The Tough Stuff, Don’t Panic! Weekly Reading, Energy, Potentials & Guidance for June 7-14
Jun 07, 2024
The Tough Stuff, Don’t Panic! Weekly Reading, Energy, Potentials & Guidance for June 7-14
🕊️Likely, for months now, you’ve been getting that internal nudge to let something go that has been holding you back in some way. Something’s gotta give. Release is the way through.
🌟Process the emotions that come up but don’t get so “stuck” in your head that you miss the “good” or the opportunity in this transition phase. Change is not always easy but, if we pay attention, it can be a bridge to our future.
💸Be mindful of your abundance- don’t overspend, overcommit, overshare but also resist the urge to hold the purse strings, emotional strings or puppet strings so tightly that you ultimately miss out.
☮️Whatever ending and beginning is happening in your life, work to make peace within yourself rather than tossing and turning with frustration or resistance about things outside of your control.
🎉The silver lining!? A new opportunity for abundance being present by your spirit team, just for you! Alignment is KEY here and there will need to be a free will contribution on your part (aka you have to show up to the thing, take the call, go on the interview, etc)
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