really feeling the absence of them this time of year.
But it doesn't mean that it has to look like that every moment of every day. It's okay to have moments of spontaneous laughter It's okay to experience joy even if it's joy at watching someone else experience joy and letting that warm your heart a little bit. However it looks for you. I just want to encourage you
To honor the loved ones that you're missing this holiday season.
And to feel free to share about it here because this is a safe space, to talk about loved ones on the other side to talk about what happens with them to talk about how we can still connect with them, understanding more about where they are and what they're doing. And really just learning to deeply know like, in your soul in the fiber of your being, that they are still with you just in a different way
that they are just a thought away, just a heartbeat away.
And that truly, even though the physical body can't sustain forever, the love we live and the love we give does live on.
So I hope this has given you just some suggestions, some ideas, maybe putting you on a little bit of a path of thinking about your feelings, thinking about how you could differently, honor your feelings differently, honor your loved ones in the spirit world. And please know that they are with you and around you and sharing their love and emotion with you all the time. Whether you feel like you feel it or not.
Thank you for being with me today I am wishing you just a beautiful holiday season however you spend this last little bit of the year. And I hope this was helpful for you let me know if there are other topics that you want to hear about in the comments. I am happy to talk on lots of different topics. And it's just so important to me that we start to spread the world word about the truth of the spirit world about how it really is and that they're not far away and that they do still want to share in experiences with us. And that we do still get to feel our feelings, whether they are on the side of the spectrum of grief or on the side of the spectrum of joy and that we can flex in between those two as we need to. Big hug lots of love best well wishes for Blessings and Light and comfort and peace this holiday season for you and yours.
This side on the other