Weekly Reading April 19 - 26 🤯Heads Up on Your Energy & Boundaries, Where You NEED to Pay Attention!
Apr 19, 2024
Weekly Reading, Energy, Potentials & Guidance for April 19-26. There is a heads up on managing your own energy level for the week ahead. Get a break, a rest or a mini vacay if you can! Chances are, you’ve been feeling at least a little exhausted or like there’s too much happening and you can’t “keep up”. This could be physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically or all of the above!!
We are still in a Mercury retrograde phase as well so be sure to double check the “fine print” if you’re agreeing to or signing anything, especially! Be aware of the potential to make careless (or overtired) mistakes and try to avoid them, if possible! This may also indicate you needing to “check the work” of others around you. Exercise boundaries where needed!
Good news on the horizon this week though, yay!!! You do have the strength and power to get through whatever arises this week so hang on to hope! For those who identify as mediums or sensitives, there’s a special little shoutout from spirit to “hang in there” during any recalibration of your gifts/energy.
Resist the urge to make mountains out of molehills this week and be aware of where you may be feeding into drama or worry where it’s unnecessary.
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