Blue Light Celestial Beings: Updates & News through March 2025 with Nancy Rebecca
Nov 11, 2024
Today we welcome back Nancy Rebecca to discuss the latest messages and predictions from the Blue Light Celestial Beings. Nancy recaps the surges of Blue Light Light-codes and Upgrades that we have experiences throughout 2024 and delves into the incoming waves of Blue Light energy, including when we can expect the next series of surges.
Nancy reveals deeper insights she has now received as to how these frequencies are dissolving illusions and amplifying truth - both on personal and global scales. The open-hearted conversation will leave you with a sense of excitement and anticipation, as Nancy describes the potential for miracles, spontaneous healings, and an expanded, multi-dimensional understanding of reality in the years ahead.
πThis is a must-listen for anyone seeking insight into the transformative changes unfolding on our planet, our energy fields and our understanding of allmthe Blue Light Celestial Beings want to teach humankind.
Show Notes:
Nancy Rebecca, RN, Intuitive/Psychic development teacher for 25 + years now. Nancy can see the physical and spiritual worlds at the same time.
In 2017, Nancy's experiences took a turn in direction when Blue Celestial star Beings visited her and asked her to help prepare the world for an upcoming time of great change on the earth.
Since then , their guidance and instructions have led her to the farthest places like China and places within the US.
If you missed the previous 2 times we chatted with Nancy you can check those out
Episode 17: Messages from the Blue Light Celestial Beings with Intuitive Mind's Nancy Rebecca
Where Nancy went into great detail about her gifts, and her early experiences with the Blue Light Celestial Beings
Episode 45: Update! Blue Light Beings: Predictions & Light Code Upgrades Revealed with Nancy Rebecca
Where she shared all about the light code transmissions and upgrades the Blue Light Beings shared with her.
Now Nancy Rebecca is BACK to share with us the newest communications from the Blue Light Beings and what we need to know for the end of 2024 through spring of 2025!!
Read Nancy's Blogs here:
Nancy's Website:
YouTube: your FREE download and working with Archangel Sandalphon now!
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Instagram: @JoyfulMedium
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Facebook Group: Joy's Soul Spa
YouTube: Psychic Medium Joy Giovanni
Episode Transcript:
hey, beautiful soul, welcome to spirit speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni, joyful medium. I'm a working psychic medium, energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. So come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world as I chat insider style with profoundly gifted souls, we go deep, share juicy stories, laugh a lot, and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips. You might even learn that you have some gifts of your own. So step inside the spirit speakeasy. Hey, beautiful soul, welcome into spirit speakeasy. For those of you that are listening on audio only on your favorite podcast platform and are not seeing the video, I am decked out in everything blue today because we are going to have a very special return guest, Nancy Rebecca, who channels the blue light celestial beings and is going to tell us the blue light, update what the beings have shared with her, what we need to know for the remainder of 2024 and how to be prepared For 2025 as you know, I have lots of questions, and as Nancy shares, I'm going to be really seeing what we can glean, what we can discern, if there's anything coming up that she can share with us. So I'm pretty excited for this conversation today, and I'm so grateful that Nancy has agreed to come back and share with us. She's getting quite popular and has a very busy schedule. So we were very lucky to get back with us today. Nancy Rebecca, who is going to share all about the blue light collective beings. Hey, beautiful souls, welcome back, or welcome in for another episode of spirit speakeasy today is a very exciting returning guest. I'm gonna do an abbreviated version of her intro. She's been with us twice before, and I am so excited to see what she has brought to share today. I've even resisted talking to her before, before us all talking together, because I just can feel it brimming over. So in just a moment here, we're going to welcome Nancy Rebecca. She is an RN and intuitive psychic development teacher for over 25 years. So that means Nancy can see the physical and the spiritual worlds at the same time. And in 2017 Nancy's experience took a turn in a direction that she didn't expect when the blue light celestial Star Beings visited her and asked her to help prepare the world for an upcoming time of great change on Earth, and since then, their guidance and instruction have led her to the farthest reaches, like China and places within the US. And if you missed the previous two times that we chatted with Nancy, you can check these out. I'll link them in the show notes, but she really shares a deep dive about her journey, if you want to hear that, which she also does on her website, which I'll also link. And then she really explains who the blue light beings are. But I'm so excited to have back with us to share the newest communications from the blue light beings and what we need to know for the end of 2024 through the spring of 2025 welcome Nancy. Rebecca,
well, thanks, Joy. I'm always excited to be back. There's a lot of information that's coming in right now, so I'm really looking at this as an opportunity, as I shared with you before on your podcast. This would be kind of kind of more blue light details than I have put out there at this time, because there's so much coming in on a daily basis, but you always ask the best questions. So I feel like you helped to kind of flush out what even I may not be able to fully conceptualize from what the celestial beings of light are talking about. So I'm excited to see that's a very unfolds today. That's
a very big compliment. Will you for anyone who's brand, brand new, before they have time to go back and listen to those other episodes, will you just quickly give us a little, I don't know, a bio of who the blue light beings are? Maybe?
Yeah, yeah. So, um, should just to let you know, people know a little bit about me. I mean, I'm definitely a registered nurse, retired, and I worked for 25 plus years that what really interests me, where my passion is still is, is the health of the human energy field, and how, how we can work with our energy to really help bring health and wellness to all aspects of our life. And the blue Beings of Light came in in the year 2017 was kind of what I call, kind of minding my own business, doing my traditional daily meditation. My eyes were closed. Closed, but I could hear this sound of a kind of, describe it of almost like a plane going overhead that you can hear off in the distance, but it came towards me. And next thing you know, it was even very loud in the room that I was in and and then I felt, you know, how, with your eyes closed, you can feel when someone's standing next to you, especially if you're a mom with kids, and they're like, Mom, can I go to Jimmy's house like you can feel them, and that's what it felt like. And so I kind of opened my eyes, and I looked around the room, and I had to look really tall. I was actually sitting on the floor, and there were 12 blue, very tall, blue beings of light. Now what I will say, to make it really simple, they look very close to like in the movie The Avatar so very luminescent, very light. And it wasn't like I could hear words, but I could hear a frequency, you know how, when the pitch changes in your ear. But for me, it sounded more like whales and dolphins, kind of that sonar, and then it's like I would get downloaded, and they basically said, we need you to help prepare the world. It's going to be going through big changes. We need you to talk about this.
And when I asked,
first of all, this is my usual responses. I think you've got the wrong address and and the reason why I say that is because I was never into, not even heavily into astrology or different planets and constellations, or, you know, I wasn't into any of that. I'm all about the human body. But anyway, they said you needed to go to China. And I could feel it in my bones. They said you will find the answers in China. And so that was the next step. But yeah, it's unfolded in bigger way. So here we are now, and wow, it's totally different than where it started. And you,
I think you previously told us that the blue light celestial beings are Pleiadian. Is that right?
Syrian, Syrian. Okay. However, that's okay because it's because it came through in the different pyramids. So what has been I'll tell you what the blue light beings said, what they're all about is, when this blue frequency comes in, it dissolves all illusion, enhances all truth, and helps move things to the forefront, so justice will be served, so so that that general message has never, ever changed. Now, what I've learned is because they started coming through the pyramids, and I have blogs and I have YouTube videos about that, but all the pyramids they started amplifying through are aligned with the constellation of Orion, okay, and so, so I know them as Syrian, and I've since learned that I have star seed DNA genetics that are Syrian. And if you want to know kind of what Syrians are like. They're more like Spock in Star Trek, you know. Like To
clarify, for anyone who's listening, you mean Syrians like Sirius the star and not Syria the not the country,
correct, correct. Just to clarify Yeah, and it's yes. And so if you are familiar, and some of the young people may not be but Star Trek and Spock with the pointed ears, he's that's not logical. And so this is very much like the star beings are like, Why be emotional about this? This? Everything is shifting and changing now, Pleiadians, on the other hand, can still work with the light of blue. They're very creative, they're very emotional, they're very passionate, you know, so, but they can still work with blue. And this is what I learned over time. So this is the example they gave me. It's like Christ, force energy, like we know that often to be gold, be golden. And when we think of like Jesus and we see those pictures, there's always this gold and Halo and this gold and light, and Jesus has this gold patina of light that's all golden. And so whenever I heard of the words Christ, force energy, I always thought that's Jesus, until the spirit world said, oh, oh no, no, no, no. Nancy, you've gotten a little confused here. It's the Christ consciousness. Essence is what Jesus loved to work with you. So it's available to all of us. All right, so the blue light beings gave me that example, and they said the blue light is similar. It is a level of consciousness, and any person in the world can choose to work with this blue light, to include star people from different galaxies and different planets. So the ones specifically I'm talking to are from Sirius.
That's very cool. That's a lot more information, I think, even in the way you just gave it than we had last time that anyone can you know, I we knew that it was going to affect everyone, right, right? I don't know if at that point you were, you had figured out or were working with it in a way that, like, Okay, let me teach everyone how to bring this light in and work with it. That's really, yeah, that's a big growth point. I love it. Yeah, it
is a big growth point, because this is kind of what kind of pulls us into what's happening now. So they said they would come through three times once that was done in 2023 I thought one and done. Now we're done. Now they're going to go somewhere else, and my life will go back to nursing energy field kind of things. And that's not what happened. It's just that that those beams of intense blue light are preparing us for the next level. So this next level, a wave came through in July, and they call it the blue light of pure truth, purity of truth, like this elixir of purity of truth, you know, like you could drink it and you can't why, you know, it's like you you can only tell truth, alright. So this started coming in a little bit in July. So it's like giving us little dropper fulls of truth, because we might be all excited about, yeah, in politics or in banking, or, you know, in the educational system, or, like, we can be all excited, yeah, yeah. We want that truth to be revealed. But what we're not realizing in July is our truth was going to be revealed. And that truth is, if you've been thinking, you're an inadequate being, and suddenly the truth is being revealed that you are an incredible, amazing light that's going to change your paradigm, especially if you lived off of that diet of I am Less than everyone else. Yeah, so the next wave came in August. So July kind of gives us a little prep. August gives us a little prep. And now by the time you're all listening to this recording, so I have october 17 is when the third gigantic, almost tsunami, wave of truth. Purity of truth is flowing through and will continue into the spring, well, probably for the next three years. I keep getting this three years of truth, but we're ready for it and
and I think, sorry to interrupt you. I think the the last time when you were talking about these waves coming in, you described them as coming through the entire planet, right? So, right? They
were like a laser beam, right? Like dude exploded, yeah, yes, and it was shattering. Like, if you think of a black ball of glass, like onyx or obsidian, and it just shatters into a trillion pieces. That's what the blue light did. Then Wow.
And now, so fascinating, because we have, you know, to your point, we have had things bubbling up in politics and in, you know, world news and in current events in the US certainly, and I'm sure other countries have their own things happening and in our personal lives. So just kind of thinking over the last six months to a year, and how is your personal life shift? What have you seen? But the part of it, just as a little side note that's so fascinating to me. I mean, all of it, but one segment is that it's interesting because when I did the eight themes for the eight year. One of the themes for an eight year is truth coming to light, like things being revealed, you know, those type of things. And this next event that you're talking about, which is right after we're recording, is on the Aries full moon. So Wow. It's fascinating to me how these things line up with the with the different ways we understand energy, with the ways the planetary alignments, or the star alignments are just, I don't know, it's just fascinates
me. Yeah, it is fascinating. And someone you know, because there's countries that are at war, and, yeah, I remember Pam Gregory, the astrologer, who said, well. Of course, you know, we've got the Aries Mars combo, one two punch, you know, kind of thing and that that really, can really cause fires to get sparked in us as individuals, but also in world countries. And so this blue, yeah, these blue waves. I don't they're not necessarily calming things down, but it is a calm, photonic elixir of light and peace and almost like this soothing of the wounds, yeah, if I can say it that way, you know, like somebody pulling out a shard of glass that got stuck in your arm, and this blue light is like, okay, let's let go of those shards of glass of your life, and let's start bringing in this soothing energies that's
much better than the visual I had of like a Festering Wound, and you want to comfort it and soothe it, but you need to also Clear it in and clean it and let it heal. And sometimes that means uncomfortable things coming to the surface, right? So that's yeah,
we've been we've been dealing with Festering Wounds for the last 1015, years. It's been tough for everyone, and not just us, but the people in charge, too, if you think about presidents or vice presidents, or CEOs, or, you know, heads of, you know, Tibetan, you know the Dalai Lama, like every, everybody's going through a growth
a lot of wars in the last 10 years, a lot of events, a lot of things coming to light about the way it was done In the past, yeah. I mean, you're totally right well,
and a lot of time, we think it's all about us, you know, that we're the only one that's going through this pain. And that's very capricorian, that's very Capricorn, where it's like, you know, it's like, the top down authority. It's very linear. It's very top to bottom way of thinking. And if you're at the bottom, then you keep thinking from the bottom. And if you're at the top, you think from the top. But as you know, Pluto moves into Aquarius, which I've been counting the milliseconds for that to happen is it's all horizontal. It's like everyone's going to move into that multiple, multiple dimensionality.
And what does that show up like in the symptoms of our life, like in the day to day? What little changes, or what things do you think we'll notice as a result. Well, the
one thing about lies is this blue light. It's like, you're not going to be able to lie. It's you just not going to be able to lie. And it's like, so that's going to change. And people are like, Well, why would I want to lie? Well, how many of us, when you're with your partner, you're with your friend, it's like, are you bugged? Are you annoyed with me? No, not at all. Like, how many of us say that it's like, you're not going to be able to do that anymore? You might say, Yeah, I'm really the truth of the matter is, I'm really bugged by you, but it has nothing to do with you. Yeah, you know, like that. That's how our communication is going to that's how it's going to be, and we won't be able to lie. Sure I'm happy in my relationship. I can live with this. You know, everybody has to compromise. Relationships aren't easy. You know, you're the truth of the matter is, this is rough and and I don't, it's not, I don't think I'm going to be able to do this for another 20 years. It's like, I am not going to be able to do this for another 20 years. And so you're going to get quicker at those decisions. But let's talk about globally. You know, we've been having these natural disasters, and Mother Earth is going through the changes. But it's about if we're looking at Earth in relationship to that, the universe, the universe, the Earth can no longer remain compromised, you know, it just can't keep taking the hits, you know, like the Duracell battery, you know, rabbit, it's like, you know, takes a licking, but keeps on ticking. Like, that's just not going to work for earth anymore. Yeah, so we're going to notice that so a lot of people and just say one more thing, you're going to be able to see truth.
So you're talking to a friend,
and they're not being forthcoming with you, and you're like, you're not being totally straight with. With me where before you would have believed what they were saying. So, so those are the ways it's going to change in that way.
Okay, let me ask a quick question about that, because I want to just highlight or get your opinion on if I'm talking to a friend in this example, and I'm realizing, okay, something's incongruent here. This math is not mapping, is it still my free will to to address it? Or will that be where I can't hold it in anymore and I'm going to have to address it kindly in that moment? Or do I still have the free will to not deal with it, not work with that that I'm curious about that?
Yeah, so that was actually going to be the next thing that I was going to say no, no, because that helps flush it out, right? So when we're thinking about it's it's not linear, it's not black, it's not white, it's not like I need to get in your face right now and call you on your stuff, you know, or I need to ignore it and let it fester and make me sick like that. That's moving this way. So when you have Pluto and Aquarius, Aquarius is all about unity consciousness. We are stronger together than we are apart. We're all floating in the river of life. We're all moving in the same direction. But it's like, yeah, that's fine and dandy. But how do I work with that in the real world? Yeah. So what happens is now you're talking to your friend, you know they're not being forthcoming, but now you've got the horizontal perspective, and you're like, oh, I can tell my friends really suffering right now, and and my sense is my friend just wants me to listen. He, you know, just to sit and listen and just to ground like, you're going to get, like, all the answers at the same time, and then you have free will to make the choice. It's like, oh, if I confront them, that's not what they need right now. And I'm, I was called by spirit to be here and be witness to what they're going through. So you're gonna get that full,
as you're saying it, the image that I'm getting, kind of in my mind's eye, is almost like an accordion folder where it's like, we'll just have more of those alternate potentials available. Like, Oh, maybe it's not about that they don't want to tell maybe, maybe it's about, you know, they just need this to be this today. Maybe it's about something going on. Maybe it's about so just more awareness of alternate possibilities of so that's what you mean by that lateral kind of spreading out. Yeah, yeah,
with a
little bit of that. So let's go yes.
And the example often I give is you're invited to a potluck where everybody's, you know, maybe it's a reunion of your family or your class or whatever. And you know, there's going to be 100 people there. You've got this long table, and everybody brings their dish to share. Well, if your nose is pressed up against that tablecloth, you're not even going to be able to see what food's right next to you. You literally have to stand up and you literally make that choice, that horizontal choice, to look at all that's available here, and all the desserts are down there. And it's like, do I want to have the dessert before I have the protein? Like that? You get to choose, but you get to see all the dishes on the table at the same time. And I know that sounds fantastical, but where before it felt like it was 20 years before we started seeing any shifts, or 30 years now, it's going to be happening like in this next three years, it's it's going to be rising. And you would think it would be confusing, but the beauty about what the blue light beings are saying is we're given the consciousness to go with it. That would be
nice. I mean, that would that feels nice, because I feel like in my work and the clients I'm seeing a lot of the time, in this last year, I have felt this energy of people just feeling like they're bumping up against their own walls, like they can't find their own information, like they need you to tell them the answer. Like, you know what I mean? So it's, and it's sticky. It feels sticky to me. And I would love if we all just had a little bit more of that expanded, you know, backing up from the tablecloth view. I think that'd be, I'm pretty, I'm pretty excited about this news. Nancy,
well, good. Well, it's,
it's like, when I said, we're given the consciousness. It's like you're handed a pair of shoes with shoe strings, and before we had to have someone teach us how to tie the shoes. Now we're being provided the consciousness to tie our own shoes, but we've been so much in the habit of somebody teaching us how to tie the shoes, or somebody. Us how to button our shirt, or somebody teaching us how to put on makeup or how to fix our hair or how to add up our bank account. And now spirit is like, oh, wait a minute. Yeah, that's changing. Now your spirit is going to be providing all of your answers. So it's a it's a bad habit that we need to break, you know, of relying on everyone else. So it's going to take a little time. And as Pam Gregory says, kind of like this is the last push. And boy, our mental minds are going almost insane. That's why we're experiencing these mental health complexities. It's like, you know, it's intensifying before it relaxes. And I'm like a storm, like a wave, you know, you have those peak high, 200 foot high waves, and it's just like they're battering the side of the ship, and then everything's going to calm. So we're going to have to create those calming moments for ourselves in the midst of the storm.
So make a note, like a note of that mental note or otherwise, so that'll be our responsibility, is to find ways to self soothe. And what does that? I mean? Does that look like meditation? Does it look like any of the tools that that anyone can find are good? What do you think?
Yeah, uh, well, what I know like for people who are more they tend to be more empathic, meaning, physically focused, that that they doing some kind of physical exercises can be really helpful, doing yoga or going for a walk while you listen to a relaxing meditation, but at some point, maybe sitting on the ground by a Tree, just giving yourself a few minutes of silence. Now, for others who are quite mental, you know, they may find those binaural beats where it's like the Monroe Institute came out with those, I think, in the 80s, where it helps balance the brain. So there's something different for everyone. But because I've been teaching intuitive development through a form of what I call active meditation, this is what spirit always tells me, Nancy, if you can just get them to close their eyes, then their spirit can take over being their teacher. And so they didn't say, if you can get them to close their eyes for an hour. They didn't say, close their eyes for a half hour. It's even a minute or two minutes, your spirit can download you with just the perfect answer and the perfect resolution to a problem. Yeah? Because Spirit doesn't know. I know you know this, you know? Yeah, and a lot of people know the spirit doesn't know time or space. But what does that really look like?
Yeah, well, and to your point, I say it here all the time. I get a lot of my inspiration or intuition. I do a meditation practice daily, but that's typically not when the information is coming in. It's usually when I'm either going for I need to move my body, either going for a walk or dancing in the kitchen or doing dishes or, you know, it's something mundane. So yeah, I need both sides of that as a person. Maybe that won't always be true, but yeah, I guess for each person, figuring out what feels good for them, when can, when do they feel like they can get a moment of closed eyes or breathing or whatever it is,
right? So if I could just respond to what you just said. So what happens when you have your daily practice minute you get the download, it's dropped into your energy field, and now you need to start moving to integrate it into the body so it is coming through that things are happening in the background for sure, right? And dishes are my favorite. I mean, I'll go to people's houses. I'm like, Can I wash your dishes while you're cooking? I'm like, no, no, no. You go sit and I'm like, No, you do not understand. It helps me so much to wash get my hands in water.
Busy work. I mean, I had a massage therapy practice for years. I'd be folding towels and sheets, and it'd be then, because I'd have an hour of folding to do. I'd listen to a at the time. It was like the Hay House spiritual radio, podcasts and, yeah, just, you know, so any anything, I guess, is kind of one of your one of your homeworks, listeners and viewers well, and
I totally agree with you. Every one what works for you is not going to work for me. What works for me is not going to work for someone else. That's why tuning into spirit. And if you have a hunch about something, follow it. And if it works, great, if it doesn't work, let it go and follow your hunch about something else. But
quickly, another thing I like to encourage people is if something works for you for a while. It may not always work, as your energy, you know, moves and changes and grows, and you might be ready for something different or so don't beat yourself up if it's like, oh, that used to work, and now it doesn't. You know that Nancy's here to tell us how everything's changing. So everything's changing. It's
so rapidly, rapidly changing. And I, I, I've had this, if I I've had this conflict. And I know I've talked to you about it before, joy, but this, this conflict of being very, you know, boots on the ground, feet on the ground, grounded. I love to work with medicine. I'm a nurse. I was a hospice nurse, intensive care nurse, and then all of a sudden, the blue beings of light come in, and it kind of blows my mind open. But so I was having this, what I call, you know, my heart to heart with the God of my heart. And I said, I'm struggling because I don't want to let go of the medical part. Yeah, I love that. I love being a nurse. I don't want to let go of that. And the voice came through and said, Whoever said you were being asked to let go of that, we're just asking you to prepare for miracles to happen in medicine, and they didn't teach you about miracles 30 years ago in their medical books. So and frequencies as they go up, people are going to have spontaneous, physical, emotional and mental health. And for my logical mind, it wants to say that's not possible. But when I feel it in my bones, I know and it's going to happen. It's happening already, Yeah, but how do you can I ask you a question, sure? How do you define miracle? Because,
you know, if I have a description for that, right, good question. I guess it's, I don't know, because I don't know that it has to have a certain maybe it's a mystical happening that is, you know, unexplainable fully by humankind, that has a spark of divinity and creates some expansion or healing. Maybe, I don't know, that's a really good question,
and so I will invite all your listeners to define that for yourself, because I had to ask, So, what is a miracle? And we're going to get to learn what a miracle is. I feel like I've had lots
of versions of it, because, I mean, there's been times when I was a single mom where a miracle felt like a check that just happened into my mailbox that I wasn't expecting, and now I can, like, do this emergency repair on my car, but other times it's been a big miracle, like, some there was an accident and someone was safe that perhaps couldn't have but, you know, so it's like,
yeah, oh, yeah. And so excited
to learn about miracles. But I don't, I don't know. I feel like there's a, I feel like it's this little scary too. Well,
we've kind of taken it off the shelf, right? Yeah, you know, and, and now the blue beings of light are asking us to put it back and on the table as an option. Yeah, that a miracle can come to us, yeah, because
we have as a collective kind of, I feel the energy a little more hopeless, a little more like, oh, I don't know if, I don't know if I believe in that anymore, type of a thing. So I like that idea of putting miracles back on the table. Yeah, yeah, that's really cool. Is that something that's going to shift after this? I think you said November 19, that Pluto into Aquarius transit. Do we see a big, I mean, I just so everyone knows often, we kind of start to feel these things in the in the days and weeks before then the astrological or whatever blue light event happens, and then we continue to feel the energy almost roll out. It might not be in one like, so what I say, like, well, we're going to feel it around this time. Don't think, I mean, it's going to be one like turn the corner shift. It does spread out for us over time. Yeah. But is that sort of the crux of it is that's when we're moving into this phase of not being able to have the disillusion anymore and being more honest even with ourselves. And yeah,
so my and I've asked similar questions, because I know what that's like, you'll have that rise and it's like, Oh, thank goodness, you know. And then you wake up tomorrow and it's like, okay, well, I'm still back to my same problems I ever you know, that I ever had, but what I notice about coming back to the same problems that I had before. I don't linger there as long. So people have to really, kind of, you know, sit with that. It's like, oh gosh, that would have taken me out for three months before, and now it only takes me out for a few days. Yeah. So, yeah. So I don't linger there as long, or the solution to the issue is coming faster. However, this is a game changer right now. This this kind of phase that we're in this November, December. I've already named December as the miracle star, and so just for your listeners, I have not come to the end of my deep dive on this one, but when they said, We want to call it the miracle star. And so I was like, All right, so is this the miracle Star of Bethlehem? Is this the miracle star that led the three wise men to Jesus. Is this the, you know? So this is what I do, like, I start asking these questions. So then I went to look at and I'm like, What do you mean? The Star of Bethlehem was not a star, you know? So it's like, you start finding all the science and the research done behind it. So that's where I stopped, okay? And I was, like, my whole life, I've been told it's a star, and now somebody's telling me it's not a star, that it was two planets magnifying each other. So anyway, I just closed the book. I closed my research. I will address it later on. But for any of you listeners out there, before december 21 do your own research about what this miracle star is going to be. Do a meditation around it. I'm certainly going to, but it's supposed to be a really big time of miracles.
Okay, well, I think that's, I think I could be available for miracles to be on the table. So I'm excited about what, what that could maybe mean for us.
Yeah, and then so it, it's smoother. It's not like these jagged highs and jagged lows, hope and hopeless and hope there. Everything seems to be smoothing out. But when we get to this, the blue beings of light are calling this a preparation period, because when we get into the spring of 2025 it's like this cosmic collective of consciousness, and the blue light codes that are coming through are incredible, and this photonic elixir of plasma, light of expanded consciousness is incredible. We just don't know Joy we've never lived through this time before.
I guess not. I mean, I guess I think, I don't know. I watch a lot of the like ancient happenings shows, and they believe that these things have happened previously in different ways, and now we're coming to this new time with this civilization of humanity. And it's interesting, because I, as you know very well, we can fall down lots of rabbit holes on the internet, and so kind of like yours, to your point about the star and the planets, and it's like, okay, so then this leads to this, and then this to this. And is there? What do we mean by multi dimensional? What do we mean by light elixir? What you just said, Do you know what I mean? It's like, yeah, okay, what does that? What does that mean exactly? And, yeah,
well, and we don't the light beings, in general, guides, angels, ascended masters are always saying, Nancy. All of you on the earth right now are creating the language for the future. So we don't have a language for it right now, yeah. And so that's where, like with the miracle star, it's like, close the book, put it away, go into meditation, get your answers from Spirit. Because we don't have a lot on. We have some knowledge, but not a lot of knowledge about what's going to be happening that knowledge probably died with Lemuria and Atlantis and and I'm told there were 1000s of High Level
not universes, but civilizations that existed before, not just we just know of Lemuria and Atlantis because they're the most recent ones, yeah, but there's 1000s that existed before then, and they have that knowledge, and we have access to that knowledge, we just have to go into meditation and talk to I know You guys are gonna say, Oh, it's so fast to a Lemurian talk to an Atlantean, talk to a blue light being. And they're wanting me to teach people how to talk to Blue beings of light. So I
think that's really fascinating. So is this part of back to, I think kind of where, where this, where I derailed us. Is this? Part of the surges that the planet's receiving, kind of that. Again, everyone knows I complain about the language all the time, so it's funny that you just said that, because it's not quite right. Is this part of that moving towards this more information expansion, all the waves of light codes that are coming into the planet? I know you said that the summer there were two. Have we had the third. Or is that? Is that this right?
So the third is october 17. Okay, we usually, and so now, yeah, yeah, and so that was the third. There's going to be another one in March. And this is the thing about the plasma and the light codes are providing us the information to be able to understand and integrate how things are unfolding, and that requires Some trust and faith, yeah, and to think one minute, I mean, I'm going to exaggerate this a little bit, but one minute been too afraid to fly on a plane, and the next minute we know how to build the plane. Like, yeah, that sounds a little too fantastical. And it can be that fantastical, but there's going to be other subtle ways where we will have those expanded views of consciousness, and in medicine and in science, holy smokes and technology.
Yeah, what I've learned, and I feel like what my guides have shown me over and over, for these types of what's coming next, conversations that I know we both have with them, it's they always say, like you're you're minimizing it to to fit into your human understanding, and it's not going to show up in the way that your mind is trying to rationalize it. So I've learned that, like, okay, it can be possible because it's not linear and literal in the way that I'm understanding this example that I'm being given, versus, do you know what I mean? So it's, yeah, it's, it'll, it'll be there, but it might, it's not going to show up exactly how we maybe expect, or or thought, or and maybe it'll come just by people getting these incredible inspirations for advancement that then, you know, there are so many scientific medical experiments right now for cures, for things, for example, where it could just be lots of little last pieces clicking in for work that's been going going on, for example. So,
yeah, yeah. Well, it's like, like, with Elon Musk, I was, it's fascinating, because you had, I think it was in Mexico just recently, you had this rocket come back down in the atmosphere and land itself in this platform that kind of locked in and held it in place. And at the same time, you have Elon Musk, who had a rocket that just landed on the ground. And so there's two different scientists doing two different things, but it's showing up at the same time. But it's like there are minds in the world. Elon Musk is not the only mind that thinks like that, but
he actually only hires people to think for him. He does
all this team of of engineers and scientists that think for him, and then he's
just right so, so there's a lot that's available, and, yeah, even my son's working on something right now that he just started off as, like a little hobby. He's He's a construction worker, he's an operating engineer. But somebody was like, What do you mean? Where did you come up with this? And he goes, it just kind of appeared one day. And so he's driving. Somebody wants to see this, and my son only wants to explore the rights of it if it can be free for everyone. And it's his design is to give free internet to everybody in the world. And so it's like this. He's like, No, I'm not going to give you. And the guy's like, but the world doesn't work like that. And my son said, well, then we're going to have to figure out how to make the world work like that, because it should be free for everyone. So we've got minds like that. And my son will be the first to tell you, I don't know where it came from. Wow.
Yeah. Well, just in that one little example, you can see what a big difference that would make, and in the connectivity, and in the opportunity, and yeah, so,
well, in the heart consciousness, right? Yeah, to also have the heart consciousness. Oh, that's so, I
mean aquarium all the way. So yeah, of course, the what's best for the community, what's best for one is has to be, what's best for all it's, it's, yeah, humanitarian, more forward thinking, yeah, yeah, which is pretty exciting. Yeah, it is. So when our astrologer friend Sheetal was here twice this year and did the. Astro projections. We talked about this end of the year period, and I've said it in the energy too, being like a quarter. And I kind of hear you saying a different version of that, where between this october 17 blue light surge that we're having and then the one in March, it just feels like this quarter of maybe in the way we measure time, that things will be shifting and moving and and maybe undulating a little bit, or feeling like we're getting our new footing, is that, are you feeling it like that at all? Um,
yeah, in some, in some ways. And this is, this is one of those questions that you asked that's really good at flushing it, flushing it out, because I know there's a lot of people who are listening to your podcast, because it's a fantastic podcast. Thank you. And you're you're wondering how to conceptualize things, and what I want to share with you all who are listening, you already have the concept. Yeah, so. So what it comes down to is I went to this museum and and I got kind of enraptured by this 30 minute black and white video that someone made. I won't go into all of it, but, but this is the part that almost brought tears to my eyes, and she said, we're moving into a time where we're looking at the world through 18,000 realities with 18,000 eyes and 18,000 ears and 18,000 ways of feeling, and it was like, That's it. That's what's happening right now. And so for only used to driving our car on the right side of the lane, and we don't look up and look around, it's like, well, what if I was looking at the universe right now, or or my life through 18,000 eyes? What would that if I was here, if I was listening to you joy with 18,000
ears? Like, what would that sound like?
I know that sounds like futuristic, but that when I heard her say that in that film, it dropped me into my body so deeply as truth. Yeah. So everybody has their answers. They just have to listen and see and know and be willing
to expand. That's
so beautiful. I mean, it goes right along with what you said, with that lateral expansion, not so tunnel vision, not so linear, climb the ladder thinking. So it's, it's a really, really wonderful example. I love how those things just seem to happen. We happen upon something out in the world that just makes something else click in so I think that's really wonderful explanation
well. And I had one of my advanced students say, Is this going to be chaotic? Is it going to be dramatic? Is it going to be stressful? And I at first, I said, I don't I don't know. I don't think any of us really know how it's going to be for the other person. But I sat with it my morning meditation, I asked, and it said, what? Where whatever state you're in will get amplified?
Yeah, even as you were just saying it the way, the way I was seeing it before you said about everything being amplified, it's like, well, it's an option on the table. If you're looking through 18,000 emotions, right? Where are you going to be based on what truth is coming to light in your life, based on, and then, I guess it's in some ways, back to that thing that we've always talked about in the work that we know, keeping up with your own side of the street, like, Are you cleaning around your own, you know, self Are you? Are you in a good place so you're not emotioning All over, you know, yeah, people and, yeah,
yeah. Well, and the work that I'm called to do, it was interesting, because I was having a dialog with someone, and they were saying, you know, well, we all are. We are all spirit, like, Who's, who's asking spirit the question, who's talking to the body, who's we're all spirit, so we just are. And I'm like, Yeah, and that's great. You know, you've had all these classes and you've been able to arrive at these conclusions, but did you come out the birth canal like that? Like, yeah, did you know that you were just one soul? Well, no, I learned over time. And I'm like, right? I'm speaking to the people that can't get out of bed in the morning. You know, I want you who can't get out of bed, who can't get out it's like, you have the same knowledge as someone else who's had a gazillion classes. You have the same conscious.
Business to it for sure. Yeah, it's in the
right so don't
undermine yourself, I guess, self sabotage yourself, but continue to listen to like joy, for example. You know, it's like listening to joy and the speakeasy podcast, because she's fantastic at asking the questions that you might not even be able to formulate yet, and that's but then don't make a steady diet of it. Then let yourself start getting your information.
So I'm going to ask you a kind of a hard question. I know personally that there are several people listening who are, as you described, deeply in grief, really struggling, having a tough time. Like it's a win if pants go on in the day, like right, just down in it, typically, through a great loss of some kind or another. Sorry for the ambient noise. What would you say to them as they're listening to this. Where's the place to start? I know you have something on your website that you're going to offer people, but when someone is in that state, what's the first step do you think?
Yeah, well, I mean, I do think about things quite mechanically, so as a nurse, and this is why I wanted to teach people, like, there, there is actual mechanics that happen in the energy field, that can, that can, you know? So like, if you're thinking about your second chakra and you're down in that, that grief, I call it, you know, it's like, you must, you must learn. What do I want to say? You want to be in that grief so that you can learn, but you can't. You can't live there. You can't make it a regular diet. And so what I always express to my clients, well, first of all, I call it taking the elevator to the top. It's like you need to move out of the belly, you know, the belly of grief, and move up to the center of your head, because your pineal is where your spirit, I call it, kisses the pineal and then illuminates the light throughout your entire life. And so what I will do with my clients are in grief. I was like, take the elevator to the top, come to the pineal and they're like, oh my gosh, I can breathe again. But this is the thing about heavy, heavy grief. It's heavy, right? It's going to pull you right back down again. So it's like, you just have to, it's like working that muscle. You have to keep coming the top. But think about what has gotten you out of it before? You know? And so like I remember with a friend of mine who went to therapy and said, life is going to happen. It's always going to happen, and it's not always going to be pretty. But what do you do when you feel like being uplifted. And this person said, I like listening to music. What kind of music? All right, write that down. Okay, what else does it lighting a candle, okay, like, write that down. I like to paint, you know, a journal, okay, write that down. So the next time you're in that state, reach for those things that do it for you, yeah. And for me, it can be totally different. What does it for me, yeah, and so. But the the people that are processing some of those deepest emotions, and I'm going to call it for the earth, when you're you've agreed to process this big stuff, there are tools out there to help. And it can feel so personal, right? When you're hurting and you're in pain, it can feel so personal, but to take, and I that, you know, Pam, Gregory, the astrology always says take the Eagles perch, you know, or go into love and, and I'm not a big, not a big love person. I'm an Aquarian. I'm like Dr Spock on Star Trek. It's not logical, but people have been hurt by those who supposedly were supposed to love them. So that's not might not always be the first place to reach. But if you can get just neutral and you can get out of getting that lighter place, yeah, that's
great advice. You said something that I think is super key also is when you find that better feeling, feeling, write it down, what got you there? Because I know for me, it's what I always encourage people when I'm in that darker place, I can't think of it, I can't reach we even remember. So I have. I always keep a list in my notes section called What's working right now, because, like you said, not always the same. So that's what great advice. Yeah. But unrelated question, well, related to what we're talking about. But, um. So I want to go back to what you said a few minutes ago. How we all have access to the same collective information. If it's in the collective we can learn to access it. We have access to it. Do you think part of this shifting and growth period that we're in as a collective, part of the suffering of humankind is our disillusion, the illusion, illusion of separation, right? That we are separated from our highest self, separated from the collective. Is that part of this great expansion and clearing away of what's not true, because the illusion of separation would be not true, right? So Is that, am I connecting these dots? Yeah,
right, incorrectly,
yeah. And the suffering. So this is the thing, like we're coming out of, you know, I'll call it this 26,000 year cycle. And anybody can you just type into Google 26,000 year cycle and you're going to have more information than you'll ever be able to digest. But it comes from the Mayans and the Mayan calendar, etc. So we're coming out of the dark ages. So the we went through this 5000 year cycle. I know I said 26,000 but 26,000 is dark dark ages, golden ages, Dark Ages, golden ages, Dark Ages, golden ages, all right, so we're coming out of this 5000 years of of the Dark Ages, of that overwhelming grief and sadness and trauma and and we're it's almost like we're like babies on our hands and knees, and we've just met the threshold, like we're in the doorway, and we haven't quite crawled into the golden ages. We're doing that right now, like in this three month period of time, and then in the three year period of time. And then I just heard somebody else say that leads into a 30 year cycle of time, which, if you think about 26,000 years, 30 years is nothing. So for those of you who are suffering, suffering is going to get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, but we just might not totally be there for a few more years, but that voice is getting quieter, and so we need to be excited. Like do you know how many people ever get to live during this shift from the Dark Ages into the golden ages. Yeah, that was the golden ticket. We wanted that ticket. It's like, Are you kidding me? I want to be there to witness it, you know. So, so it is a really exciting time and but there definitely are some heavy energies. But with the light codes that are coming in, it's, it's like a light codes, like a little wrench, a little screwdriver, it's, it's helping us to adjust, so that we can so that the the suffering will lessen, and I'll just share a quick story. So yesterday, I'm talking to my team. We'll say I'm the creative outlet for my team, and then my team helps build the structure around what my dreams and desires are. I'm very blessed that way, and and I've created a great team. We have a great team. So I tell my dreams desires, and they start really dropping into that planning phase. Now we're into this two hours now, and I'm sitting there like doodling on my paper, like, do I really need to be here for this so I could feel like I was getting really depleted, and my spirit said, go higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher. So it was like, just uplift, uplift, uplift, uplift. And I felt like I was as tall as the star beings. And they said, Now, listen to what they're saying. And I said, Okay. And they're like, Does it bug you anymore? And I'm like, No, it's like, that voice got really small, I could integrate it. So that's what that's what's happening to us. Naturally, we are expanding in consciousness.
Is there anything else we need to know to brace ourselves for or to get excited about, for kind of now through that first part of the year that you were talking about?
It's like,
be willing
to let your life change. Be willing to let go of those threads that you're hanging on to tightly, because a lot of people are afraid I'm going to lose my family or my life will change with my kids or my husband or my wife, or I like my job or whatever, and what the blue being. The light are saying is you're not changing in that way. You're just becoming who you were, who you are. Yeah, you're just becoming who you are. So I just want to assure everyone like they're not going to wake up, you know, on December 21 and can't see the earth beneath their feet. Like everything hat can appear the same, but it's going to be different. Yeah, I don't know if we can even say it's going to be more real. I don't even know if we can say that, but that's what it feels like. Oh, I
think it just depends on the words right, the words that aren't right, and the we'll have more of a more of a lateral, expanded understanding of what's real maybe, maybe that'll be part of it,
yeah, and none of us have the answers right now,
right? Yeah,
none of us have the answers. And all of us have the potential to gain wisdom and insight from the answers. So everyone has the ability to gain their wisdom. I have a
couple more questions. You mentioned earlier that now one of the things you're teaching is that everybody can work with this blue light energy. Can learn how to bring it into their you know, your favorite part, their physical energy. Can you like, share how people can access that, or if you have a program that they can find to teach them about that, because I know everyone's going to be really excited about if I didn't ask, I know I'd get the messages of, like, Wait a minute. How
do we work with the blue light?
Well, so I have in in October and into November, I was really teaching a lot about that, about how to work with the blue Beings of Light, how to work with more expanded versions of consciousness, how to work with the light codes, which they keep telling me one light you can't just kind of get a book about light codes, because one light coat doesn't work for everybody. Everybody's got their own light codes. And so with that, I've really been learning a lot. So I haven't planned anything other than on december 21 I'm going to have my group reading that I've done for 24 years, where I read, you know, a room full of people, virtual room full of people, as if they are one person, but the blue beings of light are going to make a very big presence on that stage of the readings more than before, and they're going to participate doing healing. So we're going to learn a lot from that. So I guess stay tuned. And you also
have the 30 day blue light awakening journey, right,
right? But by the time this goes live, it'll be passed. It will be passed. So you'll have the next thing, which is, but I'll have the next thing, and I do plan on doing something in the spring of 2025 but this is how it works for me, when I'm working in that collective state with participants. Is that as you share and I share like we are collectively under we're adding our wisdom. So yeah, so in that 30 day, we're going to be learning a lot and then adding it to more what we will be learning december 21 at the solstice, and then in the spring of 2025, so,
yeah, so
exciting. I highly encourage everyone to find Nancy's YouTube, which is Nancy Rebecca. Just search YouTube and I'll link it in the show notes, also, because you do a weekly update for people, and you're talking about also offline updates. So will you talk a little bit about the things that you like? What do you share on YouTube? So people know, because you're constantly updating this information, it's too fast
well, so every Thursday is called the frequency forecast. So I really try to tune into the frequency of that week. But it's really tough, because it all kind of spills over into the weeks and months ahead. But I really try to you know what's what's the frequency happening this week? How is it influencing your life? How is it touching you in a way? What can you expect? And then I do a guided meditation. So that's every single Thursday, Pacific time in the United States, at 7am so it's always seven o'clock on Thursday. So that's always live. We have up to about 400 people live that show up every week. And then on Mondays, I always release a video, and it has something to do with just being human. You know, what do you do with grief? What do you do most recently about that, that when we have pain, it inspires an internal growth. And I. Yeah, it's some tough topics to talk about. You know, why do we have to have pain to grow? And then on Saturdays, I release, and it's a lot about, more about the blue light too, but the blue light is center stage right now. I'm always talking about the blue light. So anybody listening to the YouTube channel, and I've got over 600 videos, you're going to learn a lot and the blue lights. They've known, the blue Beings of Light, all the star beings in the universe, of which there's 20, 3050, I don't know, 1000s of different types of star beings that are all really watching our planet right now. They're like, looking down, it's like, okay, oh, they just dodged another one. Oh, they just did great. Oh, look what they did there. Because what they keep telling me is we're ahead of schedule, and on any project that's being built, they're always excited to know you're ahead of schedule, and that's what they're telling me, but they do when i That's why I haven't given a specific date about March, because this wave that we're in right now in the middle of, and then what's going to happen on december 21 then they like, recalibrate, recalculate. It's like, oh yeah, they're ahead of schedule. We can move up the date, or we need to extend the date. So that's kind of where we are right now. Well,
even kind of knowing that, you know, we had something on october 17, a surge of energy. We had something on we'll be having something on december 21 and then looking forward to March, I think those marker points are perfect. Yeah. So that's really great. And for anyone who's listening the time this is released, that December 21 event is just around the corner, but if you're listening to a replay or, you know, from a long time ago, you always are updating things. It's one of the things that inspires me about you so much is you really do have these meetings with your collective team, and you really are receiving guidance and inspiration. And then I see you. I mean, I've known you for a few years now, and, yeah, I see you throughout the year, putting in new whether it's a group energy reading that you're doing, or whether it's an opportunity for people to get in the energy and mix it up themselves, plus you teach a whole program. So make sure to check out which also in the show notes, to find out what's happening with Nancy and what she's got right right now. Because I just can, pretty much, unless I'm crazy, to this happens, guarantee that you'll have something in March for definitely
have something in March. And when I had my out of body experience 30 years ago, they said, We need you to go out in the world and help people remember that they are souls and that they are spiritual beings, and so that's my calling. I I was called by the highest of the high to fulfill that path. And not all of us have a calling at that level, you know, but you all have a calling, and it's up to you to fulfill that, you know, at whatever level, even if it's being a fantastic mother or homeschooling your kids, or, you know, becoming the engineer you want to become, even though your family's never graduated from high school. You know, we all have our different callings, but yeah, spirit provides me everything I need to constantly be producing more information. Yeah,
and I want everyone to hang on to what we talked about earlier, that you know, yes, you have the calling of your soul. Yes, you do already know what it is, even if you don't feel like you do, even if it doesn't make any sense right now, you have your you have your own information, and you can, well, we'll see what happens with these shifts, but you can also learn how to work with it more intentionally,
and like being a gardener, you know, I mean tending to the earth. I mean, there's everybody's already. This is what spirits always tell me. The number one calling for, for every single person, all of humanity, is to ground the light into the earth. And if that is our main number one job, we are already doing it.
Oh my God, that's beautifully said.
Is there any last thoughts you want to leave us with?
Oh, no. I think everybody's probably their heads are spinning and
they're like a lot to digest. I
know it's a lot to digest, but you know, and people ask me, I'm like, all I can say is, my spirit is giddy. I don't know what's going to happen, but my spirit is giddy. It's excited. It's can't wait. It's like Christmas morning, or it's like, going to a fair, or seeing your best friend you haven't seen in a while. You're just so excited. It's like, and I'm going with that. Yeah,
I'm going with that.
I love it. Well, I appreciate you so much. I am so grateful that you agreed to return and have another chat and share everything that you are learning when. Us, and thanks for being here and shining your life well.
I love all the questions that you are spiritually led to ask, because these are great times that we're living through, but sometimes they just don't feel so great. So thanks for being that voice in the night for many people. Oh, well, thank you.
Oh, my goodness, that was a lot of information. And I feel like we got some really good homework, and we got some really good direction and things that we can be focusing on to really be available for this blue light energy, for these surges that are coming in. I as we're recording this, it's, it's the day before october 17. I didn't know if I was going to share that, but I am going to share it. So I'm so curious when this episode comes out, to look back and see like what was going on on the surge day on the 17th. And then, of course, how exciting that Solstice event that Nancy has coming up on december 21 I'm thinking about attending that actually, because I love seeing her work and watching her reap the energy. So really, just preparing as we move through this transition time, none of us, of course, knows what it's going to end up looking like, what it's going to end up rolling out as. But I for 1am, super excited about this idea of lateral expansion, of more understanding, of being able to hold 18,000 perspectives or at least have more. I don't know more, more expansion around it. I don't even quite have words yet. I feel like as I edit this episode and as I listen to it back, when it releases, I'll still be processing too. So let me know what you took from this episode, what felt like it was the most touching for your heart, or maybe you even had, you know, some people, when they listen to these episodes, will have physical responses, either tingles or like a nudge or a sensation during one segment. So was there a part of this episode that spoke to you? Have you been feeling the blue light surges already, and if you didn't check out the previous episodes with Nancy, I highly encourage you to do so. They're in the show notes. But just for everyone listening, they were episode 17 messages from the blue light celestial beings with intuitive minds, Nancy, Rebecca. And Nancy went into great detail about her gifts, her awakening, her early experiences with blue light celestial beings and so much more. And then she came back for episode 45 for an update. That episode was called Update blue light beings, predictions and light code upgrades revealed with Nancy Rebecca, where she shared all about those light code transmissions she was sharing with us about today, that happened over last summer and this one in the fall, so she talked deeply about the blue light beings, and we really shook all of that up. So I highly encourage you to go back and listen to those if you want to learn more about Nancy, more about the blue light beings, or even just to check back on what happened in your life around those surges. How exciting. So thank you for being here with me today. I hope that you have enjoyed this conversation. I really want to fill these next several weeks with preparing ourselves and getting excited for 2025 it's going to be a big year. Big hugs. Lots of love. Thanks, as always, for being here with me inside spirit. Speak Easy.