Astrology Energy Report June-Dec 2023 with Sheetal Story
Jun 19, 2023
The Summer Solstice is here and it's time for our Astrology/Energy Report for the rest of 2023! Learn which month to prep for delays, which time period to buckle up for possible bumps and when love is in the air! Join me as I get all the tea from master astrologer and medium, Sheetal Story.
You may remember her from episode 13 and she is back to break it down for us again! Sheetal shares lots of valuable info and, of course, we have some laughs along the way.
Show notes:
Connect with Sheetal Story:
YouTube: @sheetalstory
LinkedIn: @tal-story-72871421
Sheetal Story is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Certified Astrologer, a Grief Support Counsellor and a Law of Attraction Master Coach. Sheetal’s mission is to help heart-centred people cultivate and strengthen their intuition, to trust and use it every day, so they can live their most aligned and soul-led purposeful life. Intuition is the compass of the soul, and she teaches that your soul always knows the way. The more you learn to trust your intuition and flow with the energy that life presents, the more life will open up the most magical opportunities for growth and abundance!
On top of her Business degree, Sheetal also has become an international Psychic Medium and Meditation teacher, a Law of Attraction Coach, she achieved her Master’s in Coaching, and became a Certified Grief Support Counsellor. She is also a Certified Therapeutic Hypnotherapist, and Tarot reader. Perhaps her biggest achievement, aside from working at mastering her Mediumship, is becoming a Certified Astrologer under ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) and she is also a proud member of ISAR and OPA (The Organization for Professional Astrologers). Sheetal feels so blessed to be able to do what she loves every day. She sees clients every week, feels passionate about empowering women to trust and strengthen their intuition, navigate the challenges in this life with ease, so they can use this soul led compass within them to live their most passion-filled and purpose-led life!
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Hey beautiful soul Welcome to spirits speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni joyful medium. I'm a working psychic medium energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with medium mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time, so come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world because I chat insider style with profound souls. We go deep share juicy stories laugh a lot and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips. You might even let you have some gifts of your own. So step inside the spirits
Hey beautiful souls and welcome to another episode of spirit speakeasy. I am excited to share this episode with you. This is kind of the bookend to the episode that we did back in March for all the astrology heads up what to expect for 2023 We are now going to get to talk to my amazing astrologer friend she tell story. And she's gonna give us the themes, the astrology the heads up what to know, but also some questions to be self reflecting on that are in alignment with these themes. And so, so much more. This is like a really rich in information kind of heads up what to know, episode. And some of you might know if you follow me on my other platforms, if you're on my Facebook Joy soul spa group, which I would love it if you would be there that's they get I do do a weekly live in that group. And if you're in that group, you would know that I'm in the process of moving. So stuffs a little bit messy over here. If you're watching the video version of this, I am in my full casual glory giving you mid move realness. Actual move is happening less than 48 hours from now, I think right right around there. I don't know it's been a long few days. So I really wanted to make sure that we got to talk to chatel before my move and get this episode up for you guys before the solstice because she's gonna be telling us about this summer solstice energy, which is often a really big celebration for a lot of us it's different than the spring this is the the summer. And it's there's just so much information, I won't even I won't even like try to reiterate any of it for you. But if you are into understanding what's coming up next, and how those themes might look for you or what areas of your life, they might be highlighted in some questions to be doing that introspective personal development, and then how to get yourself prepared and ready like even some heads up around the beginning of the school year and what to expect some things that might just look a little different than we anticipated and then setting ourselves up you as we move into the later part of the year of of getting ready for potentially a big pivot is spoiler alert there I guess. So get excited for this episode. Thank you for being here. As always, I hope that you know that I really, really value doing this work in this podcast and that's why I really wanted to just get this episode up and get to talk dishtowel I'm always so grateful for her time and her wisdom. I hope you will enjoy this episode without further ado I am going to just jump right into it. So buckle up and if you are not driving or walking or working out, get a pen and paper because you're gonna want to take some notes I'm actually going to listen back to this episode and take some notes about the dates and timeframes and themes and questions like we were talking about so without further ado, here is my friend and colleague she tells story Welcome back to the spirit speakeasy I'm so excited today we have our first return guest you might remember her from it was episode 13 And that released on March 6, she Tall Story if you want to hear her whole background of how she got into this work and all about her mediumship and her strong astrological abilities and make sure you check out that episode but she tal is back with us today by popular demand I must say to give us the astrology report for the second half of the year. Oh my Gosh Can you believe it? Welcome she Tall Story.
I'm so honored to be your first returning guest oh my gosh I just adore you and to be asked back with such a thrill and then to time it out with regards to the summer solstice was perfect like you know divine design. I have to say we're
sure and I feel like there's always so much you know with astrology to use as a little bit of a guide map or a heads up or a You know what, to what to try to prepare for so I can't believe the years almost halfway.
I know. And you're so right with, you know how we can always look to the astrology to understand why what is happening. And we were just talking about the glitches I'm getting on today where your password had to reset and then I double booked myself there was a miscommunication. And it was just it's Uranus in the sky, which is sort of the, the, you know, applying your your individuality, you know, really the change maker shaking things up that's kind of been kind of keeping us stuck, you know, doesn't like routine. And then mercury, which is the messenger God, you know, it's about communication, thought processing, tech, you know, anything that requires us to communicate with each other. So technology
opening, it's like, I was just telling you, I'm moving and it happened much faster and much, you know, what, just kind of both of those energies that mercury I know sometimes also travel or movement, that's gross, like it was much quicker than I expected. And things are, you know, it's just bananas, and everything feels very messy, but like it's moving forward. Does that make sense?
Yes. And I think it's a time like Mercury does rule travel, and you know, moving. So that's, I would just say, label all your boxes, and make sure that you are communicating. You have a checklist, you know, really double check. Like, I created a logo last night, and I was so excited. Yesterday, I was so excited to create a logo for this new endeavor that I'm undertaking, and I loved it. I showed my husband and I posted a little teaser on social media. And my girlfriend messaged me this morning, she goes, did you intend for this spelling mistake like isn't supposed to be something and it was I spelled community cu m m u n i t y? And I was like, No, that is that is not the kind of community we are starting up. I don't know what that means. And I didn't catch it like for two days. Anyways, so this is this is this trickster energy with mercury and Uranus playing in the sky. And Hogan news
it's going to be over by it's going to be over by summer solstice. Like they're, they're moving apart now. So it is it is in effectively, you know, it's we call it separating and astrology. So it is going to get less and less. But for those of us who have a lot of Virgo Gemini, or you know, earth signs in our chart, we will feel it deeply at Virgo. So Mercury rules me. So it's been it's been very challenging. And I think when I see the astrology, I understand that this is not forever. And this means I need to slow down and really pay attention to the details. Because even when I looked at the logo, I swear to you, I looked at the logo so many times and I was like, Okay, it's all the spelling, right? i It looked like a no to me. And then my goodness, how Monday morning it can look different. I don't I don't even know. I just feel
like that's kind of the way it is right now. And to your point, I really have been I know this energy very well. So I do like, I have so many sticky notes happening and so much like double, double checking and double dotting and crossing. And yeah, it's, I'm glad to hear that it will be shifting. I mean, for me, that's one of the most positive things with astrology. You know, sometimes I know it can feel overwhelming to people just because there's so so much going on. But on the other side of that coin, I guess it's like, yes, there's so much going on all the time. And it's always cycling through. So if you don't like this face,
just like the weapon, it's just like the water you don't like it, why just hold on, it's gonna change. And it is it's like the weather in that it's telling you the energy that's presenting and how you use it is really up to you. So in this, you know, trickster energy, it's a great time for me to slow down because and I think for all of us, when I'm in, I'm in creative mode right now in my cycles. And I'm feeling so excited about creative endeavors and meditations and all the things and I'm pumping out lots of information and lots of content. And I'm not necessarily you know, really being detail oriented with that. So I need to work on the details. But such is the nature of sort of where we're at right now. So there's some really big, astrological things for the second half of this year. And that's what we sort of wanted to talk about today. So there's some dates that you're gonna want to for your listeners. Yes, you're gonna want to have a pen and paper handy. And some put some of these dates on your calendars so that you can be forewarned is to be formed my astrology teacher used to say and I love that work,
if you're driving or exercising or walking or doing whatever you do when you listen to us, you can, I'm sure find all of this on shuttles, platforms, as well as like you could just listen back later when you're not driving. That's right. I was just gonna
say listen to Do this again and make notes and then leave a review of how amazing joy is give somebody see as awesome. So yes, so as we know, right now in a we are recording this at the beginning of June, and we have this energy, which is about to sort of shift right now. So Jun 11. So it's coming up. So depending on when this airs, that's when Pluto is going to move back into Capricorn. And Pluto is a very slow outer planet, and he doesn't move signs very often actually, every 20 years or so. So he's kind of going a long transit and he is the planet of evolution, death, destruction, transformation, right. So the ending of things, you know, Pluto, you know, travel the underworld. So this, this glimpse we had for a short time between March 23 And June 11 of Aquarius, that was kind of this glimpse into the next 20 years, but he's not going to move fully into Aquarius until 2024. So he's going to move in and out. And so now he's moved back into Capricorn. And this is going to bring up the energy, especially for the US, because of where it sits in the US chart of revolution and in change, and there's quite a few things coming up down there. Things
are happening. Yeah, yeah. Buckle up,
I guess. Yes. And well, I think it's more so yes. I mean, I for sure, there's a lot of the old guard, you know, what's coming up, now we got a glimpse into the future, which is Aquarius, of how it can be humanity coming together. I think we're seeing that a lot with you know, with regards to pride with regards to trans movement, things like that. And of course, June is pride month. So that's really quite interesting. The timing, I
have my if you guys are watching the video on my official post, oh, show it's an amazing show on I think Showtime might have had it. I could be totally wrong about that. Maybe it was HBO. But it is an amazing drag queen show. So what's the show? It's a show called pose POS? Oh, no, we have a main character in full, full, full beauty.
So my son is trans Happy Pride Month. Happy Pride. Pride, very close to my heart.
So because with the seven year two, this is this change and revolution. And you know, that old paradigm slipping away and the new? You know, you and I have talked about this before, but I kind of love this new generation, I think that they are change makers, you know?
Absolutely. It's in their charts. I mean, they just have these aspects in their charts where they are so much more sensitive. They're going through, you know, evolutionary, kind of our psychological grow up points faster than we ever did. You know, they're growing up with technology with an awareness around the world and awareness about themselves, then frankly, I'm, like, shocked that they're having these thoughts at this time of their life. And of course, it makes sense because they're coming in to accelerate evolution, right, they are coming in to actually be the bridging gap between now in the Age of Aquarius, so
there's lots of things were moving into, right? That's right.
So this Pluto movement is going to sort of also sort of take us down that road. And what we're going to notice is all of this sort of patriarchal old systems, you know, that are kind of really anti woman in many ways, it's going to be dredged to the surface for us to see it to heal it, right. But it needs to be flushed to the surface or elsewhere shouldn't change it. So that is going to be the challenge, I think, you know, for those of us who are progressive and see this beautiful future, and it's gonna be really challenging for those who want to keep the old way it is because they benefit from that. So Pluto will be really illuminating the ways that we're holding on to the past and holding on to old structures that really aren't serving us anymore. So it will
be so interesting. Especially, I mean, like you mentioned in the US, we have a lot of social justice, change issues that are needing to be addressed. But we also have political elections coming up for the presidency in about a year. So that'll be something to kind of like for those listenings to kind of keep an eye on with what she tells talking about for this next bit revolution and change. And people maybe we've talked about this before and so on my groups like digging their heels in on the old way a little bit, kicking and screaming, but perhaps not to the extent that it has been in past times. Is that my understanding that right?
It's absolutely true. And Capricorn is the sign of sort of the Divine Father or like the fatherly figure or the master. Whereas cancer is the divine feminine or the Divine Mother. And so with this Divine Father, you know, figure it's, I keep getting reminded of the forefathers or the Founding Fathers, which, you know, it's not what they knew at the time. They were considered progressive, but yet they were not so progressive in the light of some of the things that are coming, you know, to the fore. warfront for them. And yet they're still being quoted, you know, in in US media of like the Founding Fathers wouldn't want it this way. And like, yes, they wouldn't, because they didn't know any better. They didn't. They were not progressive, like, but they were progressive for their times. Right. But I think, you know, I often think of these founding fathers were alive today. They would, they would be very different men because they were so progressive. Right? Right. So I think it's, this is the time of the progressive man, and, and, you know, those that are supporting the divine woman as well. So it'll be interesting to see, yes, it'll be exciting. But change has to be kind of unearthed before that movie. So we'll be witness to that holding the, you know, the light for that and, and reminding people that we're going through this with love, right, and compassionate judgment is not going to change anything, it's going to create more division and love brings, brings people together. So that brings me to a summer solstice, which happens on June 21. And we sort of divide the year into quarters, if you will. So the two big ones are summer solstice and Winter Solstice where the Sun moves into cancer on the 21st of June. And then we'll move into Capricorn on December 21. So that's kind of the six month kind of session cycles, if you will. And then of course, in between, we have the spring equinox and the Fall Equinox. So they're not as celebrated, because they're really kind of equal day equal nights. So it's sort of this opportunity of to find quality and balance. But the Sun is really celebrated on Solstice, summer solstice, right? It's the longest day of the year, and this year, it's quite interesting. And it's going to be a theme that's going to carry until winter solstice, which i That's why I wanted to bring it up, is that the sun moving into cancer is really that kind of nurturing home family. It's kind of a time of really being nurtured and finding support with others and, and being in connection with people that fill you with joy and fill you with safety. And it's a time usually where we just want to be more nurtured, I would say, you know, more friendly, more nurtured, but also boundaries, because water and cancer point Yeah, right, very nurturing and very empathic, very sensitive, intuitive. Time, but at the time, so moon rules, cancer, and at the time of the solstice, the moon is in Leo, and squaring Jupiter. So what this means is that we're going to be extremely sensitive and very prone to wanting to, you know, please others or sensitive and aware of others, other people's feelings, and wanting to do more and be more. And it's also conjunct Venus, which are relationships. So we have this kind of wanting to be in our relationships of fulfilling relationships, we want to be surrounded by fulfilling relationships. And what does that mean for you? Does that is with the
solstice itself, or and with this theme through the next six months, we're going to kind of be want to focusing on what home means to us? What relationships mean to us? Yes? what's working, what's not working, maybe where we are maybe too, too watery? Or maybe maybe too, you know, have turned into ice and are too solid? And just kind of an amount of self evaluation?
Yeah, I think it's the real question that's going to flush this season's theme to the surface is, how do you connect with others? And what does connecting with others fulfill for you?
And I think that's such an important question. Because it looks so differently for all of us and means different things. You know, some people are most thriving when they have large groups of friends and other people quite the opposite. So I love that question. So make a note of that question. And kind of hold it for the next six months or so just to be pondering, right?
And you can even take a relationship inventory of what friends really fill you up. Like, I think what I started to notice, especially now I'm 45, and then this time and season of my life, the friends and people I hang out with fill my soul. You know, I don't go away thinking, Oh, I didn't do that, right? Or, Oh, I could have said that differently. Or, oh, man, I feel so uncomfortable around these people. Like I just feel so myself. You walk into a room and they're like, I don't like her earrings. And I love her, you know, just like what is this wonderfulness? And I don't think I really had those kinds of friendships until now. You know, I mean, until the last few years really, because I had to become okay in confident myself because the outer is always reflecting the inner, right? Yeah. So, so that is going to be highlighted big time, because on July 17, we now have the nodes of the moon moving to right Aries and Libra. So this happens once every 18 months. So it doesn't happen very often. And the nodes of the moon and astrology you know denote our karmic destiny the North Node and our karmic past, which is the south node really Li is where are we heading as a society? And what are we letting go of as a society? Where do we want to create our future? And what do we need to release now to move more into that future so the nodes of the moon in the last 18 months have been in Taurus and Scorpio. And so Taurus being money, you know, the banking system and cryptocurrency the resources of the world, the environment, Mother Nature, so you know, lots about global warming and forest fires and stuff, which have been really big up here. And I know down there too, with flooding and all that. And then the Scorpio side of the south node which is released, when the nodes went into Scorpio Taurus, that's when the me to movement really picked up Scorpio is about sexuality, and taboo subjects and things we don't talk about. So it's really flushed to the surface. Now sexual improprieties in Hollywood, and things that we don't talk about, and, you know, trying to keep people predator safe, because they hold power. Like all of that. I mean, we just saw, you know, Donald Trump being persecuted for a crime that was done in like the 70s or 80s. But I think lawsuit wise, not actual criminal, because the the statute ran out. So even that being flushed out and brought to light as someone who is so powerful, you know, that would have been set Scorpio Taurus node kind of coming to the surface, like almost finally a sort of a finishing of that. And now moving into this Aries, Libra, and Aries or Libra really is it's so interesting. When you start to correlate, there's a branch of astrology called mundane astrology, that looks at the correlation of the astrological effects with political movements and things that are happening in the world. So it's quite fascinating. I personally really love that branch of astrology as well, as you can tell. It's so interesting. It is so interesting. And it's the you can't not see the correlations. Like it's not like you're trying to make it fit like it's very obviously so so. So with this Aries Taurus or sorry, Aries Libra nodes moving in July,
like let's see, because I know Libra is about balance and textile like affection and what feels good and things being fair. And I know Aries likes to light stuff on fire. What is gonna happen to
an Aries is more than fire. It's the first sign of the zodiac.
Aries can get very big and very serious and very, you know, fiery. You're right. Yeah,
it's the first sign of the zodiac. So think of like the spark of life that initiates, right, it's the initiator of ideas and passion. Like they're the leaders, they're the ones that are going first to then create the way and then Taurus kind of lays down the foundation, right? So Aries has to be fiery, it has to be like, this is the way we're going to do it. Yeah, right. And if you know an Aries, I know many Aries, they're not interested in your opinion. They have a passion, they have a passion, they have a purpose, they have a direction, and they have a goal to get done. You know, their mission is so front and center, that they're not really thinking about your feelings, you know, and we say within areas, either you're on the bus or you're under the bus, it's not an easy way to say it. Right. And it's not meant to be an insult. It's really about that's how passionate they are and driven with their idea in mind. Right? So it's not a bad thing to have. But you know, anything too loud. We need moderation. Yeah, so. So the the opposite is Libra, which brings balance and balance and harmony and relationships. And the plight of every Libra is to not give up so much of themselves, to appease and to avoid conflict, because that's one of the things I noticed with all the Libras in my life. So my closest friends are Libras. And they're so beautiful, ruled by Venus, they are just these goddesses and enhancer has a handsome misters as well. And they have this propensity to try to give and give and give to avoid conflict to avoid a fight. So you know, it's always lovely to be in a relationship with a Libra because they'll be like, we'll do what you want, we'll do what you want, you know, and you've got to be very cognizant of in your relationship with a Libra of like, what do you want? And how do we come together to do this. So it's the Libra Aries axis is how can we be in charge of our destiny, but also have relationships that nurture and complete us in ways because we're not meant to do it by ourselves? And we're certainly not meant to people pleasing, give up everything so that we can be in relationships. So you'll see here that that theme coming up again, I was gonna
say it makes so much sense if we're supposed to be focusing on our connections and our bonds and our significant relationships and
so true, and it's going to be a big focus, but it's going to what's going to be the focus is are you following your purpose? Are you following your drive and your thing you know, whatever it is that your soul came in here to make manifest into the world? Yeah, well Where are you sacrificing so much to make everyone happy to keep yourself small so that you don't rock the boat so to speak. So we're gonna see that being released and more so of that kind of coming to light where people have just been giving, giving and giving and giving until it hurts. No,
I think we see that so strongly with empaths and sensitives, and psychics and mediums and astrologers, and, you know, all the, all of our little segment of the world, and if so, anyone who's sensitive or identifies as empathic that's listening like, Hey, this is you mentioned, are you? What's the question that I love the way you give a question to kind of ponder with this? Are you showing up, you know, in your full as your false complete self? Are you giving yourself away? What's the best way you think, to kind of evaluate that over time?
I would say that a good question would be like, how am I shining my light? And where do I hide it or keep myself small? Because I'm scared to offend? Or I'm scared of judgment. Or, you know, what will people think, you know, a big one that comes up around this, especially with Uranus and Taurus is about money. Right? It's like money trauma, where do you think if I become too big, who will think that I'm too much or greedy? Or I'm not a good person anymore? And so we keep ourselves kind of not even I would say deliberately, but maybe subconsciously. Yeah, so we're not like that next door neighbor that mom and dad used to make fun out because he had this big yacht and Bolton, what you know, whatever, like to extravagant, but really, it was a wound that your parents had then reflected to you, which now you've taken on as your identity. So an Aries is identity, like who are you? What do you call yourself? How do you identify in the world? So yeah, how
are you identifying in our relationships, how we're showing up in the world around us how we're showing up are participating in community. It's a lot of it's kind of a lot of third chakra like us in the world. Yeah, you know,
yeah, and I mean Aries is really that whole like feeling so that spark of life so you can even say maybe its primary colors red right, it really loves the color red. So we will start to see fashion even going in that direction. So there's also I took a seminar once where the they were talking about the fashion trends and music trends as it changes as the nodes of the moon go into these 18 month cycles. And so I think we're gonna see more fire more read more boldness you know, in music, I think maybe heavy metal might come back again as well. Right? That fiery rock, like come back again because there hasn't been really a renaissance a revival of that, you know, we haven't seen that in the music. It's been quite soft. So yeah, that's gonna be interesting. So I sort of wrote here you know, to the toxic individuality so I can do it all myself right that's one of the you know, possibilities here i leaders and self esteem and letting go of people pleasing. So again, coming back to that, you know, cancer theme as well. So, it's been it's I think these are going to be some traits that are going to carry on and here's some more things that are gonna really, really help that along because everything is happening for an opportunity, right? Yeah, toys Bring, bring this healing for for everyone and bring it to the surface. And so our next big astrological event is going to be July 22 to September 3, and that's Venus going retrograde in Leo. Okay, so that's
an interesting Venus in Leo but retrograde Okay, all
right. So so what do you know about Oh, yes. All the things with beauty so Venus is what we love and value our connection with money. Relationships love you know, aesthetic is Venus and Leo is a sign it is JLo think of Jennifer Lopez right she is a quintessential Leo like likes to be on stage like to be seen. And really, you know, they have they have a voice something that's unique to them in this lifetime that they're meant to shine their light in because the opposite of Leo is Aquarius. So we take our gifts and talents, we figure out who we are, and what's our special sauce that we came here to share with the world. And then we use that in Aquarius to then help humanity rise and help us to be there for each other and using that gift to for the benefit of all not just for our own benefit. So Leo likes to be acknowledged, right? It's grant it's dramatic. It loves to be seen I'm a Venus Leo. So you're like I like the big earrings that big air Okay, actually my hair is way bigger than today. You know, so it's kind of a dramatic as well. They're very good story storytellers. If you know Leo, they tend to be actors, and like the, you know, the spotlight or performers in some way and the The surest way, the fastest way to anger a Leo is to not appreciate them and tell them bossing around, tell them what to do try that that's never gonna go work, ignore them, ignore them
not work
with joy. Well said, Yes, not acknowledging their contribution. That's also like a huge one. Right? So when Leo when Venus is retrograde, it means now, this our relationships, what we want our beauty and aesthetic, our connection to money, is now being internalized. So retrograde just means that the planet is going slower than the Earth now. So it just mathematically going slower than the Earth. So if you were to look at Venus in the sky, it just looks like it's going backwards. But it's not because we are just going faster in it. Yeah. So when it's in that kind of relationship to the earth, we're now internalized, it's sort of like, what do we really want? What do we want to be acknowledged for? What is our special talent? Now we're coming back to our special contribution.
It seems like an even further dialing in of that, you know, what are you who were is your soul? Wanting to be in this lifetime? Feeling? Oh, so interesting. Right?
Right. And we're humans. So we need to go slow, right now
a lot slower than we often speak for myself on that. But even
just in terms of change, right, like, why can't we just accept this as our leadership? This is my thing, and I gotta go out and do it. And then your grandpa comes over for dinner. And they're like, Well, you know, that girl out there on the on the YouTubes, trying to do all the things and you're like, I want to be on YouTube. And now you can't say anything, because now you feel like I'm gonna anger grandpa, when grandpa gets mad, and mom gets mad, you know? So it's these like, it's a dynamic, that's relationships are dynamic. It's not simple. And so we need time to reverse this energy and internalize it, and start to see where in our world do we hold that? Where in our world are we not feeling appreciated? So July 22, to September 3, we're definitely going to be very sensitive to not being appreciated to not being acknowledged, not being seen, because a Leo likes to be seen. And Liam's are quite quiet by nature. I mean, they tend to be sort of they wait to be acknowledged, right? They wait for the invitation, almost. And then they're like, yes, you're right. Yeah. But they'll show up looking fabulous. And then you're like, I? And then can I talk to him? They're like, yes. And let me tell you all the things, right. So one of my really good friends is a Leo. And gosh, she just has fashion sense for days. Like, you know, they just know, they know nice things. They know a good party, they know how to eat great. They know you know, great eat great meaning they know the nice foods that are high in calories and high end tastes, right? So the one of the one of the side effects to this retrograde can also be that you're looking over what what makes you feel good? And what what are you actually medicating with? Perhaps, you know, and how are you dealing with money? If you're using money to medicate you know, shopping or spending on food or spending outside your means this Venus retrograde is going to bring that for you to see,
well, and then I think it's part of this for me springs up as looking from an honest perspective at the boundaries that maybe we haven't set to receive that acknowledgment, for example, you know what I mean? Because it's like if we're think of someone who maybe like isn't receiving the acknowledgement that they want, but they also haven't set any form of boundary or stated any form of like needs. So that'll be a fine tuning. I'm sure for all of us in different areas to work on with what boundaries have we set? What have we requested? Or what what do we require? What do we want?
That'd be a good time to put on a boundary workshop. By the way, I just got that download for you. That's what you want to do? If that's what you want to do, but yes, that's you're exactly right. I mean, you have to see it to heal it, you have to feel it to heal it and what you resist persists. So that's all going to come up around that time for sure. And it's over the summer. So it's a little bit you know, for those who kind of take more time off in the summer and stuff to that might be a bit of a reprieve because hard to go through that when you're working alongside people nine to five, Monday to Friday, you know, that can be also part of it. But again, if that comes up at work, then that's something for you that you need to now look back and go Why do I feel like this? Where did this start in my life? Right? Why can't I ask for what I want? Because I was told that I'm too much when I do. Okay, is that true for me now? How do I start to heal that and how you start to heal it is by asking for small things. Start small build, build evidence for yourself, your
process in mind is very similar. I feel like oh my god, this is exactly how we do it. Yeah, yes.
That's why we do it. We are very soon. The next major transit is going to be July 23. And it's going to be around that in that week. And it's going to be very, like close together here very close together. They're gonna get further apart and but this one is just kind of, it's gonna last for probably about two, three weeks. And it's Pluto square the nodes. So that Pluto member death, rebirth and transformation revolution. And then the nodes, now the node is gone into 29 degree of Aries and Pluto is at 29 degrees of Capricorn. So 29 degrees is considered a critical degree in astrology, it really amplifies all the harder aspects of that sine challenge high as
the 30 degrees, right. So that means we're within one degree, so it's like, intensity,
right? Well, this is a square, yes, a 90 degree angle away and they're pulling against each other. So they're it's a, it is a crisis, a challenge, a different difficult to integrate. So it'll be interesting during that week to see or maybe even that sort of, because it's applying and then exact on the 23rd of July. And then separating, that can mean destabilizing of sort of world powers, a possible sort of ignition of war, like we're seeing more, you know, tensions growing with China, and with Russia, with regards to the waters around China, and Thailand, and Taiwan, and all the things. So we're just finding that Thailand, Taiwan, and, you know, Russia and Ukraine. So there's a few kind of hotspots, if you will, around the world that are already starting to start to simmer a bit. And we're starting to see steam coming, especially from China in the US, you know, experience and, and even in Canada, there has been foreign interference with our MPs in government being threatened by Chinese people who are working here on behalf of China. So there's been a lot of people being deported and this coming to light and, and the Prime Minister is being held to account on what he knew and why he didn't do anything to protect these members of parliament. So it is it there's tensions that are rising around the world, you know, like it takes more than just, you know, two people to start a world war, I don't think this will be a world war, I think we really don't have the appetite for it, we want more diplomacy, and there's so many players willing to step into the intermediaries and talk. So there might be some sort of Spark, I really hope that we will go through that week with nothing happening, I will be so happy if nothing happens during that week. But it's a it's a time of major tension for the world shake
up for change to could be That's correct. That's exactly right.
I mean, that's why that's what words are is really sort of this like, disagreement of, you know, possible philosophies or trying to grab land or whatever it is. And I think we just coming through this evolution of like, what is it worth all the lives that we're gonna lose, like, yeah, it doesn't end all the money. So but we're can also be really good for the economy. And for money, there are players that win in war. So it'll be interesting to see what happens here. But it's definitely with regards to breaking up the old guard, you know, Capricorn, and then trying to start something new trying to, but Aries is also the God of War. So that's why this is a typical marker for war. But hopefully, it doesn't just
that libre side rise up and demand justice and fairness and equality, is that part of the push pull that's gonna happen in there?
Well, it's the south node. So it's releasing the lows that we've been complacent, and trying to accommodate and trying to appease. So it's not really just going
along, it's maybe not gonna be good enough anymore. might know.
Yeah, I think it's gonna add to the frustration of look at all the things that we've been doing to try to help look at all the ways that we've been conceding and trying to give you another chance. And we've just had it so it could lead to that. And then on the micro level, we can also feel kind of turned up during this time and ticked off, you know that again, with this Venus retrograde at the same time in
a lot. That's what I mean, as you're saying, and it even sounds like for in some situations, it could feel like a last straw kind of a time which
again, but again, when you think about it, that might be the year so right and I love the way you interpret this You're so good at this is that it could be the last straw for relationship ending because it had to, and you've been holding on because you're scared you're going to anger someone or it's going to ruin your friend group or whatever you add on the excuse. And this is going to be like you can't hold your tongue anymore. It's gonna
allow for not getting to be yourself not getting to express your truth of who you are.
What you came here to be exactly right. You everyone was wanting to leave my previous job I was working with it's so interesting. The flags of the university no send you when the change is coming, right. And I have this great job, been there for 12 years had amazing bosses. It felt like a family. And then everyone in my accounts, all the people that I had relationships left, and then I got assigned a new boss that was absolutely horrible. And there was just so many things that were stirring. They didn't give me the extra weeks of holidays that they had promised me when I first started just other things like is it time to leave is a time to leave. And I was in a show and my boss, my horrible boss came up and did the exact opposite of what I asked him to do. And I lost it in the middle of the show. I started yelling at him, it was almost like it was I couldn't stop myself joy. And I'm not It's not like me. But I couldn't stop. I just like all of this stuff. Just this is a Pluto square, the node moment in my life, where it just came to the surface. And I like I could feel myself step out of my body. And it was just like yelling at him. And he's like, lower your voice. I'm like, don't tell me what to do. And you know, it's just like, calm down. Like, don't tell me to go down. So yeah, I got written up. But it was uninteresting. Interesting, because at that time for the people in neighboring booths, could hear all of it and they came over and they're like, he's such a jerk. I'm so glad you gave it to him. Wow. So mentally July. You go on a holiday trip, take deep breaths, float in the pool, you know, really, self care is a must during that July 23 week, you know, really paying attention to your triggers to healing may be a good time, Pluto rules therapy, you know, so drudging up all day, so good time to have therapy and really kind of deal with the skeletons in your own closet. Because this is bringing up revolution to move into your future. What needs to Pluto's removing blocks and barriers to your future here. So yeah, with evolution,
it sometimes it is heavy lifting, but
it is it can be so yeah, absolutely. Well said again. So then August 23, to September 15. For me, this feels like personally, the roughest part of me. Because it's a Mercury Retrograde in my own sign. So it's going to affect everyone because Mercury rules Virgo. And Virgo likes details and likes to be organized. And it likes to have things a certain way. So that's the time when we're going back to school kids are going back to school, we're getting back on to routines for September. And what I'll say to you is your routines for September isn't going to be your routines for September, you'll be planning ahead getting school supplies, getting lunchboxes, and then something's going to happen to like shift all of that in some way. So what I'll say is really pack a lot of patients for October 23rd, to September 15. And really flexibility, really because Virgo is a mutable sign so it flows with crisis and change. And really try to channel that as much as possible during this time of just flowing with change, because this retrograde is meant for you to slow down. So we're and of course, September is a time where we tend to speed up from settling down all summer. And it's also a time to really review, reassess and realign with the structures of your life because Virgo rules, the sixth house of daily routines, health habits, and the ways that we move through life in a practical, logical way, being of support to the people around us. So and of service, right? Who are Virgos of service? So we're going to be tasked now with, you know, what are your beliefs and thoughts around being of service? And what are your thoughts and beliefs around your daily routines and the help that you're actually choosing versus what you want? Right? Because they're not always the same thing?
Well, and on a bigger scale, for me this this kind of sticks out as something I've been looking at a lot lately, which is like performative versus, you know what I mean? We're we're actually doing the work. Are we just talking about doing the work? And I think this is kind of one of those areas this year, that's going to be where the old ways maybe not good enough anymore? Are you just talking about the work? Are you doing the work? Are you, you know, showing up for for things? Or are you not kind of for our own evaluation? You know,
it's exactly right. And yeah, so there's definitely going to be this time where communication is going to slow down, travel is going to slow down to so I think we're going to have a bit of some airline issues and communication issues, and maybe tech glitches around that time, too. So if you're traveling between August 23, you know, right before you come back to school sort of thing, really like don't take carry on or don't don't take, don't check your bags, if you can, you know, bring carry on and pack smart. So that way your bags don't get lost. So that's another thing. And don't sleep
on those sales back to school, the beginning of August. Early, because yeah, men's might be delayed. It could be all kinds of Yes. All kinds of things.
That's exactly right. Because it rules travel at real shipping, any kind of communication or delays. Yes, yes. Yes. Absolutely. So really double checking those emails and planning really, you know, earlier in August, I would say rather than September 15, so mid kind
of mid August to mid September. Just a little a little heads up to be ready to go with the flow on some unexpected It's situational
clear, right? And if you're normally organized and have everything ready to go for, you know, school then tack on an extra month in advance to start actually planning in July to have everything ready because there is going to be delays. Something's going to happen Virgo.
You heard it here first. Yeah.
This has been a year Virgo Mercury likes to go retrograde in sort of certain elements every year so this year it's Earth Science and when I saw that I was like, oh gosh is coming for me there yeah, this Mercury Retrograde is going to be rough and it's rough for everyone. It was retrograde in Gemini last year and that was huge communicating it rules Gemini so there was huge communication issues and stuff last year so very everyone
out there who's been like on their mind to back up any like data, you have stored computer storage like photos that you might want to bet like back it up.
Absolutely right back it up in July. And don't wait till August. Yeah, right now June
do it. Yes, back everything up.
Well said joy. Yes, right now do it. And then the next two that caught my eye was actually October 14 and October 25. We have eclipses on those days. And eclipses are their evolutionary jump points in our kind of on our planet. So it's where the new moon eclipse is in Libra this on October 14th. And eclipses main in astrology is when a new moon or full moon happens near the nodes of the moon. So of course, the nodes are moving now into Aries Libra, and as it's moving into Aries Libra, now the pair of eclipses will be in that Aries Libra axis. So we've got that new moon eclipse on in Libra on October 14. And then October 28, we have the full moon eclipse, but this time in Taurus, not Aries because it's in the it's at the fifth degree of Taurus. So it's just moving out of so it's it's close enough to be considered an eclipse in in astrology, but it's not in Aries. So it's a bit more complicated than what I'll get into but why it's important is it's Venus ruled both those those signs or Venus rules. So there's that Venus energy again, right and Venus won't be in Leo at this point in time. But if that Venus energy again is bringing our awareness to relationships to what we love and value to our relationship with money, and our relationship with our own beauty and the way we feel about ourselves self esteem,
interest so there's these like focus points on certain energies that seems like through this next six months to
where they just seem to thread up again, you can see the thread or the through line you know of, of this energy of self love and love and value and your relationships and how you feel in relationships and are they serving you? Or are you serving them? Is it a reciprocal, you know, kind of thing. And then the last last one that really caught my eye as well as October or December 12 Sorry, December 13 to June January 1, I'm gonna blow off December 13 to January 1. So we start off the new year with mercury retrograde. And Mercury Retrograde starts in Capricorn. So another earth sign, but then moves back into Sagittarius. And so next year, the mercury the Retrogrades will be in fire signs. So not as bad you know, it's going to slow down our fire or momentum forward and our passions and our drives. But it's not which is not as it's not as bad. But the start into Capricorn again it's that's around you know, it's gonna go over Christmas. So again, any shipping for Christmas presents any kind of travel over Christmas, any plans you know, really pack patience, pack a backup plan if you're traveling have your paper copies of everything, don't rely on electronics to be there for you pack an extra book so you can read when you're you know, planes don't pack you know, carry checked baggage try to pack carry on. So your luggage might, you know go missing you don't care because you haven't checked with you or you haven't on your carry on. And it's interesting because as it moves into Sagittarius, it's going to really, it's going to make us rethink our plans for 2024. So if you do like a vision board or you have like all these big plans for 2024 This retrograde is going to have you really second, not second guessing but more so getting clear on what you really want and what drives your passion. Because Sagittarius is an optimistic forward thinking sign looking into the future and visioning for this future that really uses your passion and your fire right your drive. Yeah. So if you're not doing life according to your passion and What lights your soul on fire this year is going to really bring up places where that's holding you back where you're not you're holding yourself back,
I think it's such a great point to that you bring up to just do spend this next six months, this remainder of the year, just getting more clear with ourselves what's important to us what's not what, you know, even as you were saying with the all the Venus transits, that some of it, as you mentioned, is our personal beauty in our personal health and how we take care of our physical body, and maybe things that we used to believe fit, or maybe they don't, and, you know, it can be all across our relationship with our selves. And if we're doing all that work this period, then maybe by the time we get to that pivot, or refocus or rethink, you know, for what we want to do going forward into 2024 that you were talking about, we'll just know ourselves so much more deeply. And maybe it won't feel like such a, I don't know, tower moment, such. Like, the walls are crumbling moment, because you know, yourself. So well, that's just like, oh, no, actually, I do want this and not this, or I do know that this is my true north type of a thing.
Yeah, I love that. And you're, you're right, like that change can be either self directed or propelled. Right. So it can either be towards something that you want, because you see the change, and you want that, or it can be because of pain. And you know, the pain is a big catalyst for change. But it is so hard. So I love there's a Buddhist saying that the the root of all suffering is attachment. So when you feel like you're suffering, what do you attach to what's trying to leave your life that is presenting, and you're like, No, this is me, this is my identity, Aries, and it's not your identity anymore, and you brought that in from your parents Libra, and it's time to let that go. Or you picked that up from an axe, or your relationship in high school, you know, that doesn't belong to you anymore, you are more than the sum of your experiences, you get to decide who you are.
Well, and it's even when I talk about this, we just did this lesson in one of the programs that I teach one of the foundational programs, just talking about, think about whenever each of us was in high school, and what was the conversation around sexuality, you know, personal or in a relational what was acceptable in the community that you grew up in, or the time period or on media and some of us are still kind of hanging on to bits and remnants using it as the standard because previously, there was a different standard. And now all of that is changing. So there are things that can fall away that we just I think you said it earlier that we just don't agree to anymore. It's just an old way I you know, maybe the systems that I grew up in did that that doesn't resonate with me anymore. This is who I'm choosing to be. But we got to go through that little bit of process of coming to some of this, right?
I love the way he said that. And it's, you know, spirit, sort of showing me where you got here now with what you believed and what you thought was true. And as you reveal more of what is true for you now, and the truth comes to light about what these experiences were actually teaching you, there's going to be a redirect for many people, especially many people listening to this podcast, because it's feeling like it's okay to redirect because you didn't know what you know, now, and you needed to get to this moment. So that's why you needed to have the people pleasing. That's where you needed to have the prover energy. That's why you needed to have these, you know, relationships with money to get you to this moment to then you know, hire this coach or be in this time or perfect place where you're like, Oh, my God, I just had an aha moment. And everything shifts, right. So you shift your perception, you shift your entire life, right, you can honestly such
a big part of all this just in this. I don't know why I keep like these themes for this year have stuck with me so much, because I keep seeing them rise up. And it's like this is the other part of this seven energy that we're completing this year is like, you know, what, what do we need to let it fall away? And what do you what are we bringing in to usher in that new and then everyone who's sensitive to any degree, I mean, which is all of us, it's just whether we've kind of woken up to identify that way. Right? Yeah, we are being called almost like an internal poll to that next phase, that higher thinking that illumination and then wanting our society to reflect that new way. So you can see how this really does stack all kind of like stairs, of where where we're headed and it is playing out individually and collectively. I don't know stuff just fast. And I'm such a nerd for this stuff, even though like I only I am only into it in my personal work, you know, not my public work, but it's just so fascinating.
Well, it is that's why I love astrology so much. It's such a wonderful tool for understanding yourself. Right and then even understanding the people in your life like I remember when I was going for my certification. I would have the charts of my my husband, myself and my kids. And every time the teacher would say something I'd be like to sit it's in my chart. It's on my have been short, like, there's, there's an aspect and I try to remember the degree. So if there's a degree of cancer, that if you were born with a planet or saw something on that, that point, you will have bad teeth. Like it's almost like 99%. And so I'm looking because one of my my good friends has had nothing but problems with her teeth since we were kids. And I looked at her chart, and her son is at that degree and I texted her, I like you're gonna have bad teeth for the rest of your life. She goes, tell me something. I don't know. I'm like, it's in your astrology chart. Right. And it's funny because she's been struggling with her teeth for her whole life. But it's been such an interesting reflection of who she was. So her parents didn't do anything with her teeth because they didn't have the money. So she they just pulled her teeth and kind of, you know, this is a metaphor, so stay with me. So they kind of did what they had to do to get by. And now she's come into her own and there's there's money and resources available to her. She's doing the work to expand though her jaw and make it right. And it is painful, painful, painful. But she's also going through therapy. There's other things in her life shifting. And so it's all paralleling like that. It's her her mouth is a metaphor for life. But yeah, she was given this kind of crappy circumstances, but she gets to make it what she wants. So yeah, it's not you know, you're not, you're not relegated to your chart. It's not like a cross that you bear, it's actually an opportunity in your path forward to your purpose. So yeah, I just love like, gosh,
it's like, I just, I know, some people get nervous about things like retrograde. And, you know, we hear these things, and we see these funky memes. And it's like, okay, not like that. It's the opposite. It's like not to be scared of them. It's why I love the way that you work and the things that you put out, because it's like, just a heads up to like, hey, wouldn't you want to know if it was gonna rain, you might take an umbrella or poncho or not, you might just wear shoes that aren't suede, like,
whatever word, you decide, you don't want to listen to any of it. And then you're gonna go out in the rainstorm, and you're gonna get wet. Right, exactly.
But it's choices, right? That's right, having a little bit of a heads up. So you can just flex with the choices a little differently. That's kind of how I see it. Exactly. Right. So I think we're saying that you every astrologer that I know are friends that are Intuit do this, where it's like we kind of look at everyone else's chart we know. And I want to use that information that you just shared as a segue to talk about this exciting program that you are working on and designing you kind of dropped a little bit that you're in creative mode, you're actually going to be starting to teach some astrology, which has
been such an interesting journey. Joy, you know, I've everyone listening
can pull the charts of everyone they know. And
that's actually a bonus I'm giving in it, because it's so important to me. So I've been asked over the last few years, like at least 50 times to like, when are you teaching winning teach? I'm like, No, I'm not a teacher. I'm not. I'm not to say I'm not a teacher. I love training and teaching things. But I don't want to teach other astrologers. And someone said, I just want you to teach me how to understand my chart. And I was like, Yeah, I'm in for that lead. Yes, I'm all in for that. And so my coach is like, Well, why not do that, then, you know, you have so many people asking you, why not? But do it your way. And I was like, yes, there's that Aries Libra energy, right? Now I've got to do it my way. So it's a 16 week class, and it's integrated. So meaning that you're going to look at your chart. So I give your chart as part of of the course. It's a 16 week course. And we go through the basics of your natal chart together as a group, and then we're going to continue on for a few extra weeks. So what's actually sort of 12 to 13 weeks of instruction, but then each one I want you to like find areas in your chart, what part does it tell me about it? What is it like and that I want you guys to pair up, and I want you to tell each other about it. So that way you're sharing about your chart, and you're learning about it when you're doing it because it can be so overwhelming when you learn a bunch of stuff, and then you never apply it and then you're looking at your chart and like I don't understand what those are. I don't want that. So I've created this course it's launching in September, I'm going to have a three day astrology challenge to help people understand their sun, moon or rising sign in August. So if anyone wants to sign up for that, there will be a free link soon. It's just in the ideation stage. So I just I've actually just getting the booklet created right now. There's many steps that kind of go into setting up these challenges, but I want to help people at the very least if they feel like maybe they can't afford the program or it's not it's the time commitments too much it's going to be in the evening so even people who are working can attend as well. And I really want to reach as many people as possible with this information and help them to learn their chart their birth chart and then they learn how to kind of read off their friends and family as well if they want that's a bonus offering that I'm putting inside the program this welcome so yeah, I I'm excited actually to do it. Because there was a time in my life when I'm like, Oh, I don't know and now
I really so firmly believe in this man. More apprenticeship or mentorship style teaching because I feel like there's so many programs out there for all kinds of learning that are great to access on your own and read the information but it's different, especially with something that is as complex and dialed in as astrology to kind of look and then be able to ask you, or maybe two people that get partnered have something totally opposite. And they it's confusing, and then just having the guidance there. Like being able to look at things with them, I think is just invaluable because it can feel it's wild. Like if I don't do it for a part of my work. It's just overwhelming the amount of information and it's I do think that's what's daunting for a lot of people is that it's so overwhelming, you know, beyond what we can just read. I guess it's not magazines anymore. It's wherever we read those kinds of things online probably right unless you all should be following she tall I know several are not. I will link all of her socials below. Tell us I know your website, she tells story and as sh E T A L and then story like it sounds str But I'll also put the link for that again, is it the best place for people to check in with info about the course this will probably come out around June 12. So close soon, but when they're wanting to check out for is that the best place to go?
Yeah, there's, it's right now I'm not published on there, because we're working on behind the scenes to kind of firm up some things. And we've been dabbling with e ai as well, artificial intelligence. So that's been kind of interesting and intriguing. But a few things need to be tweaked with that. But I currently have, if you go through the link in my Instagram, there is a waitlist to sign up for the astrology course. So the people on the waitlist are actually going to get an extra special little bonus if they sign up. So like I said, that would be the place to be you. Okay, so
your what's your Instagram remind me that story tell story.
She tells story. That's great. Yeah. All right, get
the links as well, I'm so excited for you to be I mean, I feel like you're such a natural teacher. Anyway. So this really is just the natural next thing for you to be wanting to talk about and share and, and help people I feel like that's the best of teaching is when it excuse me when it feels like just helping people do what they're already wanting to start stepping into. You know, it's just,
yeah, and making it so easy, right? Because there's so much to know, with astrology. So to make it easy and applicable, and then have them, you know, talk to each other and then have this environment where we're all getting to, you know, and not only answer questions, but getting to practice the material. So it's not just sitting on a shelf that was so important to me. So
most things is it's like it's so immediately valid, because like you we all know what's true about us even look at you know, like the T thing that girl knew she had trouble, you know, it wasn't like, the first time I had like a deep astrology done. They were like, Oh, you're, you have a weakness in your wrists. And I was like, I totally do. I've sprained my wrist like, both my pregnancy was trying to push off of them. And you know, about 10 years ago, but it's just amazing to me the depth of like, specific and unusual details that are not general you know what I mean? So, yeah, anyone who's interested in astrology, which I think is so many people, because I get asked about it a ton. I'm so excited for your program in September, and this is going to be your like, flagship run of it, right? It really
Yeah, it's my my beta launch. So because of my beta launch, it's actually being offered a $500 discount, because I want to tweak Yeah, I want to tweak it, I want to get feedback, and I want to understand how I can make it better. And have it be my flagship offering because they do I think the more we have this in the hands of people to understand themselves in their chart, the more compassionate and caring they are for themself and it actually really becomes a catalyst for healing and change. So, you know, astrology is a it's an intuitive modality and it's considered a divination form. But it's there's so much more to it and there's so much data behind it. There's really really worked Yeah, so it took me six years to get my certification. It's not it's not easy there's a lot to know and and I really was very mindful with what I included in the program because I really want it to be applicable make sense for your chart and so to understand your your birth chart, so there's a lot of external extraneous information and I'm like, do you really need to know that for any sort of purpose? No, it really is like one
just to get started that's the cool thing about it is if you're gonna teach they could really get started you know, that's yes, I get so frustrating. I feel like this about my healers groups to a lot of you know, I think energy healing is amazing, and I have this little bit of a pet peeve of I think there's a place of course for like weekend workshops and things but I don't think it prepares someone for actually, you know, rolling up their sleeves and feeling like they're ready to dive right in and I know that's what this program is going to do for people is just make them feel like they speak the language of astrology enough that they can roll up their sleeves and take a look at their chart and know some stuff, you know?
Yes and it even just understand when I'm talking about Pluto retrograde in Capricorn then I'm like, Oh my gosh, I know what that is. I know what that means. Or I bought it in my notes and you know, can can start to reference it because that's how you start to really learn astrology is when you start to apply it and start to understand how that energy affects you and what's happening and seeing it happen in your life right so it's so cool to
see it like this year is affecting your life because this is you stepping more into your souls purpose more into like the light you're shining for the community and and what you're giving to the collective and like see a strong, real home or lifestyle so amazing.
And I'll share with you a little piece of my chart my progress chart so meaning what's happening in this year of my life. Pluto progresses past my ascendant now into my first house so it's like it doesn't happen to any everyone it actually rarely happening. Are you really dependents? No, I'm it's because of where it was in my birth chart by solar arc progression. Okay, so it was in Libra, which also is going to be activated by the nodes of the moon moving into Libra Aries. So it's really interesting. A Hall how it's all working out, I got it. I had a reading done from someone I really trust. And she's like, girl, did you see Pluto is progressing into your first house and like, Oh my God, how did I miss that? I use a different form of progression. And she's like, it's a big year, it's a big year of transformation. And like, I don't know what that's gonna be. And it's been a big year of transformations.
But like you said, you know, letting the what's not serving you slip away and really, you know, kind of shedding the old and moving into the light that you are, I'm so excited for you. Congratulations.
I think what Thank you. And one of the things I've really had to release myself is the energy of proving, because I sort of like my, there's so many people in astrology that are so much more knowledgeable than me, they've been around forever. I mean, I know a lot, a lot a lot about astrology, but there's like, the old timers have been around forever, you know, all these different kinds of progressions, all these different kinds of astrology. And then like, you know, can I be teaching this? And there was a real release of this prover energy over the last few weeks where I've just like, You know what, I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Yeah, I'm really done with proving that I can speak, I can talk to spirit, that spirit exists, that I'm qualified, you know, just name everything that you have to prove. And this, you know, I feel like that's going to resonate with someone who's listening or watching the podcast, too. Is that where do you feel like you got to prove yourself? Yeah, where do you feel like you're not enough because you don't have
so many areas, right? We all have some area. And then it's, it's so beautiful that you share that, thank you. Because like, as we continue to grow and move into our journey, whatever souls purposes, there are still things that are going to rise up as kind of old stuff we used to do, or old, old patterns. And now, like, you've been doing this work for so many years, and you're ready to move to this next thing, and then it rises up again of so it just is a testament to your growth, that you recognized it that you were able to process it and that's the power of the work is for me anyway, I feel like recognizing these things when they do come up with like, Okay, I'm doing that prover thing again, which girl I got a lot of it. So I know. Okay, this is me, am I valid? Do I need to you were, you know, respond to this out? Do I have permission to trust my gifts, whatever it is in everyone's life, but it's, it kind of is a big part of what you know, doing this work gets us is just maybe perspective.
When you think about when you get to this level, because it's astrology sort of talks about, we're all spiraling through the universe. But we're also spiraling upward in our evolution. So you know, as you spiral upward now without this prover energy, I might see my money trauma in a different way. I might see my I definitely see my mediumship in a different way. Holy moly, joy, like it has been, I was actually going to drop out of my mentorship program. With Andy, I was sort of feeling like, this isn't for me, I was really like losing the joy of my mediumship. And I'm like, I don't know if this is meant for me anymore. Like maybe it was just my gift to get me to this. And now I need to let that go. And then I had this like and wild shaman experience on the weekend, two weekends ago. And I was like, I don't need to prove nothing to nobody. I am done with it. And I had to reschedule my client because it didn't go well the week before. And I said, you know, it's just not working right now. So you have a choice. You can reschedule or you can refund, I'll happily refund you you want a refund, right. And she's like, I'd like to reschedule. I'm like, wow, okay, I'll reschedule you. And then that Monday after the shaman experience, I had her again and it was like I got a name, I got a place I was getting like information that I used to get when you're going when you're a beginner, medium, right? All of this like lovely stuff, like, good. And then you're like, not good at all. Because Spirit takes that away and goes, now we're doing the deep work, right? It feels like that's come back again, because I'm like, You know what I'm here to help people heal, right and through grief or through astrology through everything, like I have all these tools to help people moving through difficult transitions in their life. And mediumship is one of those tools such as astrology. So if I can use this, I just want to help her in whatever way it needs to. And if you know the details come in, so be it but I'm enough just the way I am. And it was like one of the best sessions ever. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I can't wait to do more now because I just easing there's this this new level now of seeing myself where I just feel like free. I feel free. I love when that
happens in the work to I feel like we I don't know, it's cyclical, just like everything else. But we do all this heart pouring in and this soul searching and all the practicing and all the sitting, meditating, sitting, you know, all the things. Yeah. And then feels like we're walking backwards in quicksand. And then all of a sudden, something clicks together. And it's, you know, me wait. Maybe it's an emotion that we've moved through, or maybe it's something in our understanding, clicking together. But then we have these little time periods, which is, I think, what keeps us in time periods of great, I feel like I'm helping and doing Yeah, you know, my work. So
spirits, like we're not done with you yet. No. Not so not only as an entrepreneur, you're on the fast track of personal development, because your business reflects back to you ways that you're stuck, right. And then you know, in a medium, you are on the extra fast track of personal development, because Spirit reflects back to you ways that you're stuck in your own life and your own development. So you have to be in constant personal development as a medium. Because otherwise you run into these sort of ruts or these plateaus that you hit
true. Yeah. Well, it has been so fun. I can't believe this time went by so fast. And I want to lock you in right now for another comeback in
December. Yeah, we just have
six months at least Yeah, get our updates and our self reflection questions, which I love. For anyone who is remotely in, like interested in learning and being involved with your own chart. i As you know, I adore SJ tall and highly recommend her course. Check out her Instagram, I will put the link in the show notes. You can also go to she tall And sign up for her newsletter and list and I'm sure you'll hear about the free workshop that way to take advantage of at least the freebie workshop and learn some tools. So because it all starts with a tool, right? Yeah, so much for being here with us. I'm excited for the next six months, we don't know what exactly, it's gonna look like for each of us. But it's going to be forward moving and sounds like
absolutely, you know, if you're triggered, it means you're growing, you have an opportunity to understand yourself in a deeper way. So keep growing. And I'm wishing you all such happiness and self discovery in the best and easiest ways in the rest of 2023.
Well, thank you so much for being here with us again. Thank you joy. That was so much information. And now we are all set up to know not only the themes that are coming up for us, for us throughout the rest of this summer, as well as into the fall and into the end of the year, which I can't even believe that we're about halfway through the year. But with these themes, we can really reflect on our own lives. And I love this idea, which we didn't talk about in that seven themes for a seven year episode. And she told touched on it in the last episode we did which is episode 13. If you want to check that out, where by the way, we talk all about her bio and how she developed and marinated in the type of astrology that she does. So if you want to learn more about her in that regard, visit that episode because she talks all about her gifts as a child and and her journey, which we didn't go into today just because we had done it previously. But I just love the way she works with her astrology in a way that is very like not only user friendly, but gives us actual actionable steps that we can do or reflection points and questions to sit with within ourselves. Because the truth is, the more we get to know and understand ourselves through our own charts, but through our own personal development and through the way that we move through the world. The more that we can move in the direction that really calls to us or manifests what we want however you want to say it so if you Have you thought about learning astrology at all I highly recommend she tells course you've met her here a couple of times, she is truly a beautiful soul and cares so much about her work and about the individuals that she's working with. So highly recommend her. Again, you can go to her Instagram page at should tell story. And it's S H E t a l s, t o r y. I'll link it in the show notes. But check out that free, what is it the early sign up the waitlist so that you could get whatever that special bonuses that she's going to be offering. And so you can hear about the free workshop that she's doing, whether or not you choose to do the course, at least get the free information, I'm going to try to be there and I do think that there's some replays on it. So if you can't make it live, but check that out over there. I will also link all of her contact points in the show notes. So if you want to work with her privately, you can consider that as well. She's a fantastic practitioner, not only of astrology, but mediumship. And she's a grief counselor and so so many amazing things that this woman does. So thanks for being with me. Again. As always, if you haven't gotten to work with me yet, you can check out my website joyful There is a free mini course a three day sign magnet mini course that's available to you if you want right on the homepage of my website. But I also do one on one readings and sessions. And I love to have the opportunity to get to know you. If you have some questions about the spirit world or about anything to do with metaphysics different areas of spirit communication, and of how these gifts work. Shoot them my way email admin at joyful I'm going to do a q&a episode A few people have asked for it. So send me your questions and I'll do a whole episode where I will just answer the most common questions or maybe the maybe the most interesting or unusual questions Who knows spirits in charge? We'll see how it's gonna shape up. But if you've got questions about spiritual gifts, or about I don't know medium ship or the spirit world I'll do my best to answer I think that could be a really fun episode and a few vivace part like I said, Big hugs. We will be together next week. Lots of love and make sure you go check out sheetala on her platforms and say hello and let her know that you heard her right here in tears. Because it's a lots of love. Bye for now from inside the spirit speakeasy