Colby Rebel on Fear of Failing and How to Be a Successful Medium with Integrity
Dec 12, 2022
Hey, beautiful soul! Welcome to one of the premiere episodes for the Spirit Speakeasy podcast. In this conversation, Colby Rebel and I really go deep topics around mediumship, psychic work, there really is something for everyone in this episode!
We talk about parents who have kids that are energetically sensitive or that have spiritual gifts. And I really ask her, what are her recommendations. And she shares some great advice! For anyone that is wanting to develop their own spiritual business or grow a business of a spiritual nature, she wrote a literal book on it.
She has her own school in Los Angeles, where she's a working psychic medium, teacher, and mentors. So we really also talk about the integrity of this business and what it means to be someone who has spiritual gifts, but also is a business owner, we go into some of her past jobs that she's had. And she talks about her predictions for this next generation of intuitively gifted, spiritually gifted souls, coming into this world and coming up into their own gifts.
And then she even gives some guidance for anyone wanting to either start to understand or continue to deepen their understanding of their own gifts. She lets us in on some of her personal recommendations for how to best do that and what specifically to focus on. So this is not one to miss!
Colby Rebel is a certified master spiritual teacher with LWISSD. A three time number one best selling author for the books leap of faith, psychic senses and Coffee with Colby. She is the host of the popular podcast The Colby Rebel Show. Colby teaches and works as a professional psychic medium in Los Angeles where she owns and operates the Colby Rebel Spirit Center. Colby has also been a guest on several TV programs demonstrating her gifts of spirit as well as traveling internationally to teach and demonstrate the power of spirit.
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Hey beautiful soul Welcome to spirit speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni joyful medium. I'm a working psychic, medium energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. So come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world because I chat insider style with profoundly gifted souls. We go deep share juicy stories laugh a lot, and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips. You might even learn that you have some gifts of your own. So step inside the spirit speakeasy.
Hey, beautiful soul Welcome to one of the premiere episodes for the spirit speakeasy podcast in this conversation, Colby rebel and I really go deep into lots of topics around mediumship psychic work, there really is something for everyone. In this episode, we talk about parents who have kids that are energetically sensitive or that have spiritual gifts. And I really ask her, you know, what are her recommendations, she gives them great advice, which is really cool. For anyone that is wanting to develop their own spiritual business or grow a business that they already have. That's of a spiritual nature. She wrote a literal book on it. So I asked lots of questions about that about her experience and about her teaching style, because she has her own school up in Los Angeles, where she's a working psychic, medium, teacher, and many, many things. So we really also talk about the integrity of this business and what it means to be someone who has spiritual gifts, but also is a business owner, we go into some of her past jobs that she's had. And she talks about her predictions for this next generation of intuitively gifted, spiritually gifted souls, you know, coming into this world and coming up into their own gifts. She gives some predictions about that. And then she even gives some guidance for anyone wanting to either start to understand or continue to deepen their understanding of their own gifts. She lets us in on some of her personal recommendations for how to best do that and what specifically to focus on. So this is not one to miss. This is a great conversation. It was really an honor. This is my first time chatting with Colby and if you've seen her on any of her television appearances or other interviews or anything she's done, which of course links in the show notes. She really is as warm, easy to talk to. She's an East Coast girl just like me. So it was such a pleasure. I hope that you enjoyed this conversation with me and Colby rebels Welcome to spirit speakeasy. We are really incredibly lucky to have this special guests with us today. I'm gonna read her bio so we can get to chatting this is Colby rebel She is a certified master spiritual teacher with L wi SSD. A three time number one best selling author for the books leap of faith, psychic senses and Kobe are coffee with Kobe Excuse me. She is the host of the popular podcast the Kobe rebel show. Kobe teaches and works as a professional psychic medium in Los Angeles where she owns and operates the Kobe rebel spirit center. Kobe has also been a guest on several TV programs demonstrating her gifts of spirit as well as traveling internationally to teach and demonstrate the power of spirit helped me Ralph, welcome Colby rebel. Thanks for being here.
Hi, there. Thank you so much joy. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too. We have several friends in common, but we have never had the opportunity to meet I've never had the opportunity to meet Oh,
well, congratulations on the podcast. It's amazing.
Well, thank you. I'm really excited about it. And since you are working in this field of mediumship really having this powerful connection with spirit. I would love it if you would just share a little bit about your journey how you got from. I know that you discovered your gifts at a very young age, but I know it took you a while to express them.
Yeah, I mean, I think like many of us, there's a few ways we can be exposed to our gifts. Right? There are some of us that our gifts come in at a young age and we're not really aware in a way to kind of do something with it. There are some times where maybe a near death experience that trigger or perhaps At trauma, so for me it was at a young age and not necessarily putting all the pieces together, because I'm sure you're aware, too. We think it's our own thought, or we're making something up or, you know, whatever the case may be, and certainly, you know, wasn't, it wasn't to a point where I thought, Oh, my goodness, I could do this for a living. That certainly was not on the radar. So for me, you know, I've had a few careers one was a fitness model and pro wrestler, and then I was a tax manager. But towards the latter part of being a tax manager, I think the gifts were just really starting to express themselves, and they just couldn't be suppressed or contained anymore. And I had to finally listen to it. There were just some crazy, crazy experiences that you know, I'm sure like, you just make us go, Okay, wait a second, I think there's something here and it's time to pay attention. And that's it. And I had a lot of struggle, leaving the tax accounting, honestly, I think for me, you know, you spent 14 years in something that you enjoy, it's not like I hated my career, I did feel like I was getting in a bubble, I felt like I wasn't really living my purpose, and that I was limiting myself. But that didn't mean I didn't enjoy what I was doing making a great living. And so I really struggled with that. But I had to really let that go and work past fear and worry and what they're going to be good enough for, could I make enough or all of these silly things we tend to tell ourselves and 10 years later, I'm still doing it serving spirit and, and always trying to figure out, what could I do next? What would spirit like next. And so that's kind of where I am today on on the journey.
So this is a little funny, coincidence, quote, unquote, that you and I have in common that we both worked in professional wrestling, which is such a strange and random thing seemingly right, but it's amazing how spirit can use the qualities that we have, and they can manifest in so many different ways. Do you tie your work with wellness and fitness and acting and wrestling? All back to your gifts? Do you? Can you tie that back in?
Well, I think what's interesting, you know, we say Mind Body Spirit. For me, it was body mind spirit. Right. Um, so you know, and also, when I first again, went into the training and the teachings in the classes, you know, there was a lot of talking about the physical wellness of a medium and how a lot of mediums may not be physically well, right, because they're holding on to the energy, they may not be fit, because, you know, they're serving spirit or the connection, or whatever the case may be. But I didn't believe that for me, I was like, No, absolutely not, like, I'm going to take care of myself, I'm going to eat right, I'm going to be fit. And yeah, I'm going to start to change this. And I just believed in that. And, and, you know, now it doesn't matter mediums are in all shapes, sizes, personalities, because I think there is this revelation, that you know, spirit is choosing people, maybe it is an aspect of your personality or something that you've done, or a way you look at something because they need ambassadors of all types to come in and, and really represent them.
I love that I'm on the same page with you. Because I feel like when we do readings and meet clients, or whether we're doing events or one on one, it's our experience that helps the spirit world, the Spirit people that we're communicating with to express their experience. And the more different experiences we can have, the more different mediums we can have in this work, the better because their experiences, you know, the people that have crossed over are so nuanced. So I love that you can connect those.
Yeah, absolutely. And I think too, you know, just based on, you know, being an athlete, like you there's a lot of dedication and commitment, right. I mean, it is not, not for the faint of heart. And I really feel like that level of commitment, that level of dedication, that level of perseverance, that level of really putting in the necessary work is very, very adjacent to serving spirit. I think it takes that same level of commitment, what we're doing how we're doing it. So absolutely, I think it's important for sure.
Well, I love that you bring that up because even though as you've you know There are several interviews out there with Colby if anyone wants to just google and find them, but you share openly that you did have some experience as a ripe young age of four. But the practice the teaching the discipline, it's two separate things. So can you speak a little bit to those early experiences? And how those were showing up for you, even if you didn't understand them at the time?
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it, it's, it's very much where, you know, we don't have those early years and those early experiences, we don't have the capability to restrain what we're getting, right, we just give it without thought, without understanding. And as a professional, you have to know how to say something and when to say something, and dab the integrity with it. But for me, as a young kid, you know, it could be anything from, you know, just knowing that someone's loved one was on the other side, and kind of, you know, are saying so and so was here in the room, like many of us, you know, really having that connection. Even in college, I remember, you know, just being at a college party or gathering and purposely not realizing, Hey, I may be doing a psychic or medium reading, so not not understanding that that was what was happening. But kind of going up to someone and saying, oh, yeah, your boyfriend is going to propose to you that's so exciting. Like, you know it again, today, I wouldn't do it without permission today, I would say, oh, you know, this is what I do. I feel like there's something would you like to know, and I'm okay, if they don't, you know, it's not on us to push, push what we see feel here and no onto another if they're not receptive. But you know, in those early years, yes, I did not know, I didn't understand. I just was kind of giving everything I could, and really trusting. I mean, I think at least for me, there was a lot of situations too, that I feel like I avoided because my intuition was there. Because it was like, Oh, don't go into that room or don't press this person. And I always, always trusted it without realizing it. So I think in a lot of ways, that was very, very helpful as well.
Do you feel like the family that you grew up in, gave you permission to trust your intuition nurtured it at all? Or they didn't recognize what was happening either?
I think it's really quite the opposite. I think for them. It was they could tell I was different. I definitely feel like they could tell I was different. And I do believe it kind of scared my mom a little. Just to give me an idea. I guess it was I, I was maybe I was around nine, nine or 10. I'm not exactly sure. But we were going to go rent a house. And this was in New Jersey. And you know what, you know how young kids are. It's so exciting to be in this house. And yeah, and, and I had this really cool old cedar closet. And that was really neat. And I went into the closet, and I could just feel that a lady had lived there. And so I went out and I told my mom. I was like, yeah, the lady in the closet doesn't want us to live here. And my mom walked into the room and she just was so afraid. But sure enough, we did not move into that house.
Wow. So even though she was nervous about it, she trusted the gift. I definitely
feel like she always knew something I think and she was just too afraid to talk about it too afraid to bring it up. So she you know, just let it go. Interestingly, now though, I think she's very very receptive. She really understands things I think it's brought her a in an enormous amount of sense of peace. I feel like she's been able to have some experiences on her own now which has been really nice. So and but my my other aunt is very, very open. My family is extremely supportive of me not I think there's many of them that do believe it, there's some that don't, but we're all just phenomenally respectful of one another. I just I don't know about you joy, but I don't you know, I don't really take it personally if someone doesn't believe in this, I'm okay with that. They have their right to have their thoughts and feelings. And you know, I always say, you know, one of us is right and when you cross over you'll realize it wasn't you just make a joke about it. You know, it's no big deal it you know, people I think people in their own experience will have a connection and, and what regardless of that time they'll under Stan, when it's their time to know what is on the other side?
Well, and you know, we're all in a different place on our journey at different times in our lives. But I love that you have that mutual respect with your family. That's such a beautiful and even a unique thing. You get moms that have kids that have some gifts, that they're just uncertain about that, that ask, what should they do? And what advice do you give them? If so, I know kids, it's so tough to nurture because you just want to support them, you don't want them to be scared, but they're maybe not ready for the level of training and discipline that really work.
I think what's really important is I tried to do it gently. Because I feel like, especially if, you know, parents have to be really careful with their with their kids with gifts because they could project or they could control rather than allowing the gifts to unfold naturally. So meaning, you know, how many times has a little kid said, oh, you know, mommy, there was a lady in my room last night. And the parent without kind of thinking, Oh, was that grandma so and so the grandma, so they're already projecting on to the kid who it is rather than saying, Oh, well, what was it? Like? What was her personality? Like? Did you get to see her rather than letting the kid unfold what they received or heard or felt? It's almost like, so we have to be careful of, you know, what we tell kids, like, you know, if a kid says, oh, there's a monster in my room, right? You know, odds are, it's a spirit, right? And so the parent may say, Oh, I got that monster out of here. Don't you wear it? But rather than saying, Oh, it's so cool. Who is it? Does it feel like a person tell me all about it, because, you know, maybe it is someone on the other side. So I I encourage I encourage parents to give their kids some space, I feel like kind of teaching them that there's nothing to worry about that it's okay. But just maybe asking them questions, what do they see feeling Hearing, Knowing sensing, though, and let they let the child tell them versus them tell the child and I feel like that that may help. And if there's anything in particular, you know, if we want to kind of teach ourselves that we're safe connecting to the other side, you know, maybe there's a little ritual or something they could do to kind of go okay, well, we know we have this white light around us, or we have our whatever, you know, whatever that may be, but, you know, I've never been afraid of Spirit ever. I've never, regardless of the spirit, or regardless of the circumstances, I've never had a sense of like, doom and gloom around the spirit world, so. But that's just my experience.
I love everything. That's in fabulous advice, whether someone has a kiddo that sensitive, or they're feeling sensitive themselves, just to no one, you don't need to be scared or rushed to assumptions to asking those open ended questions. You know, yeah. Does it feel like a man or a woman instead of feeding that information? And then if you are feeling nervous, creating some kind of, you know, highest and greatest good white light? That's great. Really easy to practice advice. Thanks for yeah, thanks for sharing that.
Yeah, absolutely. Yes, of course.
So you worked in the tax field for 14 years as a tax manager, and then retired to pursue this incredible life's purpose? Was that something that you were doing? And then kind of training and mediumship on the side in the spiritual broom closet, as we sometimes call it? Or do you just make a full stop and then start your training?
What was a little bit of a transition, but not much. So for me, it was full on accounting, doing the CPA, I had a side bookkeeping business that was doing really well. So I was doing great across the board. And I really felt like that was my career path. And I thought that's what I was going to be doing. And then of course, right. What spirit says, enough's enough, you're forced to stop and listen and pay attention. So it just was this Oh, I think I'm on the wrong path. I think I'm doing something wrong. And and I didn't necessarily go Oh, yeah, let's go be a psychic and a medium like, that's not even exactly I just felt like, I'm not living my purpose. What is what's happening here? So I started to lean into that. What does that mean? What does that look like? What should I be doing what what is for the highest good, and it started to realize like, I would just know things about people. I would know things about us that I could see it. So clearly, I would just give advice. And so I started to realize, wait a second, I think that there's something more here. And so I did start to then take classes. And, you know, it was very, it was just very, very, very natural, especially once it kind of clicked oh, wait a second, this a psychic, this is medium. This was what you've been doing all along. To me in a lot of ways. It was very easy. I think the hardest part was my ego, letting go of something I devoted 14 years to, to kind of take a chance to start all over. I was so worried about what people were gonna think of me how was I ever gonna find romance? Like, are you kidding? Like all of it, right? What, what am I doing here? And I just kind of worked through all of that. And then now we have to go through the finances. You can't just quit a six figure job to say, Yeah, okay, spirit, bring it. Right. I'm ready for my leap. Yeah, well, maybe maybe the car payment and the mortgage payment need a little bit more work. So what I started to do is transition. So it took about two years. So I went from my job, and I went part time. And I went to one of my old managers, he started his own firm. And I said, Could I work for you independently. So I did that, and I left the full time job. So I went from full time to and let go two days a week, then let go the full time job and then work for my friend, two or three days a week. And then once I build up from there, I left him so it took about two years to fully let go.
You made some amazing points in what you just said first to know that for most of us, it doesn't come in as this huge epiphany, although for some it can. But it's a subtle, you know, like you said that feeling of oh, maybe something's missing still here, even though I'm very successful in this business is going great. Something internally feels missing. And it's just a subtle nudging, if you will, from spirit or like a little bell that kind of hangs in the corner of Oh, what about this? Or what about that? And I'm sure when you are giving advice and guidance, you that was probably feeling really good and like a natural part of you to express.
Yeah, it was super easy. And but I feel like with us, it's just a sense where I, I have a feeling for generations moving forward. I think it's going to be much easier. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if we see spirituality, psychic work mediumship work in actual accredited colleges even more where, you know, younger people I think will go Oh, yes, I know, this is psychic. Yes. This is my intuition. Yes, this is mediumship. You know, because it's so much more aware with social media with, you know, just the awareness and the exposure of things with TV shows and things like that. I think younger people definitely have more of an opportunity to go, oh, wait a second, this is what this is. And this is what this is. But for us, you know, it was a little bit different. Of course, there were some mediums, but it wasn't as you know, prevalent of seeing it as much on TV, social media as exposure. So I think for future generations, I am hoping and I think it'll be a little bit easier for them. But regardless, you know, unfortunately, even though it's shifting, I think a lot of people struggle with, what is someone going to think of me? Am I going to lose my friends am I going to lose my family. And that's really unfortunate, I find that to be so unfortunate that that someone would be afraid to be authentic and who they are, and their purpose, because they're afraid of what people around them would think that's kind of a shame.
I love that you bring up about this next generation that's going to be coming up and coming in. Because I really do feel like they have so much more permission to say, Oh, I don't I don't feel good about this, or this doesn't feel right, or, you know, things that maybe our generation, it wasn't the languaging right, it was more so business and less, you know, in the in the regular world, how we feel about things. And I think that is a beautiful shift towards just that permission. I feel like you believe as I do that everyone has intuitive abilities, and can listen to their gut feeling about what's right for their own life. So I love that but the work that you did in transitioning between you know how you said it took you a couple years to transition fields really and with your own development is that the inspiration and the groundwork for the best selling book that you wrote about building your own? spiritual business.
Yeah, so leap of faith how to build your spiritual business. So as I left the guy who was my friend that I was working for, the minute I left, I was like, Alright, I want to help people build a spiritual business and a lot of people who are doing that, you know, the idea of a spiritual business wasn't as, as prevalent, even what I guess, holds that book seven or eight years now, something like that, right? So even though the two words spiritual business, like for me that was really risky doing that you actually did not see those two words together too often. Way more common now, of course, but not back then. But I wanted to help people give them the tools. I mean, I understood the types of entities what to do, and when to explain accounting, like, you know, because as you know, when you are connecting and using your gifts, you're using your, the right side of your brain, you're using the creative side, you're not using the left side, the logical side. So it's not as usually as natural for psychics mediums. Lightworkers to tap into it, not all but just generally. So you know, we're the artists were the creative. And so you know, I wanted a book that was very easy to understand that explain certain terminology that helped us give people hey, look, if you want to make this a business, and I did, I felt like, Look, if we're going to put people out there, I believe they should be trained, they should be professional, ethical, have integrity, you know, we should be putting ourselves out there in the same way of lawyers, doctors, this is how we will gain respect as an industry. I felt like that was needed. So. So yeah, I wrote the book. That was what it was all about. And, and I do believe, you know, that it's really helped people, I think, just people I know, ready you, you see that professionalism, level up a bit, and that in this nice, I think it's important.
Well, I love the way you're framing it. This is how I feel, too. It's just like you said, it's not really talked about that there is a standard of professionalism that's required, just like any other business, I think people get hung up on the fear about, you know, money and a spiritual business, and how do those marry, but really, there's all these other levels that make that fall into place with the training with the, like you said, the the ethics and the responsibility that we have, and all of that. So I love that you took it one step further, and have built your own school, you're in that upper echelon of respected working mediums with the highest integrity and the best quality work. So he let's hear about your school. I'm so excited to learn more about it.
Well, thanks. Yeah, I just wanted to create a space where people could come and learn how to understand their gifts and work to work on them in a practical way, there was just so much woowoo kind of out there. And that's never really been my thing of how I work. And, and again, people can always do how they want it. But I'm just very straightforward. This is it, this is how we do it, this is what we want. If I were paying you for a session, this is how I think it should be this way. So it's very, very straightforward. It's a New Jersey approach. But you know, the students that resonate with it, they resonate with it. And, you know, and I also love to teach people, I mean, at the end of the day, you could be phenomenally gifted. But if you are not a strong business person, if you are not a strong person that worked with integrity, you're gonna have a hard time being successful. I feel I feel like, you know, when we are working on the gifts themselves and really honing them and understanding when you say something, how you say something, you know, because that's really important, but also then having the business savvy, that if you're making a living doing this, and there's there's nothing wrong with that, that to not have guilt around that. But but if you are going to have a business doing this, you know, you got to make sure that business is generating revenue, you got to make sure that you are doing it in a professional way to sustain yourself and to sustain your career.
Well, it's a different level and layer of that discipline, I guess as well. There are certain things that have to be done for a business, not just from a tax perspective, but of course that yes, can you talk a little bit about the discipline that still goes into your mediumship because one of the things I really admire about you is that even though you're teaching and you have the center or you have events and demonstrations and classes, you really are still pushing yourself and challenging yourself as a medium. You probably don't want to brag on yourself but Kobe, you did just receive the best of Lausanne was 2022 is pretty
good? Thank you. No, I think it's important that, you know, whenever at the end of the day, even though I have my own business, I still have a boss and spirit is my boss. And so, after every session after every class ever, you know, check in with spirit, how did I do? Is there anything I need to know anywhere I need to improve, and it could be across the board, it could be, you know, you could say this a little bit differently, you need to be more patient here, try to be more understanding there, you can go deeper here. And, you know, I just take that feedback, and I work on it next time, and I work on it. And, you know, I mean, that's the hard part. All of us were in this and hopefully, you know, we're in it to develop ourselves as people as this physical experience. And, you know, if you just think you're already there, and you're already at the top, then I really feel like you're missing out, you're missing out on so much growth potential. Because I feel like we're here to grow and learn until the day we transition back to spirit till we recycle. I agree,
I think it is something that's a little bit of a misconception in this work is people think, you know, you train and then you go, and it's just the best it's going to be, but really, we're working and evolving. And we still have to live these human lives and have all these other pieces going on.
Yeah, and especially, you know, to keep it exciting, and to not keep it stagnant. And, you know, a lot of the people I teach to I do a lot of one on one mentoring. And I feel like one of the things I'm most most passionate about is making sure that as I'm coaching and teaching someone, that they're fully in alignment with their soul, that they're in alignment with our higher selves. And because so many times I ensure joy, you know, people go into careers, because they think they could, it will be successful, or they could do well, it may not be what they want to do, but it doesn't matter, it's going to pay the bills as people say, you know, and even in spirituality, I didn't, I don't want people going into certain areas that they're not passionate about. Because if you're not passionate about it, it's not going to have longevity, you know, and we don't want to do this, like, I love doing this. But I always wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing it because I had to pay the rent, because I had to make the car payment. You know, I really, you know, I wanted to read it to be what it was, and to give it that joy and to give it that time and to give it that energy and to give it that presence. So even today, you know, even though I'm lucky enough and fortunate to to be very busy in this work, you know, I don't line up a ton of readings, back to back to back all day long, like I have a certain amount I'll do and then that's it because I want to keep that energy up. I want that balance in life. And I want to be no pun intended, but joyful about serving spirit.
Well, these are some of the discipline pieces that people looking from the outside often don't realize that that it is you know, maintaining your energy and taking care of your physical body so that you can have the amount of energy you need. It's going back actually love that you said that I learned that many years ago for me this patella told me no, yeah, go back to the spirit world and ask them what did I miss? What could I have done better for you? And just like you said, I've it's a it's an incredible experience that they will give you have been enacting we call it notes, but they are you miss out here or you didn't recognize that, you know, this connection here. So it really is part of that discipline.
lately? Yeah, absolutely. And, and I feel like one of the things that I think if there's anything I'm so passionate about and grateful for is in a reading just the the level of vulnerability we have, you know, in a reading, like, I make sure that I'm open and vulnerable first for my client, because I feel like that gives them a space to then be open and vulnerable in return. And, you know, when I'm connecting for them, media mystically, you know, just the fact that their loved ones would come through me would would come to me, I mean, I get to meet people's mothers, fathers, their friends, but you know, that's quite an honor. If you think about it to just meet someone and their family is making. Hello, I'm so and so hello. I'm so and so. I mean, that's a beautiful privilege that I feel that we have. And you know, and I'm also aware that spirit could decide at any point in time they do not need your services any longer. They do not need you as an ambassador. So, you know, there's no job security. There are only job security is our continued dedication to To spirit and to continuously striving to, you know, to meet their expectations to do them justice.
I love it any it is a relationship that we have with the spirit world and that we I mean, they are our clients, we work for them.
Yes, yes, for sure. Absolutely. Yes. Absolutely. You
Are you up for a quick for question. Spirit Speed Round is what we call it?
Well, sure, let's do it. All
right. Okay. So share one thing that really shocked you or was unexpected about your mediumistic gifts.
That I wouldn't be as successful as I am today, even though I take it in stride, and continue to have a desire to grow.
I love it. And I just speed around. But as a side note, I follow your social media. I'm gonna put it in the show notes. So anyone else that wants to follow but you have developed a really beautiful balance of enjoying your, you know, human life and also doing this work. So I think it's it's perfect question to if you had to spend a day in the spirit world, like a 24 hour Earth period, you got the full tour, you got to spend time with everyone who you've ever known that's crossed over and it's almost time to return to your life. And your guide tells you you have one hour left and you could spend it with anyone who's on the other side. Who do you choose and why?
Oh, man, it's a it's stuck between my grandmother and Mavis patella because Mavis patella is incredibly, incredibly special to me. I feel like both women have an enormous amount of knowledge and wisdom. But I'm sure Mavis will be super busy. So I guess I will choose my mother. Maybe you
can have two ladies for tea and have your grandma and Mavis that would be an incredible experience. I'm sure it was
it was always wonderful because my grandmother knew of Mavis and really liked her and liked when I had made this on my show. And does one or two of the episodes I did upstairs at my grandmother's house, my aunt's house, and my grandma would watch it downstairs. So she knew me. And Mavis in return would reach out to me and ask me about my grandmother. And so it's like these two ladies, I feel like I don't know there's a synergy there's a similarity. And I really love and appreciate both of them and look at both of them as mentors for me in my life. So I think that's a tough question.
It's a tough question. That's why I like it. Okay, question three, even though we have spiritual gifts, we have very human lives as we were talking about what quirky thing one quirky thing about you that people might be surprised to learn.
I absolutely love my bubble baths. I gotta have bubble bath, kind of like it. And so I'm a big bubble bath taker.
Any any particular flavor or scent that you prefer?
Honestly, that is the way to go. Mr. Bubbles gives you the Battle of bubbles. best bang for the buck. And you do a little
very old school. Yeah. Love it. Mr. Bubbles. I love us perfect. And leave us with one pearl of wisdom. What's one piece of advice that you wish that you had kind of early on and the understanding of your gifts?
That you absolutely can be successful if you put in the work and believe in yourself and not worry about others and the judgment of others. I love that
that's and it really is one of the biggest battles within each of us is that balance of we have to be so vulnerable to put ourselves out there and talk to invisible people. Yeah, that it really is, you know, just having that trust in yourself. No, you know, really believing that you can do it and not needing that validation from anyone else. It's one of the toughest lessons in this work, I feel
it is but it's also it's also so beautiful. And we are so lucky. You know, when you're getting that not from spirit, and even though you're so afraid to say something you find the courage to say it and it just creates an immediate reaction in the recipient, whether it's tears, laughter, joy, healing. That's a pretty special experience and interaction that we get to have.
It's such an incredible, unique opportunity that that we have and it's the truth is like you know, we don't necessarily know what is going to be the most moving piece of information for someone we don't we're not inside their lives, we don't know what their memories, so it could be something that we don't even realize is so significant. That really is so significant to them. But through that trust you can you can explain it or give it.
Absolutely, yes, absolutely.
I want to just touch on before we go the Kolbe rebel Center, which Colby rebel spirit center right in LA. Congratulations for surviving last few years. First of all, an amazing testament to the work that you do there. With a really big deal. You still are having ongoing classes, you even have some workshops coming up in January one that sounded really interesting was the Raise Your Vibration workshops. So you're actively teaching if someone's interested in finding out more about their gifts, what's the path that you think they could investigate?
Well, I think what's great is I offer some E courses. So they're just pre recorded from intuition to psychic to mediumship. So, you know, they're so inexpensive, I do my best to make the classes very reasonably priced. And so because we want to encourage the education, the development, so someone can look at those e courses. And oh, I like this. And yes, I connect to that. And then I online offer these classes of whether it's a development circle, whether it is the Raise Your Vibration, and it just gives us an opportunity to say wait a second, this is an hour or two of my time, and I get to have fun, I get to be around like minded people. And I get some really kind of cool structure and tidbits to help me develop deeper. So I really enjoy teaching. So yeah, I do have the center, I do things in person, and I see clients in person. But I also do so much online. Because I just felt like especially the pandemic evokes this idea that people want to connect, and they need to connect from all over the world. So it is really wonderful to have this place where everyone and anyone can come in and be a part of it.
It's so powerful. Even if you're not in the Los Angeles area, you still can connect you still can get like you said that group of like minded. Yeah, supportive. Mediums and sensitives tend to be very nurturing. So I'm sure it's a really lovely community that you've built. We are going to link to Colby, which is where everyone can find out about classes and events and, and all of the happenings. I just really appreciate your time and you spending this afternoon with me. I was so excited when you agreed to come on and chat with us. I just think you're doing such incredible work, as well.
Thank you, Joy. Thank you. This is great. I loved it. Thanks for having me. I love the title of the podcast is perfect. And I'm wishing you all the best with it.
Oh, thank you so much. Wow, guys, what an incredible conversation and what a blessing to have someone like Colby rebel who is so established in her gifts and has this school and all these incredible courses that she's offering will of course put links to the school, the books, all of her information, how to get in touch with her in the show notes and a full transcript on my website joyful And don't forget that I still have that free three days sign magnet mini course it's totally free. If you go to joyful right on the homepage, you just pop your email in there. If you are someone who is seeing recurring numbers 1111 444 I go into the first lesson, what every number means, and how to know what the messages are for you. The lesson two is on getting specific signs from the universe. And Lesson three is on getting signs from your loved ones in the spirit world specific clear, accurate signs. So if that is something that speaks to you, it's totally free. It's three days, it's video and you can access the first lesson right away. Just pop on over to joyful and sign up right on the homepage. Even if you're on my VIP email list. You need to sign up for this separately. It's not something that I sent out to the whole list. You got to give me some permission to send it to you. So thanks for joining me for this conversation with Colby rebel. I really recommend checking out her school. If you are in the Los Angeles area. Of course you can go attend things in person but if you are somewhere else in the US or in the world, Colby rebel spirit Center has classes and demonstrations group mediumship readings that you can attend to start to see other mediums work if you're a medium and even if you're not, maybe you'll get some messages definite We can learn something about yourself and your own journey. You know, as she was saying, really, it's so important to be in alignment with your higher self. And what a better way to learn how to do that then with this truly gifted soul Colby revel. Thanks for joining me today and I look forward to seeing you on the next episode of spirit species.