Is Your Inner Critic Blocking Your ReBirth?
Apr 15, 2024
Have you ever allowed your own self judgement to hinder you in your personal growth or birthing new versions of you? In this week's Spirit Speakeasy episode, Is Your Inner Critic Blocking Your ReBirth, you and I will explore the fine line between self-evaluation and self-judgement, including some introspective questions to consider to if and WHY you may be holding yourself back from birthing yourself into more expanded versions of YOU.
Plus, I get personal and share my own fear of judgement and self judgement I had around "coming out of the broom closet" as a medium and I share the wonderful nd hurtful reactions I received. By the end of the episode, you'll have some tools to evaluate some of your own inner nudges to birth new versions of yourself in anything from a new self-expressive haircut to a full change of self expression in any area of your life!
Show Notes and Sources:
Podcast Mentioned: We Can Do Hard Things. Website:
Episode Mentioned, Title: βThe One Question to Finally Let Go of Control with ALOKβ
Episode 293
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Article from Huff Post: