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Beyond Just Dreams– Psychic, Visitation, Astral & More Explained

Mar 10, 2025

 In this deep dive episode, we explore the fascinating world of dreams—from psychic and prophetic dreams to lucid dreaming, astral travel, and visitation dreams. Your dreams might be more than just random thoughts—they could be revealing messages, spiritual encounters, or even glimpses into the future

Have you ever had a dream that came true? Or felt like you were visited by a loved one who has passed? Maybe you’ve experienced floating outside your body or controlling your dream world?

In this episode, we’re breaking down the different types of dreams and what they mean, including:

🧠 Processing Dreams – How your brain makes sense of daily emotions and fears
Lucid Dreams – When you become aware inside a dream and take control
🔮 Psychic & Prophetic Dreams – Can dreams predict the future or reveal hidden truths?
💫 Visitation Dreams – When loved ones and guides communicate through sleep
🌍 Astral Travel – Can consciousness really leave the body and explore other realms?

I’ll share personal stories, client experiences, and expert insights from neuroscientists, dream researchers, and spiritual teachers to help you understand what’s really happening in your dream world.


Show Notes:

Dr. Rahul Jandial's book: 

This Is Why You Dream: What Your Sleeping Brain Reveals About Your Waking Life

Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung’s book:

The Premonition Code: The Science of Precognition: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life

Helen Keller’s Book:

Swedenborg’s spiritual interpretation of Genesis and Exodus:

Additional Sources:

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Episode Transcript:

Hey, beautiful soul, welcome to another episode of Spirit Speakeasy. In this episode, we will deep dive dreams, everything from pre cognitive dreams, psychic dreams, lucid dreams to astral travel, meeting with guides or loved ones in the spirit world, in our dreams, and even processing dreams and a few others, you'll learn what each one is, how to recognize it. I'll share some of my personal mystical experiences and some client experiences, plus I'll share what scientists and experts say about each of these dream types. There are so many things that can happen in our sleep state. As you may know by now, I'm a psychic medium, but I'm not a dream expert. So while I do have my own experiences and what I've learned from the mystical perspectives in my work thus far, I also wanted to understand and include what experts, like neuroscientists, doctors, experts in their fields, would say about each of these types of dreams. So we'll also talk about that today. I'm including those perspectives. Remember everything lives on a spectrum. There are no tidy boxes for us to fit these experiences into, necessarily. So there may be some overlap, and some dreams might even fall into more than one of these categories, which you'll see as we go plus, we have dreams and experiences that we don't even recall or remember sometimes and others that fade away very quickly. One of these types of dreams is not better than the other, and they all serve their purpose. So some of these experiences may be perceived by others, and while we may experience one type of dream, others may not, or vice versa. So as we go along, see if you can keep track of how many of these types of dreams you have had, because we don't all experience all of these types or even remember them. As it turns out, I want to take one quick second before I dive right in to acknowledge that this is our 100 and 11th episode of spirit speakeasy. 111, to all of my friends out there that like numbers. So this is our 111 episode I was gonna announce on the 100th episode, but it zoomed right past us, and so I've been waiting to just announce that we are at 111 episodes of spirit speakeasy. How wonderful. If you're not already following the podcast, I would love it if you would subscribe wherever you're listening. You can find it on all podcast platforms and on YouTube and my website as well. So let's first start off by addressing what we might call a quote, unquote, processing dream. These are dreams that we are just processing things like the day to day, stuff of our lives, like the business of life. It can include things like fears we might have consciously or subconsciously nightmares based on fears or things that we've encountered, whether in like real life, on the news or in scary movies. For me, sometimes it's like Law and Order gives me bad dreams. So processing dreams most of us have had at some point in our life, most of us have heard or seen like, at least in sitcoms, those dreams where they're like in front of the classroom, at the blackboard or, I guess, whiteboard, as it would be now, and in their underwear, not knowing the answer to the math problem. That's a processing dream. These dreams are often like a mish Mosh of things going on in our lives. They often make very little sense. For most people, most of their dreams fall into this category. So most of our dreams are our conscious, subconscious and unconscious brain just processing the business of our life, right? And when I say mish Mosh, these are also those kind of dreams where, like, maybe it's this the scene that is located is like at your office or at your place of work, and your boss is there, but it's not your boss, it's your high school teacher, your gym teacher, and your friend that works in the cubicle down the row is not actually that person, but it is a horse like, you know what I mean. So they're usually a mish Mosh. They're usually, to some degree, a little bit like nonsensical, but it's just our brain processing things. Now, something that I'm also including in this processing category that is, is a subcategory, is this thing I want to call therapy dreams. This is sort of a gray area, like subcategory of this, processing dreams. These are often a little more structured. Often it's when we're working something out, so not necessarily just a scene that makes no sense, but us really working out something going on in our present life, like a relationship, a fear, a challenge.
A desire, those like erotic dreams, would also fall into this category, because we're working something out right. And the idea of these, like processing dreams or therapy dreams, is actually backed up by the work of neurosurgeon and neuroscientist Dr Raul Jandal. Jandal, I want to say that right. Jan deal, he's an MD, PhD. He oversees the jandial lab at City of Hope Cancer Center in LA and in his book, this is why you dream, what your sleeping brain reveals about your waking life. Dr jandall explores how the brain remains highly active during sleep, suggesting that dreaming is not only a passive state, but rather is essential for processing these experiences and emotions. We only have so much waking time, and we can't possibly process everything as we're experiencing it. So Dr janielle asserts that this is a part, like a function of the way our brain works is these processing and therapy type dreams. And furthermore, Dr janiel notes that common dream themes such as like being chased or falling are nearly universal. Like mostly everyone will experience this type of dream at least once and remember often we're experiencing or having dreams that we don't remember or don't recall in our waking state, but these typical dreams, falling, being chased, are universal and are linked to the brain's imaginative and emotional networks, which, as it turns out, are more active during dreaming. How interesting is that? I will link, of course, in the show notes, all of the books and people that I'm referencing, so you can check them out and do your own deeper dive into their work, if you choose. So in essence, Dr Danielle's research supports the idea that dreams play this crucial role in processing our daily experiences, emotions, fears and really dreams contribute to our overall mental wellness and emotional wellness. So those are the basic processing dreams. And as we go, I'm kind of getting a little deeper into the mystical type of dream, if you will. The next on my list is lucid dreams. So what's the difference between a lucid dream and a processing dream? A lucid dream is when you're dreaming like you're actively in the dream, and you become aware that you're dreaming, and you can manipulate the dream world. So I have a an example of this. I am not a big lucid dreamer, or I maybe should say I can't remember having done it, but perhaps I have at some point, and just I'm not remembering, I had this client, and they were pretty incredible in the way that they dreamed. And I'm going to give a different example about them, because they were one of the most profound Dreamers. And people who do work in their dreams that I've ever met. This person in particular, was essentially taught in their dream state by a loved one that had crossed over and learned in this dream state how fluid they can be in their dreams, like so in their dream they'd be dreaming, they'd all of a sudden see this loved one that had passed, and the loved one would say, like, Okay, now let's fly. And the person would be like, I can't fly. And they'd be like, No, you're dreaming. We can fly. And so taught them in the dream state how to fly, how to make choices, how to like, decide go up the stairs or go through the door of this building, right? So this person knows they're in the dream, and they can choose the actions that they're taking while in the dream. You know how, most the time, in those processing dreams, we're just kind of going with like we're living in the movie. We're going with what happens next, whereas in the lucid dream, lucid, right? Lucidity, you're awake, you're conscious, but you're still dreaming, so you might not be able to decide everything in a conscious way that's coming your way in the dream, but you would be able to, like, make another choice, to acknowledge that you're in a dream. I've also heard this where someone has lucid dreaming at the same time they're having a challenging dream. And so while that like monsters coming out of the closet, they become aware, oh, I'm in a dream. That's not a real monster. I can close the closet door, I can go outside. I can tickle that monster, right? So that's a lucid dream. Most of us have heard of them. And actually, Dr Raul John deal recognizes lucid dreaming as a legitimate phenomena in his work with potential applications in personal development and emotional processing. So it sounds like it's our brain also helping us in some of the same ways, but in a little different function. And Dr Jandal suggests that lucid dreaming can be harnessed for practical benefits, such as practicing skills that translate. To real life improvements, rewriting our nightmares like I was talking about with that monster in the closet and in that book that I mentioned, this is why you dream. Dr jandial explores how dreams, including lucid dreaming, can amplify our creativity and not only promote our own like wellness and well being, but can promote learning. Can help us process things in the dreaming state, so then we can kind of take them into our waking world. And I want to, in this segment, quickly touch on sleep paralysis as a part of this, you know, kind of most typical types of dreaming. Now we're getting to the lucid dreaming is a little bit less common. Sleep paralysis is kind of in that same bucket, I get asked about loose or sleep paralysis so often. That's why I want to just mention it. It's not exactly a dream state, but as it turns out, it kind of is so for those of you that don't know what sleep paralysis is, it's a phenomenon where a person, an individual, after they fall asleep or waking or like they're just falling asleep or just waking up, becomes temporarily unable to move speak, despite being conscious. So it's like you wake up, and essentially you're paralyzed. You can't move your body, you can't speak. These episodes often last a few seconds. Some people report several minutes, and they can also be accompanied by vivid and sometimes like scary hallucinations or visions such as sensing an intruder or feeling like a heavy pressure on the chest and feeling paralyzed, which could be scary. So for this one, I checked out Dr baland Jalal, his work as a neuroscientist at Harvard's department of psychology. And Dr Jalal explains that during REM sleep, which is that rapid eye movement, deep sleep state, our body releases chemicals actually. He lists glycine and GABA in the brain stem, and those chemicals that our brain is releasing actually paralyze the physical body to prevent us from acting out our dreams, which I'm guessing is like a sleepwalking or that kind of a thing. So our body, our brain, is producing these chemicals in an effort to help us right. So we are technically paralyzed by our own brain during this state. And sleep paralysis occurs when one becomes perceptually awake, meaning, like your eyes are open, you're perceiving things, you're in a waking state, but the body remains in this paralyzed sleep state, and it leads to these vivid hallucinations I want to touch into just kind of the most common hallucinations, because the handful of people, clients that have talked to me about these dreams, they sound really scary, but it's fascinating that the hallucinations that people experience during this sleep paralysis are common. It's similar, it's similar circumstances that people are reporting. So the hallucinations experienced during sleep paralysis are often categorized in three types. One, intruder hallucinations, so this is obviously perceiving a threatening presence or an intruder nearby. Two, something called Incubus hallucinations, which is sensing a pressure on the chest, and it's sometimes accompanied by like feeling like you're having a difficulty breathing. And three, vestibular, motor hallucinations. That's a big word, essentially. That means experiences like floating or flying or out of body sensation. I will say in that first line item that intruder hallucinations. Sometimes people perceive this like, quote, unquote intruder as like a human person. Sometimes people perceive it as like an alien or a scary being or figure, but these are the three most common types of hallucinations. And as it turns out, our brain does have some to do with this, right? So what should you look for as potential causes of this sleep paralysis or potential adjustments that you can make if you experience this. There's several factors that can increase the likelihood of experiencing this sleep paralysis, and I've also heard from clients that some people experience it like over and over, meaning, like it's been kind of throughout their life, on and off, but some people just experience it out of the blue, like they've never experienced it before, and they're like, why is this suddenly happening to me? So things to look for can be sleep deprivation, like, if we're getting lack of adequate, adequate sleep, it can disrupt our normal sleep patterns, making sleep paralysis a little more likely to happen. It can even be like irregular sleep schedules. Maybe you had to change your work shift, maybe you have a new baby in your household, so frequent changes in like sleep times or sleep schedules can interfere with our sleep cycle. And if our sleep cycle has interfered with it can create the. Potential for these type of sleep paralysis events to happen. It's technically a dream, but not really. You see what I mean. Someone who's experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety that has also been linked to sleep disturbances, including sleep paralysis, even sleeping position, isn't this crazy how so many things affect these experiences. Some studies suggest that sleeping on your back may trigger sleep paralysis episodes. So I'm guessing sleeping on our side is maybe better. In this case, it may be beneficial, of course, to consult a sleep specialist or a therapist or a healthcare provider for further evaluation, guidance, tools, things that they can look at. So if this is something that you're experiencing, just know you can check in with those things, your sleep patterns, your stress, your position. But if it's something that is reoccurring or problematic, it's probably beneficial to consult a sleep specialist, a therapist, a healthcare provider, etc. Okay, so those are the processing dreams, the lucid dreams, the sleep paralysis, the therapy dreams. Let's move into psychic dreams. I know everyone is really interested in this area of the dream topic. So understanding information about a person, a situation. This is what we're talking about when we're talking about psychic dreams. I'm just gonna call it out and give a little bit of a spoiler alert here I have in separated in this category into two segments, psychic dreams versus prophetic dreams. Those are two different things for me, and I'm going to explain what each one is and why I feel like they're different. So again, psychic dreams understanding information about a person a situation, it's usually something that is already happening, even if it's unknown to you. That's why it's psychic, right? No one's telling you this information. It's not a processing dream about a conversation you had today with your I don't know friend, but it's something that's happened in the world, or is happening in the world. You don't have pre knowledge of it, but you're receiving this knowledge through a dream. If that makes sense, I'm going to give an example, but it's psychic. Dreams are usually about something that's already happening. So my dad and I were talking just this week, and he gave me a kind of cool example of a psychic dream that he had, he was telling me. So I have lots of cousins, as you guys know, I'm from a giant Italian family, and I have a cousin that was born when I was, like, a young teen, and my dad lived in a different state. For me and most all of my family really lived in a different state, and so my dad would come visit occasionally. He was visiting me, and a cousin of mine had a baby, had a, I guess, a second cousin, so many cousins, and my aunt, this cousin's mom, was, like, really excited to tell my dad who's her younger brother. And my dad flew back to Philly, where everyone was, and my dad, my aunt calls and was like, so excited to tell him about the baby. And he's like, Oh, the baby was born. And she's like, Yeah, who told you? And he's like, no one. I dreamed it, and I know that she was born at this time, and this was her weight, and was saying things about the birth, and my aunt was like, somebody told you, and he's like, No, I dreamt this last night. So that's what I mean by a psychic dream. Sometimes we might dream like someone's pregnant, and then it gets announced, right? It's already happened, typically. Now, the difference between a psychic dream and a prophetic dream. I have another example of a psychic dream that I just noticed on my list. I will give you a quick version of it. I was seeing someone in an on and off way over several years. We knew each other really well, but we were just kind of in an on and off phase in our relationship, and we were talking about if we were going to get back together, we were just saying, it needs to make sense, and are we going to do this or not do this? And honestly, my attitude was kind of like, we either need to, like, work this out and be together or just leave each other alone, because we both just need to move on. And this person was saying, like, I really want to work it out. I really want to figure this out. Like, let's see if we can make it work. And I had this dream. And in the dream, this person is male, there was a female. I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was a female, and I could kind of ish see the person. And this guy looks at me right in my face in the dream and is holding flowers and passes them to this girl and says, I'm seeing her now, and we weren't anywhere. It was just kind of like on a black background. It was like just floating in space. It was a very quick that was the entire dream. That was the whole thing. And I confronted him, and he said, No, no, no, he wasn't seeing anyone. And a couple weeks later, as it turns out, I. Received a text message that was not meant for me, embarrassingly, and that's how I found out that, in fact, that dream was psychic, and he was, in fact, seeing someone so that's what a psychic dream, essentially, is. Sometimes, at the moment, it's very hard to know, oh, is this a processing dream? And I'm stressed out that this person might be seeing someone else, and I'm just processing it, or I'm psychically understanding that this is a real, a real event that's occurring in life, and I'm psychically receiving this information. For me, the dreams that are psychic or prophetic, they kind of feel more real. There's usually less storyline detail, less background, less crossing this hill to get somewhere. It's more, kind of like I said, just on a in a black almost like a black box, like no scenery around, nothing else happening, not even standing, like on the ground or on stairs, not sitting on a couch, just kind of in a black scene with two people. And it was that quick, and I remember it. I'm not great at remembering my dreams. Okay, let's move on to prophetic dream. Prophetic dreams are dreams that come to pass after the dream. So where psychic dream is information that's already happened or happening now that we don't just have access to, versus something that hasn't happened yet at all. Prophetic
to dive deeper into psychic and prophetic dreams. I want to introduce two experts to you who I found during my research and what has been documented about this phenomena. These two have explored this topic from both scientific and experimental perspectives. The first expert I want to talk quickly about is Dr Julia mosbridge, and the second is Theresa Chung. Dr mosbridge is a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in pre cognition, which again, understanding future events that have not yet happened, time perception, meaning, like going back on the timeline, going forward on the timeline. And consciousness research. That's what Dr mosbridge specializes in. She's worked with leading institutions to study how the brain might access information beyond conventional time constraints, right? Meaning, like, if we live here today and this thing, this future event, hasn't happened yet, how is our brain moving beyond the constraints of time to perceive or understand this information. So that's what she wanted to study. Theresa Chung is a best selling author. She's a dream researcher with over 25 years of expertise and studying in spirituality, intuition, the science of dreams. So together, they co authored a book called The premonition code. Again, I'll link it in the show notes, where this book examines the science behind pre cognitive experiences and offers practical tools for exploring them. In the premonition code their book, Dr mosbridge and Miss Chung present both scientific studies and anecdotal accounts of pre cognitive experiences. As you can imagine, it's pretty hard to do a study about this. They discuss instances where individuals reportedly foresaw future events, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing genuine pre cognitive events and experiences from coincidences. The other thing that I just want to mention here is, if you've ever heard me talk about psychic reading, you'll know that I say no one can definitively predict the future. We are tapping into the potential outcomes. So in any scenario, if we're having to make a choice, there's, let's just hypothetically say, 10 potential outcomes, right? So I think it works similarly in these pre cognitive dreams, were just becoming aware of the potential, and that is what ultimately does end up happening. But they assert in their work that perhaps there's a way to understand the difference between these genuine pre cognitive like understanding something before it happens from just a coincidence, like maybe you were just worried about that that is what ultimately ended up happening. But it's not technically a premonition or pre cognition. So their work differentiates psychic dreams, which provide insights into unknown current events, kind of like what I was saying, from prophetic dreams which seem to predict the future. So while these experiences remain kind of difficult to study under strict scientific conditions and protocols. Dr moss bridge and Miss Chung believe that they offer glimpses into the minds untapped potential, and they advocate for, of course, continued research and intersection of intuition and time and understanding how that works. So we're going to talk a little bit about the mechanism behind this phenomena, but what I thought was so interesting is I it took me a really long time to write this episode. Quite honestly, I wrote all my own experiences, thoughts, what I know about these type of dreams, and then I did the research. So I think it's fascinating that some of these sources are describing these dreams. Types, just how I describe them, or just how I have experienced them myself, or just how clients have experienced them. So I those through threads and connections. You guys know, I always find just fascinating. So according to their work, this book that I was just talking about, the premonition code, what are the mechanisms behind these phenomena, psychic dreams and prophetic dreams, or pre cognitive dreams. Let me take a quick sip. Talking a lot today, guys. Okay, so Dr mosbridge and Miss Chung explore this concept that time might not be strictly linear. Some of these are not going to sound super surprising to those of us that are pretty in this woo woo work, but is time linear? They are suggesting that the human mind could access information beyond the conventional flow of time, like the regular clock time. How can we access information beyond that? Right? So this perspective aligns with theories in physics and consciousness studies that propose a more fluid understanding of the way time works. And you know how I'm always saying like, time on this side is one way, and time in the spirit world is totally different. It's not the same. So their work allows for this possibility of accessing future information in just their theories. And I do think it's super interesting that the idea of like quantum physics, mechanical physics, do support some of these theories to a degree. So what are the variations in individual abilities, and why do they happen? I've had this question for a while. Actually, these authors propose that certain individuals might be more attuned to these type of phenomena due to like heightened intuitive abilities or openness to the experiences or specific cognitive traits. Right? Maybe you're just a little more highly sensitive. Maybe you just have some working ability with your psychic gifts. Right? Factors in their research that they determined helpful were things like meditation practices and mindfulness and a receptive mindset that might enhance someone's capacity for pre cognitive experiences. So I was curious what they thought about training and development, and Dr mosbridge and Ms Chung suggests that it is possible to cultivate these abilities through specific practices. Now, can you become psychic in your dreams? Can you have pre cognitive dreams? Maybe, and you might be able to train yourself for it, according to this book so mindfulness and meditation, they recommend if you're trying to cultivate your dreams through these practices, regular mindfulness practices, they feel can enhance intuitive awareness. You guys know we're always talking about this here, like, this is what's crazy is it's like, oh yes, to enhance your intuition and your discernment meditation. So they are saying that they have found validity to this potentially increasing one's sensitivity, like we always talk about, to pre cognitive information or psychic information, things that are happening that we just don't know about, or things that have not happened yet, right? They also share about dream journaling, and their encouragement is that keeping a detailed dream journal can help individuals recognize patterns. You guys know I'm such a patterns girl, and talking about ways to validate pre cognitive content over time, meaning, if you're someone that remembers your dreams or wants to practice with your dreams, a dream journal, which I know we've all heard of, which is just some kind of a notebook where you're documenting your dreams when you wake up as soon as possible. So you might notice patterns, you might document things and then as current events happen, or as your life unfolds, you might be like, oh, wait a minute, I wrote that down. Let me go back and check. So that's one way dream journals can help us just track what's pre cognitive or psychic, right? Because if it's psychic, and we don't know that it's happened with my dad, with my baby cousin,
we don't know that it's happened. So we could write it down, and then when someone does tell us, it's like, oh, yeah, that I wrote that down, and it's not to prove it to someone else. It's just for tracking and training for yourself. Another way that you can use dream journaling is just almost like a suggestion to your brain that you're open to this type of activity, this type of work. And the other thing that you guys know I'm always touting here and everywhere I go is personal development. The more we can journal, use therapy, use self help, whatever we got to process our emotions, the less potentially that our brain would need to process those emotions in one of those processing dreams, lucid dreams, paralysis dreams, therapy dreams, if we're doing it already right, it just frees up that time. For us to maybe be practicing these more psychic or pre cognitive dreams if you want. And again, you don't have to do any of this, but I know so many of you are curious about how to do it, so they're also encouraging intuitive exercises as a potential way to increase our ability to have these psychic or pre cognitive dreams. So what you could do there is engaging in psychic exercises, or exercises designed to strengthen intuition, such as guessing outcomes or tuning into information, or listening to your gut feeling how we're always talking about listening in your body to see what's a Yes, what's a no? How do you feel? What emotions are being? Lit up for you, all of these types of activities and practices could help develop one's pre cognitive skills, or certainly the discernment, right, and the availability for it. Okay? So those are psychic and pre cognitive dreams. The next segment I want to talk about visitation dreams and what I call meeting dreams. So I've given my own terms to some of these, as you see. So let's talk about first, what is a visitation dream? These are some of my favorites to hear about from clients and friends. Visitation dreams are dreams when a loved one or ancestor from the spirit world comes to visit you in a dream. So a loved one that's already crossed over comes to visit you in a dream. Some of the commonalities often reported for this type of dream, and I have had a lot of accounts of this dream in my work, as you might imagine, many, many people have talked to me about receiving their loved ones or experiencing their loved ones from the other side in a dream. So I've I've collected data myself over the years, and those of you that know me would not be surprised about this whatsoever. But there are some common threads that people report, and it does help us understand if it is just a processing dream, or if it's an actual visitation from the spirit world. So some of the things that people seem to have in common when they're reporting these type of visitation dreams are the loved one that shows up in the dream to visit with you. They typically communicate telepathically during the dream. Sometimes people will say, like, I understood what they wanted to share, but they didn't move their mouth, or you just received information, or could hear what they were saying, but no words were coming out. You just kind of understood. And again, these are just commonalities. So it doesn't mean that if you don't have one of these, that it's not a visitation dream. Or if you have some of them, you know what I mean. So just listen to each one and just kind of evaluate for you what it's been but most people, and when you ask them, right and say, like, well, I know you understood what they were sharing, but do you remember seeing their mouth moving, or do you remember seeing them talking sometimes, that's how they remember it. I'm like, Oh yeah, no, actually, I just understood them, but I didn't hear them, but I heard them. Do you know what I mean? Okay, so the next thing is that the dream feels incredibly real, like you feel like they were just there. It feels real. It doesn't feel like a normal processing dream. It feels very tangible and real. Next they felt like they were actually there. So it doesn't feel like you're dreaming about them from the spirit world. And I just had someone this last week say that when they were in the dream with their loved one visiting them, they even said to their loved one in the dream, like, wait a minute, you died. And the loved one was like, I'm safe, I'm here and so happy and looking so good, so it does feel like they're actually there. Another commonality between these visitation dreams is that they are incredibly positive emotions that we experience. So it's typically not sadness. It's typically things like peace, happiness, joyousness, they usually feel very calm and they look well and healthy. So it's typically positive emotions that were taken with us from this dream experience all the time, like incredibly positive emotions. And a lot of these emotions or feelings of this dream aren't always something that people can put into words. For example, I've had very few of these types of dreams, but it leaves you with this almost like resonant emotion or energy, where you just it feels so real and it just feels so positive and so peaceful and calm and happy and good. It's really hard to describe the exact way that they feel, but if you've had one, you know what I'm talking about. The other thing to note is that when these visitation dreams happen, the loved one that is visiting you from the. Their side,
they seem to always look healthy and well and happy
and good, like sometimes if someone had been immobile in the last phase of their life, or even throughout their whole life, I've had someone who was living life with a wheelchair when they were here, and then in the dream, they were jumping and running and dancing, so they often look like a healthy, strong, well version of themselves. It doesn't mean it's going to all be the same way that we're going to perceive them, but that typically they look healthy and well and usually happy in these visitation dreams, some people remember all the details, like every little detail of the visitation dreams, and others may remember only a few details, but strongly remember the feeling of the dream, like the essence of the dream that they're left with. Either is okay, it's just we are different as human beings, right? So some people might remember every detail, every moment of the dream, and others just might come out of it, remembering who was there visiting, and how they felt, but very little else. One thing to note here because, like I said, you might experience one or two of these. You might experience all of these when you're thinking about was that a visitation dream from my loved one? Was it not really? The most important thing to note is that if the dream seems scary or fear based, it's not a visitation, because in the visitations, it's always peaceful. It's always like, I wish I could, like, label the emotion, and maybe I need to think about this more, but it's always positive. Really, if it feels scary or fear based. It's not a visitation it's more of a processing dream, or like a therapy dream, because in these visitations, they look healthy, they look well, the emotion feels good. It's it's never scary. It's never like we're running and searching for them and we can't find them and we're nervous about where they are. That's a processing dream, not a visitation dream. So hopefully you're starting to be able to discern a little bit these different types of dreams. Now I want to talk a little bit about what is the difference between a visitation dream and a meeting dream. I think there's probably a different word for the for this, but I've always called the meeting dreams, so that's what I'm going to call it here. My gosh, it's so dry today. Okay? So a meeting dream is very similar to a visitation dream, but rather than being with a crossed over loved one or ancestor, typically, you experience a spirit guide or an angel or a light being. So it's kind of the same in that you're being visited by someone from the unseen world, but rather than it being your own loved one or ancestor or family member, for example, it's a guide or an angel or a light being of some kind. And I know we all have different words for guides and light beings and things, but the dreams themselves are quite similar. So let me tell you one of my stories about it, and then I'll talk to you about what the experts say. So I had this dream not very long ago with my mediumship spirit guide. I if you missed the spirit guide episode, there was an episode of spirit speakeasy that we talk all about spirit guides. So if you need more clarification or deep dive on that, look for that episode. But this was my spirit guide. I believe we all have a team of guides and inspires. I have one guide that works with me, primarily for mediumship, and I, in my mind, over these years, just kind of have a sense of what I felt like. He looked like, right? And I feel him more masculine. So I kind of, in my mind, he has a name. I had a feeling of what he looked like. And in this dream, when I woke up in the dream scene, right? Like, because, you know, we're in the dream scene, or we're in our waking state. So in this dream scene, it was very unusual. We were in a place that kind of looked like I tried to tell someone about this, and I gave an example, and nobody knows what I'm talking about. There might be a very small few of you. So I'll say it this way, and then I'll try to say it another way. If you remember that movie from probably like the late 70s, early 80s, it was old. When I was a kid, it was called The Little Prince, and in this movie, it's this little prince, and he's on a planet somewhere, and he has like a couple, like a plant that's at his friend and something else. So it looked like that weird planet, is my whole point of that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I essentially just knew we were somewhere open. It felt like we were like on a planet, but it was in descript. It was like the ground was strange, but I wasn't too focused on it, and I wasn't even really worried about figuring out where I was. I just, all of a sudden, I was there. It was a strange scene. There wasn't a whole lot of detail happening. And all of a sudden, there was my guide, and I recognized him, but when I spoke to him, I remember saying, like, Why do you look. Like that, because he looked very different than I imagined him to look. And I remember him kind of making a bit of a joke, but again, like we talked about in the visitation dreams, communicating, but not moving his mouth, just I knew what he was saying. He looked happy in his face, but it wasn't mouth moving actual words. And I what I heard him say in this dream was, well, I just threw something on. I could go change and look different if you want, and I'll be right back and but he was like, saying it in a joking way, because I always joke and tell people like the names and the way we imagine them, that's just for us when they we don't have a physical body. We we don't look like a physical body. So anywho that was that dream. And I don't always remember all the details from these type of like meeting dreams. I know we had a conversation. I know it was about my my kind of mission here, so to speak, my soul's mission, some things that I'm focusing on in my work and my spirituality. And it was essentially about that and him showing me some things related to my spiritual gifts and my work. And it was lovely, and it felt wonderful. I don't even remember all the details, but I know my soul knows, and my subconscious obviously knows. And when I woke from this dream, I felt inspired and happy and positive, and so that essentially is a meeting dream. It's very similar to a visitation dream, but it's more about who is showing up, where visitation is loved one meeting dream. And these probably could all go under the same heading. It's just, this is the way I like to separate them. So you do you and but this is the way I'm trying to separate it so we can explain it. So you might have meeting dreams from guides or angels or light beings, but again, it's sort of the same list of commonalities. There's a positive feeling. It feels good, emotionally and energetically. Everything looks healthy and well, you may or may not remember all the details. It's not fear based at all and and it feels real and like you were actually there, no fear, no scary stuff. So it's very similar. Okay, what are the experts say about this? This was a little harder, because, as you might imagine, science hasn't fully validated these, you know, the spirit world, the visitation dreams, even though the deep dives I've done into physics, it's a lot of the things that I'm feeling and sensing and experiencing and being shown in my meditations, in my dream state.
And it seems like physics is trying to prove some things, but, but who knows. So I had a little tough time finding what the experts say about this. I did find in the work of, dr, what was it? Is it Mossberg? Yeah, moss bridge. Dr, moss bridge and Theresa Chung, it's more Theresa Chung, who, if you remember, as the author and dream expert and expert in spirituality and intuition and all of that, she has extensively explored the realms of visitations and meeting dreams and offered insights into the characteristics and significance. So I chose her because she's worked with this amazing neuroscientist for this book. So she also has her own wealth of experience. And I just wanted to know, like, what does someone who is an expert in their field say about this? And Ms Chung describes visitation dreams as profound experiences where deceased loved ones or ancestors appear to the dreamer. And she says common features include telepathic communication, like we talked about communicating, but no words, necessarily, and the dreamers often understand the messages without the spoken word. And when I say messages right, some people think a message needs to be something specific, but the message could just be, I love you, or I'm here. I'm fine, or it's good. All's good. So they understand the message the dreamer without the spoken word, sensing the presence and intentions of the visitor from the from the other side. She also talks about this vivid realism. These dreams feel exceptionally real with the crossed over loved one appearing healthy, happy, at peace. This is what she's saying about it. And also she talks about the positive emotions like I was talking about. She states that dreamers frequently awaken with feelings of comfort, love, reassurance, contrasting with like the distress level of a typical, ordinary processing dream or nightmare, right? Ms Chung also emphasizes that genuine visitation dreams are characterized by their positive and comforting nature. If a dream involving a deceased loved one includes fear or negativity, she suggests that it might not be a true visitation but. Gather a manifestation of the dreamers, subconscious fears and unresolved emotions, basically, just like we said, right? If it's scary or fear based, it's probably a processing dream and not a visitation. Now, what does she say about the meeting dreams? Similar to visitation dreams, meeting dreams involve encounters with spiritual entities such as spirit guides, angels, Beings of Light. She characterizes them, including things like guidance or support, stating that these dreams often provide wisdom, direction, reassurance, leaving the dreamer with a sense of purpose or clarity or comfort. She also highlights a spiritual connection, where the dreamers may experience a deep sense of connection to the divine or the universe, or a higher power of their understanding or all it is something like that, often leading to personal transformation or heightened spiritual awareness or experience. Ms Cheng believes that meeting dreams serve as a bridge between the conscious mind and the higher spiritual realms, facilitating personal growth, enlightenment, encouraging us on our spiritual journey, those kind of things. So that is Theresa Chung's perspective. But what is Dr Julia moss bridges perspective? Because she's the cognitive neuroscientist. And just a side note, I think you guys, hopefully, if it's not your first time here, you probably know that. I don't think science has it all figured out yet. I think science is often still trying to prove and catch up with lots of things that sensitives, mediums, psychics, et cetera, already know and experience. So even though some of these doctors might say that's outside of the scope of my work, or I don't know about the validity of that, it doesn't make it invalid. Okay, that's my side note. So Dr Julia mosbridge, the cognitive neuroscientist, focuses pro primarily on precognition and the science of time perception, the way we're experiencing, this construct of time that we made up over here, her work acknowledges the broader spectrum of extraordinary experiences and mystical experiences, even though I don't think she calls it that, including these types of dreams, visitation dreams, meeting dreams that we're talking about. So she does advocate for scientific approach to understanding these types of phenomena, and she really encourages empirical research to uncover underlying mechanisms. So in a nutshell, she's coming from the space of a neuroscientist, a brain doctor, right, and saying like, well, what are the brain chemicals doing when this is happening? Is the brain doing something to create this experience, and empirical evidence in science is really hard to achieve. So are we ever going to prove that these visitations and meeting dreams are real? I don't know, but if you've ever experienced them, there's a high likelihood that you need very little proof other than that. Okay, there is a little bit more to go. I want to talk about this idea of astral travel, because that is also something that happens in our sleeping state. And then I also, towards the end, want to share with you what some kind of more mystics or spiritually minded people say about this, and I chose some really interesting ones, so stick around. Okay, astral travel. What is astral travel? One of the most fascinating experiences you can have while dreaming astral travel is when during a sleep state, so you're asleep, your conscious awareness shifts from your physical body and explores different realms, dimensions or locations on the astral plane in the non physical world, is what I'm talking about. Even though, I guess you could go to a different place in the physical world, right? You could astral travel to, I don't know, Egypt, or if you're not in Egypt, so it really is your consciousness shifting awareness. Many years ago, when I first started hearing about this, I always heard people say, you separate from your body and go travel. Well now that I have a different level of experience for me, the way this is no shade on anyone else's understanding of this before me, the way that I understand this now makes more sense to me to say is that our conscious awareness shifts. And since our human body is in its dormant state, right, sleeping, not accessing the consciousness, almost like our consciousness is offline, right, and not using the physical senses, our touch, taste, smell, we can access those psychic senses, or that group of six senses that we've talked about here many times, and travel right? So I believe it's more of a moving of our. Conscious awareness to somewhere else, rather than a leaving of our body and going to travel. It's a little nuance, but it's just a different way of understanding it. And for some of you, that won't be necessary or make sense at all, but I just wanted to put that little differentiation in there. Some people report floating above their bodies, which is kind of an out of body experience, those technically count under this astral travel umbrella. I kind of went back and forth about that and thought like, is an out of body experience, astral travel. But if you are in the corner of your room and you're looking down at your own body like, I guess that's astral travel. You haven't moved your awareness far, but you're you've moved it right. So I accepted that it's under this umbrella. So some people report floating above their bodies. Some people report visiting distant places or even encountering spiritual beings during these experiences. So you see where there's crossover that starts to happen. Right where my example that I gave about meeting with my spirit guide that was probably on the astral plane, a different place, but he was also meeting with me. So it's kind of two at once. I astral traveled to meet with him, but it's a meeting dream at the same time. So sometimes
astral travelers report a sudden, like, snap back into their body. I've heard it called the astral snap back. I don't know if that's the official term. It's kind of like waking up too fast, almost. And it's often like with a jolt or like a heart racing feeling. This can happen. It's thought that when there's an external disturbance, like your Astral traveling, your consciousness is is off exploring somewhere in the unseen realm, and like a noise that's in your physical space kind of brings your consciousness back very quickly. Or the experience that you're having just becomes too intense, we can kind of quickly move our awareness back into our body, and that's that like jolt. A lot of people experience this in the feeling like they're falling dreams. But it's a different thing. This is more of a quick snapping back your consciousness into your your physical awareness. So let's talk a little bit about what the experts say about astral travel. As you might imagine, this was a little harder to get experts opinions and say so on it, because there are not a ton of experts, and even more of like the physicists and those type of people, are not super interested, it seems, in astral travel. So let's talk about validity and support for this notion of astral travel. I'm pretty convinced of it. I have lots of things that have happened to me over the course of my life that make me feel like I don't need to question this. We could argue about what they're called, but if you've had some of these experiences, and for me, like, I'm not trying to prove my experiences to anybody, it's like, if you if this happens too great. If it doesn't, that's okay. It's not. You know, they all have their value, but let's hear what the scientific community has to say about it. Again, very few people studying this, and among those that are what I found in my research. I hate to say it this way, but most of them are also selling some kind of very expensive product or program, and most of them don't distinguish between out of body experiences and astral travel. Like I was talking about keeping it all under that same umbrella of what they would call like, the phenomenon of consciousness, traveling beyond the physical body to explore non physical realms. And that's why, when I was saying like, Well, finally I accepted like okay, I guess they both count under the same umbrella, if you're defining it like that, the phenomena of your consciousness traveling by beyond the physical body to explore non physical realms. Well, if that's the definition, okay, I can accept that. So the scientific community has approached this work with caution, as you might imagine. Some scientists assert that the phenomena can be created in a lab by touching certain parts of the brain. So we're talking about like a brain surgeon that would stimulate parts of the brain. They're asserting that, well, we can create that in a lab by opening someone's head and touching certain parts of the brain. Therefore, it happens in the brain, rather than an experience of the soul or a consciousness. Personally, I don't see why both of these can't be true. Something happening in our brain, brain chemicals being released, and it's an experience of the consciousness or soul. What do you guys think about that? Because this is splitting hairs a little bit for me, where I'm like, Well, both of these things can be true. Something can be happening by touching a part of our brain, right? And it can also be an experience of our solar consciousness. But scientists seem to feel pretty satisfied that, since they can recreate it in a lab by touching the brain, that they're just kind of negating that other part. Critics. Do argue that work like techniques that employ binaural beats. Have you guys ever heard of binaural beats, which? It's basically two slightly different frequencies presented into each ear. So there's a lot of them on YouTube now, you typically will put headphones on and it's it bounces back and forth between each ear, and they're slightly different frequencies in each ear. And essentially, what it's doing is producing a third perceived tone. So those two tones, because we're hearing them so fast ear to ear, it our brain creates, or like blends it and perceives, a third unique tone happening, or frequency really is what it is really the desired result, or what they're aiming to do is often induce a specific mental state conductive to relaxation, meditation or experiences, sort of like these, out of body experiences that may be influenced or influenced relaxation, focus. A lot of evidence is lacking. They these are theories and things that people have experimented and tried with, but there's nothing that's really being accepted as firm evidence, right? Additionally, something that came up as a big concern that I want to just throw out there as a caution for those of you that are wanting to practice and explore more in your dream states, I personally don't do well with those like binaural beats or the long music that is, what do they call it? It's like the activation music of like pineal activation, or those kind of things. I've tried them. I've played with them. For me personally, in the way my body, my physical instrument works, those give me a really bad headache, or I just My body doesn't like it. It's more disturbing to me than relaxing, but some people use it for like studying deep relaxation, to help them fall asleep for focus. So the concern that came up in the research when I was looking at this and and exploring these binaural beats, and has anyone proved that this can help us move into this state of astral travel, right? Concerns have been raised about potential adverse effects, things like inducing epileptic seizures in susceptible individuals. Now, I'm not a doctor, but I just want to put that out there, because it was pretty heavily noted in a lot of the research that like, hey, while for some people, these binaural beats create relaxation and focus, for other people who are susceptible, they can cause seizures or create other problems. So at your own risk, I would say, and like I said, my body, personally does not like them, but it's just something I want you to be aware of. If it's something you're going to be looking at. The scientific validation of this method, these methods of like binaural beats and all of this like, particularly those using the binaural beats, it's inconclusive. So there's been some data that's been learned, but the overall results are like, what are the experts saying? Seems very inconclusive. And quite honestly, between me and you, I didn't find anyone that I was comfortable quoting or citing as a source or even sharing what I learned about their work, particularly because of, like, I mentioned, other things that they're selling or encouraging people towards, or, like supplements they want people to take. So I'm not, I'm not trying to, like, invalidate their work, or say,
I, you know, I'm not trying to say that their work's invalid. I'm just saying there was no one that I was comfortable sharing with you as a source on this. But at the same time, I can't deny my own experiences, and I do know that sometimes science takes a long time to explain certain things that it doesn't make them any less real. So what else is out there about Asheville travel? So mainstream science often approaches astral travel or astral projection with skepticism, considering it a phenomena, kind of lacking empirical evidence, like we were talking about various religions and philosophies. And philosophical traditions have long embraced concepts which are very similar to astral travel. So sometimes, when we can't find it in science, like, let's see what the Mystics are saying. So here's a little bit of a like, a religious and philosophical perspective on astral travel. And just like when we talk about the archangels and all of this, none of these are necessarily religions or philosophies that I am deeply involved in, but I just want to note them with greatest respect and best intentions, so you can see that some of these ancient philosophies and religious systems do talk about this and have been forever. Hinduism, for example, the concept of what we call an astral body. Be is integral to Hindu philosophy. Practices like yoga, meditation aim to transcend the physical form, allowing the soul to journey to different planes of existence sounds kind of like astral travel. And I'm sure I'm oversimplifying this, and again, I mean greatest respect to all these faith systems, Buddhism, advanced meditation practices in Buddhism, things like yogic flying, involve experiences where the practitioners feel like they transcend their physical body, exploring different realms of consciousness, moving their awareness to different levels of consciousness, kind of similar sounding to astral travel, in my opinion, my little humble opinion over here, theosophy. So in the late 19th and early 20th century, theosophists discussed astral projection extensively, describing the astral plane as a subtle realm accessible through spiritual practices with the existence of subtle bodies. How we talk about in our auric field is like our emotional body, our astral body, our so that's what that's what they're talking about here. The existence of these subtle bodies and multiple planes of existence are part of the discussion in this theosophy. Astral plane is considered a realm where the consciousness can travel during astral projection, allowing individuals to explore higher dimensions beyond the basic world. Sufism. If you've ever heard of Sufis, some Sufi mystics describe experiences of journeying beyond the physical body to attain closeness with the divine, often referred to as spiritual ascension in western esotericism, this is versions of like spiritualism, Alchemy, Gnosticism and others. So in this western esotericism, the emphasis on development of a body of light or astral body, is emphasized. Practitioners aim to consciously navigate the astral plane, seeking spiritual insights and personal transformation from places beyond the physical body with their consciousness so kind of interesting, which is why I wanted to mention it. And along my research, I also found a couple other experiences and reports that I thought were super interesting, so I wanted to share them with you. I wasn't originally expecting to include these, but there's just two. We're almost near the end, and I thought these were so juicy and interesting that I just had to share them. So there's two. The first is someone named Carlos Castaneda. If you've never heard of him, he is a Latin American anthropologist and author. He documented his apprenticeship with the yaki shaman Don Juan Matas, whose lineage descended from the Toltecs, an indigenous group of people in Mexico and the Southwest United States, primarily in the Sonoran desert region. So in his series of books, The Art of dreaming, and then the teachings of Don Juan, the yaki way of knowledge. He describes techniques for achieving heightened sense of awareness, exploring non ordinary realities through dreaming practices. Central to these teachings is the concept of what he calls the seven gates of dreaming, stages that practitioners of this work navigate to attain total awareness is what they call it the initiation gate involves becoming aware of one's hands within a dream. So sort of sounds a little bit like lucid dreaming, serving as an entry point to deeper levels of conscious dreaming. These practices align with the concept of astral projection, emphasizing the exploration of consciousness beyond the physical body. Okay, so little note here. Castaneda writings have been both influential and controversial. Readers are encouraged to approach his work with a critical mind, considering the broader context and anthropological and spiritual context of the literature. I just thought it was really fascinating. I don't know if you've ever some of you probably heard of him. Some of you haven't this next experience that I thought was super fascinating. I think we've all heard of this person, Helen Keller. Have you ever heard of her? If you, if you are anywhere in your 30s or 40s, you probably learned a lot about her in school. She lived from 1880 to 1860 or 1968 She was a famous author, educator, activist. She overcame blindness and deafness to become a leading advocate for people with disabilities or differently abled people, she's incredible if you've never read about her or read her work. She's fascinating if you've never learned about her. So Helen Keller was renowned for her achievements, even though she was deaf and blind in a world that did not support that whatsoever. She delved deeply into spiritual realms and was influenced by the works of philosophy
and a philosopher called Emmanuel Swedenborg. He's a Swedish theologian, scientist and mystic who had extensive writings, and they've significantly, significantly influenced Christian mysticism. So when we're talking about mystics, he's an early influence of mystics. His work explores spiritual realms beyond the physical world, also human free will, life after death, the spirit world, and acknowledging that divine truths are present in multiple religious traditions. I know to us in present day, 2025 this does not sound revolutionary at the time that this work was being experienced, acknowledging that divine truths are present in multiple religions and religious traditions was controversial, to say the least. So his perspective promotes a universal approach to spirituality, kind of like everyone has access to spirituality, revolutionary, right? He emphasizes the commonalities in moral and ethical teachings across different faiths. He also encouraged a harmonious relationship between faith and reason. So both of those things at the same time, his work continues to inspire and challenge readers to explore the depths of their spiritual lives and their interconnectedness to all that exists. So this is who Helen Keller is, like heavily influenced by this is the scholar and theologian, scientist, Mystic that she becomes immersed in his work and is following. She writes a book called my religion about her experience with his theology, philosophy work. So in her book my religion, she recounts an experience where she felt as though she traveled to Athens like Greece, Athens, and she vividly perceives the city's sights and sounds, despite her physical senses having limitations, right? She's fully blind and fully deaf in her physical senses, but she writes about this experience of vividly perceiving and traveling to the city of Athens Cree. Her writings convey a profound connection to this spiritual work that we were just talking about. She describes her religion as developing from living deeply within her spiritual self, cut off from normal sensations with, you know, inside of her own body, and spending her life on a spiritual plane. I just thought that was really fascinating, because since she is cut off in the way she describes it from vision and from hearing, she really is living inside of her self, and I love this beautiful description as spending her life on a spiritual plane. How incredible. So in closing, as we wrap up today's deep dive into the world of dreams, I hope this episode has expanded your perspective on what's really happening when we sleep, from processing dreams that help us work through life's challenges to lucid dreams where we are taking control and moving around intentionally, to the profound experiences of psychic, prophetic and visitation dreams and even the mysterious realm of astral travel, our dream states offer far more than just mental rest and processing. So while science continues to explore and debate these experiences, there's no denying the powerful personal impact they can have. Whether you've had a dream that changed your life, or a moment of clarity from the other side, or an unexplainable journey beyond the physical world. Dreams remind us that there's so much more to our consciousness than first glance. And while I can't yet explain why these various types of dreams may seem to be experienced more by some people than other people. Some have them all the time. Some have them, never and everything in between. I do know that we are all unique in the way these mystical experiences can show up. So I encourage you to be open minded about what you may be able to experience in your dreams. So as you go forward, I invite you to pay a little more attention to your dreams. Maybe play with the idea of keeping a dream journal, setting intentions for your dreams, or working on meditation to see if you can enhance your dream experience and astral exploration. If that's interesting to you, who knows what wisdom, guidance or adventure might be waiting for you in the realm of sleep. I'm so grateful for you joining me here. If this podcast means something to you, it would mean so much to me if you would subscribe, like and share an episode that was meaningful to you with a friend, I am always so grateful to have you here and as a part of my community, so many of you have been sharing that. You receive watch, listen to the podcast, and it means so much to me. So from my heart to yours. Big hugs. Lots of love. Bye for now. From inside spirit speakeasy.

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