7 Signs Your Intuition is Calling YOU in 2025—and How to Realign for a Breakthrough Year
Dec 30, 2024
In this episode, we’ll dive deep into 7 key signs your intuition is calling, ways you might already be experiencing these signs—and why paying attention now could change everything. This isn’t about vague feelings or random guesses; it’s about recognizing the real ways your inner wisdom is speaking in your every day life, and learning how to trust it to realign with the life you’re meant to live. If you’ve been feeling stuck, uncertain, or disconnected, this is your invitation to step back into flow and claim the clarity you deserve.
Do you feel like something’s been trying to get your attention lately? Maybe it’s a gut feeling you can’t ignore, a dream that lingers, or a quiet inner pull you can’t quite explain. That’s your intuition knocking, and it’s here to guide you toward the breakthroughs waiting for you in 2025.
Whether you’re new to intuition or ready to deepen your connection, this episode will leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to embrace your intuitive journey.
✨ Ready to take this further? Join me for Take Charge 2025, a transformative workshop designed to help you realign, reconnect, and create your breakthrough year. If this episode sparked something in you, the workshop will take you deeper—don’t miss it!
Get all the details here:
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00:00 Introduction to Intuition and Its Importance
05:54 Sign 1: Heightened Sensitivity
16:18 Sign 2: Strong Gut Feelings
23:40 Sign 3: Transformation of Your Inner World
29:45 Sign 4: Synchronicities and Soul-Aligned Moments
35:14 Exploring Synchronicities and Intuition
42:42 Feeling Called to Bigger Changes
49:58 Understanding Unexplained Knowing
54:50 Navigating Feelings of Being Lost
01:03:18 Workshop Announcement: Take Charge of 2025
Episode Transcript:
Hey, beautiful soul, welcome to Spirit Speakeasy. I'm Joy Giovanni, Joyful Medium. I'm a working psychic medium, energy healer and spiritual gifts mentor. This podcast is like a seat at the table in a secret club, but with mediums, mystics and the spiritual luminaries of our time. So come behind the velvet ropes with me and see inside my world as I chat insider style with profoundly gifted souls, we go deep, share juicy stories, laugh a lot, and it wouldn't be a speakeasy without great insider secrets and tips. You might even learn that you have some gifts of your own so step inside the Spirit Speakeasy.
Hey, beautiful soul. Welcome back, or welcome in for another episode of Spirit Speakeasy. This episode I'm actually recording right before it's coming out, and it is just as we are turning into the new year, from 2024 to 2025 in this week's episode, we are going to really deep dive into seven of the signs that your intuition is calling to you in 2025 whether you're someone that has been working with your intuition for some time, or whether you're someone that is completely new to This idea of inner knowing or nudges or intuition. This can be a year for incredible, profound growth for you, it could be a deepening of intuition and practices and subtle energies you're already working with, or it could just be a whole new chapter for you of understanding the world around you, energy and really the most beautiful part of intuition is that it helps us deeply understand ourselves. So in this week's episode, we're going to be diving into those seven signs and make sure you hang on to the end, because I have an exciting announcement for you that I have been teasing for a little while now, and I've got a free code that comes along as a special gift for each of you. I really, as you know, love being here with our community, and I love all of the feedback that you guys give about these episodes, what you're wanting to hear about, and how these elements that we talk about here are showing up in your lives. So I really first want to talk about the role of intuition in decision making, just so we're all on the same page. And then we'll dive into these seven specific signs and signals. Intuition is not about predicting the future. And I often get asked, are the words psychic and intuitive? Are they interchangeable? I think they are. I think they have different cultural connotations or inferences that people make. But really it's talking about the same thing for most intents and purposes. It's not about predicting the future, and it won't keep us from completely avoiding all discomfort, which I know is part of our humanness, right? Who doesn't want to avoid discomfort? If possible, I would like to. But the truth is, things just are thrown at us in life. Things happen. Sometimes there's difficult times, there's certainly difficult emotions we can't control other people. Accidents happen. All kinds of things happen. So intuition is not necessarily about preventing us from all discomfort that might come our way in life, but it can help us in so many ways along our journey. It can even just help us better understand
when someone else is experiencing an emotion, right? It can help us know, okay, this is what's going on here? This is what the subtle energy is in this situation. I hear this person saying this, but I have enough access to my intuition that I know Okay, something else is going on and really just more deeply understanding ourselves, our wants, our behaviors, our choices, so that we can be making choices that are in alignment with the direction we want to go. Because ultimately, yes, things just happen in this world, but we also have a lot of free will choice that we have to, you know, make choices great and small every day about where we're spending our time, our attention, that kind of thing. So it can really help us get more clarity about best next steps around anything that we actually care about. So it won't it won't totally give us from discomfort, but it really is a great friend and companion along the way. I also want to just quickly touch into why personal growth is such an important part of intuition, and really, in a nutshell, it's because everything is connected to our emotions, we're never truly separate from our intuition, our soul self, our higher self, that inner voice of knowing, we often feel separate from it, and that's part of this human condition. It's often called the illusion of separation, that we are separate from one another, even we. We are scientifically learning more and more just how untrue or how confused that thinking was, even if we look at the Mushroom Kingdom, the my seal kingdom, I think, is what it's called, and just how that web of communication connects in the forest floor, for example. So feel free to nerd out on that and just imagine, you know, how must we all then be interconnected? So it really this emotional side of us is part of the mix all the time, and if we're not clear in our own emotions, it can make those intuitive nudges feel less clear, or at least less clear to discern right like what's coming from my intuition versus what's coming from my anxiety? In a nutshell, that all pins down to the emotional work, but we will talk more about that a little bit later. But I really just want to let you know, in case you didn't already know, there is such empowerment in connecting with one's inner guidance intuition. So that's why I love sharing these seven signs, because whether this is totally new work to you, or whether you know you've been dabbling for a while, or some of you work professionally even as well, we can always deepen we can always look for these signs and signals showing up in our own lives, because we all get very busy in the mundane day to day. You know, stuff of life that sometimes any of us can miss a sign or a signal for from the universe or from our own soul, calling our own intuition, calling to us. So wherever you are on your journey with intuition, take a listen to these signs. See if any of them have been showing up for you lately, and just kind of keep them on your radar so you will know if they are starting to show up. It's like, oh yeah, the voice of my intuition is calling to me. So sign, one of these seven signs that your intuition is calling you in 2025 is heightened sensitivity. Now this might sound like duh, joy, of course, intuition is heightened sensitivity. It might not show up exactly how you think. And remember, we're all individuals, and this all exists on a spectrum. So some of you might experience one of these signs, some of you might all seven, but there's different ways each can manifest. So heightened sensitivity can be physical sensitivity, like in our physical body, in our physical world, it can also be emotional sensitivity, as signs of the way it's often said is like intuitive awakening. It's it's always in us. It's just being drawn to be aware of it or focus on it. But we can call it awakening, whatever, whatever word you like in there, I guess
so. For example, if you're having a physical
heightened sensitivity, anxiety about like making the right choice, or feeling self doubt or second guessing yourself, but you're starting to get really tired of that
that is a form of sensitivity, as far as physical sensitivity. It could be, for example, one of the things that happened for me this kind of niche specific, but when I was in school for massage therapy, I would be working on another fellow student. You do a lot of trades, I guess, for anything, any kind of trade that's developing, usually you're working on other students or with other students. So I would be working on someone else doing body work, and I would start to feel on my body. It could be a little pain, it could be a little tension point. It could be just I was aware of, like my right shoulder. And then I would just say, Okay, well, let me try going to this on that person, because I don't have anything going on with my right shoulder, for example, and I would go and they would say, oh my gosh, that's exactly where it's hurting. So it could be a physical matching pain or discomfort or awareness about someone else. Sometimes parents will feel this kind of thing about their kiddos, like, even if they're an adult kid, if they're not, you know, if they have a headache, you might also start to feel a little bit of a headache. And then you might say to anyone in your family or your space, hey, you have a headache. So it can be physical symptoms or physical discomforts that are just bringing your awareness to that you're sensing subtle energy. It can also be in, like a workplace, or if you're having to go into, like a waiting room, for example, and you walk into that space and there's a tension, a discomfort, you might start to physically in your body. Feel tight, feel anxious, feel uncomfortable, if it's like in a way that you weren't before you were going into this meeting or office, totally fine, feeling great. And then you go into that space and you it just feels like, oh, I need to be very quiet and still and oh, there. Feels like there's tension here that might even manifest in your physical body, if it's not something that you're aware of in, like your mind or your consciousness. So just start to be aware of how you're. Body feels as part of all of this energy. We don't often talk about that piece. It's not like I said, not all of this is going to happen for everybody, but certainly many of these have happened to me along the way. And sensitivity can manifest in lots of ways. It can manifest like we were just talking about because of an environment and the subtle energies there, because of other people, I think we've all had some version of an experience where we're talking to someone and they're saying words to us, and in our body or in our awareness, we're saying like, I know these are the words you're saying, but I feel something different as you're saying that. And it could be like, and I don't believe you, or it could be like you're not telling me everything, or it could even be like, I know you're saying you're happy and everything's fine, but I feel like something else is going on for you. So I think we all have some version of that experience, but it can show up like that with other people. It can show up as experiences of other, other subtle energy, like we're going to talk about this a little bit later in this a little bit later in this list, but like, sometimes we just know something and we don't know how we know. I have a friend, and one of the ways she says that she experiences her intuition in, like, the interpersonal way, like when she's having a conversation with a person. And this friend is more in, like, the field of engineering, and works at a very high level with people who are very like left brain cerebral, not a very touchy feely type of industry where she works, and she says, when someone is speaking to her, and there's something that she needs to like, pay attention to in her intuition, she just kind of feels that sentence, or that part of The sentence, just she says hanging a little longer in the air. I think it's just such an interesting way to say it. I know that version of saying it doesn't resonate with anyone, but have you ever been having a conversation with someone, and maybe it's like a three minute conversation, and there's just one bit of something they said that just sticks with you and kind of plays in your mind, and you're like, Oh, that's weird. Why am I remembering that? And then later it turns out to be like, Oh, okay, that was, that was foreshadowing or foretelling, the way that they said that. We see it in movies a lot. So it can be like that. It can be feeling like, even within your own physical or energetic self, like your body, something needs to change. It could be like, you're just a little restless in your life, in your career, in your physical body, in your health, and just saying, like something needs to change, but like, maybe I'm not even sure what it is yet. Do you know what I mean? Have you ever had that stirring of like, I don't know something, just I feel like I need to change something, or I feel like I need something new or something different, but I don't even know what or in what area or why. So it can start as just those initial stirrings for this sign, one of like heightened sensitivity. I know who knew heightened sensitivity could mean so many things. It does, though, and it can even be, again, sensing emotions of others, like, if we are unaware this is happening, we might start to just feel our own emotions, and then we might think like, oh, I'm feeling off. What's going on with me? Why do I feel off? We often see this. I mean, it can be with people like in your office or in your day to day, but we probably most often see this with people in our family or that we cohabitate with, like, live in the home with, or that we're spending a lot of close, physical time around. If you have that type of office, it could be that where it's like, maybe they haven't even said anything to you that you're interpreting as like, Oh, something about what they're saying is off. Maybe it's just that you start to feel off in your emotions for no reason, and then you're like, oh, something's feeling off. I'm feeling a little you could be unconsciously or subconsciously understanding the emotions, which is a form of energy, understanding the energy in someone else around you, and you're unconsciously kind of matching, is what we call like your emotion is shifting to that emotion to be the same as it, to match it, and you're not feeling whatever that is that that person's feeling that's creating that emotion in them. So just starting to be aware of sensations in your body, emotions in your body, how you're feeling, what's sticking with you, from conversations or experiences or have you ever been like gone to a place and just a person that used like a in the grocery store, a person that you saw there just kind of stuck out to you for some reason. That can happen, and it can even be sensing subtle energy. So heightened sensitivity affects us in all the ways, and you probably, if you've been here for any length of time, I've heard me say before that we have this group of our five physical senses, but then we also have this other group that we often call the sixth sense, that is sensing subtle energy. So it might be to the extent of like you're sensing spirit, people that aren't there, or angels, or that type of subtle energy. But it could also be a. Um, subtle energies in the form of, like, I was saying, going into a space and knowing, oh, there's been an argument in here, or this energy feels really stagnant or something in this place. You know, I hear this sometimes from realtors, actually, when they say, like, Oh, I'll go into different people's homes to check them out or to show them to my client. And I could just feel different feeling energetically in some houses versus others, and some I don't notice any type of feeling at all. So just starting to be aware of those type of things. And you might not even have to try to be aware of them, but just be available to know that they might be showing up, and then make a note, really. These sensitivities are such a gift and not a burden. And I think that culturally, most of us are taught, particularly this heightened sensitivity piece, we can be taught that it is a burden and that we're too much and that we are too sensitive. I know I've certainly heard that a lot, and for me, this might not be true for you, but sometimes for me, if I'm ignoring or not wanting to deal with or see something that's going on, even if my emotions are lighting up, my body's lighting up, I sometimes will even have physical symptoms, like I've definitely had hives because I've been overly stressed or anxious about like an interaction, for example. This is all tied to our ability to sense, our ability to use intuition and to have discernment and clarity about our intuition. So that was all. Sign one, heightened sensitivity. Sign two, that your intuition is calling you into 2025 calling you forward. Is this strong gut feelings or other body cues? Now, I know that we talk about it like a gut feeling. Well, where is the gut? That's our stomach or our intestines. Usually, when we're talking about like gut health, right? We're talking about probiotics and things. This is often, often a little higher than that, more of like solar plexus, so kind of between the sternum and the navel, or right in this solar plexus, diaphragmatic, like, where you're, where you would take deep inhales and exhales from that diaphragm area. Sometimes that is the gut feeling, and that's more of what the area we're actually talking about. But because everything is so interconnected, some of us actually have this manifest into our more of like the gut, intestinal, stomach area that we're talking about as well. So they often talk about that there's an emotional component as well to something like irritable bowel or ulcerative colitis, or those type of things often have an energetic or emotional component to them as well. So the gut feeling is kind of when we say it in our common language, we mean it as like, that first instinct, that first
What do you just naturally, spontaneously choose, right? The gut feeling of, oh, I want to go this way versus that way. Or, if you're old enough to remember those game shows where they had like, what's behind door number one, two and three, and it's like, what's your gut feeling? What's your first instinct of which of those to choose. That's often what we're talking about in common language, but that can happen with our intuition as well. I will tell you, this is a little bit of a different thing, but it's just a personal example that I can share when I'm working intuitively or psychically with a client. If I am blended really well, my energy is blended really well with their energy. I often am just having a gut feeling of what I want to say to them, or what area we might be about to talk about, or the emotion that we need to dive a little deeper into. So it can be in that capacity, gut feelings can really serve as personal and professional, like compass or guide for us, and we do have these gut feelings or first instincts about this is such a tough one, because I do feel like sometimes people will say, oh, like, that's you're just reading that person. Like, have you ever had to interview or meet with several different people and you realize, oh, each of these people I need to communicate with just a little bit differently. Some people will say, Oh, you're reading that person. But if we're reading someone, what are you doing, understanding their energy and their emotions and their personality? So I guess maybe that's a piece of it, and I don't feel like I need to be so tidy in the boxes. So just know that about me. I don't think things fit neatly into boxes as much as we wish they did. I think everything's on a spectrum. So we might even just get gut feelings like in our professional life, of, oh, you know, I don't know. I just feel like this is a place. I need to apply to, or I need to reach out to this person, or I interviewed with this person, and it didn't go well, but I feel really good about this interview. That could be just your gut feeling or a gut feeling of knowing, like, I don't know why I was talking so much about XYZ, but I just felt like I needed to. I just had this gut feeling. I think most of us have had it about something or another. I definitely have had it in dangerous situations, which I know is like, not maybe the most fun to talk about, but it is one of the ways that can help us in our personal and professional lives. Have you ever been talking to someone, a new friend or a new person, or a someone that you met just out in the world, and you just kind of got this, not even kind of, it's like you just got this gut feeling of like, oh, this is a, this is not a good situation, or this is not a good place to be, or this is, this is a little bit of a dangerous neighborhood, or this is, oh, I don't, I don't trust being very close to this person, something feels A little bit maybe chaotic about them. This one happens quite a bit for me. I don't know you guys. Let me know what you think about this. I don't know if some of it is just where we grow up, geographically. I grew up in kind of like an inner city vibe of a place right next to Boston. So I don't know if someone grew up like in the country. If this is we all can train this in ourselves. But if this is, like, a such a natural ability to have this gut feeling about like, places or safety or No, I think it is because I've definitely met people who have just, like, real good gut feelings about people. I think we all do. It's just we don't all listen to them. We don't all know how. So if you notice you're having more and more gut feelings. It's definitely a sign that your intuition is calling you in 2025 also notice patterns in your body, headaches, upset stomachs, particularly, like I said, if there's a pattern, like, if you're going to this specific client, I'm thinking of someone I know who is in more of like the insurance world, and there's a certain client group that they work with that every time they go there, they get the worst headaches. And I would talk to them, and I would say, like, you know what? I just noticed that you have headaches every Thursday or whatever it was. So notice patterns in your physical body. Perhaps when you start having a conversation about one specific topic or area, you notice some sort of gut feeling or body cue showing up for you. It's really important as part of this you may also have disrupted sleep, more sleep or less sleep, or you could have more dreams, like more vivid dreams or less dreams. Even you could be waking up at certain times of the night as part of these body cues. And this is more of like an unconscious body cue. But what I hear this from people, it's typically not always again, remember, there's no hard and fast, always here, but typically somewhere between like three and 4:44am, for people, seems to be that when their sensitivity is starting to awaken or move. These are some of the patterns that I see showing up with them as part of these, like body cues. So in a side note, this is so common that I often find it cropping up in mainstream ways. This idea of like the gut feeling, for instance, in a YouTube video that's titled, The only thing you need to listen to is your gut feeling. A creator called Gary V discusses the significance of following your intuition. Other notable figures have also spoken out about the importance of intuition and the gut feeling. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. Oprah Winfrey is quoted as saying, your gut feelings are usually accurate. Listen to them. Even. Deepak Chopra is quoted as saying there are receptors to these molecules in your immune system, in your gut and in your heart. So when you say, I have a gut feeling, or my heart is sad, or I'm bursting with joy, you're not speaking metaphorically, you're speaking literally. So this idea of the gut feeling or the body cues is a really powerful sign, and number two sign that your intuition is calling to you in 2025 the third sign, and number three, sign is transformation of your inner world as a sign that your intuition is calling you in 2025 it's this internal pull to explore yourself or get to understand or know yourself more deeply. It can even start as just it beginning to come to your awareness that maybe you don't know yourself as well as you thought. If someone has ever asked you what your hobbies are, especially if you're in a transition period in your life, like for me, there was a time where I, you know, most of my time and energy was focused into the kids and so. So as they grew and left home, someone would say, like, Oh, what are your hobbies? I was like, Oh, I have no idea, because I was a mom for so long that I didn't maybe have a ton of time or means to cultivate, like, other quote, unquote hobbies. So it could even start as you recognizing I don't know what my hobbies are. I don't know where I would want to travel or where I would want to go. That, like I said, often comes with transition. Sometimes the loss of a person or a relationship or a job just peaks these questions for us. So it can even be the questioning of it counts as your intuition calling you with this number three, transforming your inner world. This can show up as wanting to participate in self help or wellness. Could even be like podcasts or yoga classes, but just really starting to get that nudge or that pull to like, take care of me, is the feeling with it? Some people, depending on the person, right, you'll see it manifest as just a deepening of an interest in, how can they fine tune their wellness? And there's obviously so much information available about that, and you might see them tweaking their their habits, of like, Oh, I'm going to try a a cold plunge, or I'm going to try, you know, whatever, this sleep patterning thing for myself. So those type of stirrings all count for this. It can show up as an interest or desire to research your family lineage or your family tree or the history of the place you live or grew up in, for example, and it doesn't have to be connected to your family. I sometimes get the stirring like right now I live in a historic building, and I sometimes get the stirring to, like, want to research what else, what else was this building? There's a little bit on the website about it, but, you know, I could go to, like, the public library here and understand more. So if you're starting to get stirring about, like, wanting to understand history or places or lineage, or even the lineage of, you know, how we talk about, when we talk about ancestors, it can be a relative, you know, as an ancestor, but it can also be an ancestor in the lineage of whatever it is you do. So for me, like, maybe I'd be super curious about, like, the history of mediumship. Or, for you, maybe it's the history of, I don't know pasteurization like whatever it is that you're into, it can just be one of those stirrings really looking at your your inner world, or how you internally relate to the outer world, right? For some it shows up as this ongoing desire to learn new things, and then they either kind of lose interest quickly in those new things, or even if they enjoyed the thing, like the class or whatever, they don't feel as fulfilled. Because it's not asking us in this third sign, it's not asking us to stay
on the surface, it's asking us to go deeper. So surface level things might feel unsatisfying, even if we're learning things right, but there often is some layer of learning that's wanting to happen or diving within ourselves. Or this can also come as at or near a transition, like I was saying in life, like a divorce, kids moving out, loss of a loved one, or even a period in life where we've just grown through something think about like the person that has, like a health scare, and then they really feel called to transform their internal world. Or I see this in my work sometimes, where it's like a person that was very hard emotionally, and then something happens. And I mean in the language we say, crack you wide open, right? And then they become different. You'll sometimes see it. I just, I'm thinking about a client I had just within the last few days that they were a very different person as a parent than as a grandparent. As a grandparent, they really had so much love and attention and softness with them to give. So it can show up around these types of transition points within ourselves. But it's really this transformation of our inner world when our intuition is stirring. I sometimes hear people starting to say things like, I don't even know what my hobbies are like I was saying, or I'm losing patience for small talk. If you are feeling that way, it's showing you that your intuition is calling you for a deepening of like, what are we doing here with this surface talk? I only want to be around people that I can have these deeper connections with or can share actual truth with, and I don't have to just give pleasantries. For example, it's really a deeper, truer connection that your intuition is is calling you towards because our relationship with our intuition is a deep, true connection with the most intimate parts of our self, within ourselves. So if you. Notice that your interest is getting tickled by any of these types of things. You can check the box yes for sign three, transformation of your inner world. Sign four, that your intuition is calling you in 2025 are synchronicities and soul aligned moments. Now I want to explain synchronicities, and again, a lot of these things overlap. So I also want to touch into signs and synchronicities and how they can work together. But synchronicities, technically, are essentially meaningful coincidences that offer either guidance or connection or you just know, it's too specific or unique to have been like a quote, unquote coincidence.
You can, you can, I think
there's some serendipity laced in here right like where we just at that right place, at that right time to hear that right word or that right little bit of information that we needed to know. It can be through persistent thoughts and ideas, like recurring thoughts, or ideas that can be nudges from our intuition. And I think we've all had some version of like, call Aunt Betty, and then we just like, Okay, I will. I'm driving right now. I'm gonna write that down in a minute. And then we get to our place, and we're so busy. And then later on in the afternoon, it's like, call Aunt Betty. And you're like, Oh yeah, okay, I gotta call her, but it's too late there now, and I'll get to that tomorrow. And then at bedtime, you're gonna call Aunt Betty. Have you had something like that where it's like, just this continuous or or over and over again, nudge of persistent thought or idea that can be hello from your intuition and counts as like a synchronicity or a soul aligned moment. Recognize when an idea won't go away and what it might mean. It's really an invitation to explore further. So if you do have, like a nagging thought or recurring inspiration or a recurring dream, just continue to explore a little further. How can you identify and interpret signs and synchronicities and moments in everyday life? Really, it's just noticing making a note. Maybe it's like a mental note, or maybe for me, it is often a physical note. I use and abuse the note section on my phone like crazy. It is actually where I have my notes for this episode as we're working even so, if you have a little notes area in your phone, some people like the voice memo thing and leave themselves voice notes. I also am a champion of the sticky note, although obviously, if you have sticky notes, like I often work from home, if I've got them all over my desk at home, I can't access them on the go. So but just make some kind of note for yourself about things that you are noticing or that are hanging a little lower in the air for you, or coincidences, if you still like that word, or synchronicities, or just the way things are lining up, just so you can explore a little further. And really, we want to pay attention to these moments when it's, like, validating an intuition, especially if it's like, Have you ever, like, been just thinking about something and then the thing shows up, or just talking about something, and I don't mean the kind of talking about where we all think our phones listen to us now, which I do think is it's true. But I mean, like, if someone was just mentioning a book to you, for example, and then you're at, you know, the mall, or you're running errands and you hear someone as you're passing by the coffee place mention that book, or mention a word from the title of it, or the author, right? These things can kind of bubble in that way. Those are synchronicities. I'm going to give you a little bit of a story in just a second here, but I do want to just let you know that the fact that you're even noticing these synchronicities is a sign in itself. I have a friend that has a recurring number, and she kind of notices it all the time, everywhere she goes, and it's in a way that is like way too specific and consistent to be coincidental, and she doesn't think it's a loved one on the other side. And so it's just a synchronicity for her, and she's still working to discern what it is, but it's even just the noticing of it is a sign. Now, again, I want to just touch into this idea of synchronicities and signs and intuition and how they work together. Synchronicities and signs often act as like an external reinforcement to validate our intuition that we have within ourselves. For example, we might feel an intuition like knowing like, oh, you know what? I think I'm actually meant to be a chef instead of an attorney, for example. So you intuitively feel like, you know, I feel like that's going to be the best path for me. And then, for example, you see repeating numbers that mean, like, 555, if you guys have taken the mini sign course, if you haven't go to my website. Joyful medium.com, it's right on the home page. And take it. There's a cheat sheet about the numbers and 555, or recurring fives is often like, change, time for change, inspiration for change. So you could see that those fives, for example, as like, a sign of like, oh yeah. That's that's Validating my intuition. I see that. Okay, thank you, universe. I hear you. And then you might encounter an unexpected thing in the world that's a synchronicity, right? Maybe the coffee shop you always go to two doors down you notice, oh, you know what? They just put a sign up that says, restaurant coming, you know, new chef, or whatever it is. So it's those types of little synchronicities and signs in the world that work together to help validate our intuition in an external way, or even if it's not validating a specific intuition. I often find that when I'm seeing lots of synchronicities in the world, and they don't all have to be about the same topic or same line of thought, right? It can be synchronicities in one area, like maybe I'm thinking, well, one of the, one of the things that you guys don't know I'm thinking about is I haven't had a dog for a while, and I sometimes think about when I might have another furry friend. And so I was kind of looking at dogs, and then all of a sudden I'm seeing, you know, that type of dog, or a similar looking dog that I was just looking at on the rescue site, or hearing someone in my office is there to see someone else talking about their dog and showing pictures and how much they love their dog. So it can be, you know, on one level, oh, there's that happening. And then on another level, there could be something else, totally different, like maybe I trying to think of what other synchronicities I have going on right now. Maybe I'm just having lots of little synchronicities popping off, you guys. I think you know by now I use lots of numbers and signs and hellos in the world for myself, not only from my loved ones, but from like the universe and my guides and things like that. So if I'm just seeing a lot of it. I just had someone ask me. They said they're seeing tons of recurring numbers. And they were like, well, I know there's meanings to each of them, but I keep seeing lots and lots of different recurring numbers all the time. So that kind of synchronicity doesn't necessarily mean there's like, a specific message or validation of your intuition. It can just be letting you know you're in the flow of intuition. Intuitions available. You're recognizing your your awareness has expanded to be aware of more than one level of consciousness happening at once, right? Because there's that layer where we're just marching through life with blinders on, maybe in our phones, not noticing anything around us, not engaging in the energy of the world. But there's other options, right? We can experience these signs and synchronicities if we're available to experience them and to notice them and to connect the dots. So that's how they can all kind of work together and fit together perfectly and really help us as this additional support in life. So this is all part of sign for synchronicities and soul aligned moments. I did have someone recently that shared a story with me. It was the client I used to work with, and we were working on some, some, some of this type of work, actually, of helping her deepen her connection with her intuition. And she was telling me now how she uses it, really, in her everyday life. We are going to call her Emma for just the sake of using a name. And Emma is, it doesn't, I guess it doesn't matter, like her age and all of her things and but she is in this design and advertising world for her work, and she had been feeling really restless about her career, and she was wondering, you know, was it the right timing, or should she, you know, how I feel about shoulds, but should she start to pursue her own dream of having her own like, design house, Design Studio, and she really wanted, like, a boutique design and marketing agency that she had a good vision for, but had been thinking like, oh, I want to establish myself. I want to build myself. And then, to be honest, probably just got really comfortable with having someone else supply clients and a paycheck and benefits and all of that. And she was really successful in her field, like a powerhouse of a wonderful person, but she was feeling that restless stirring that we often do, right of like, is it time I have this other dream I really want to do it? Is it irresponsible to follow, you know, and start my own thing? And she had all the regular things, like fear of judgment, and she hadn't really told anyone about that she was this was really what she was wanting. Deep in her heart, she was also helping out some family members, and she knew that they would really not like her having the idea of changing jobs. So all these things are going on for her, but she had been starting to have this stirring within her, and she. She was at a bookstore, and just looking through this this favorite, like fiction section of hers, and inexplicably, her attention was drawn to a book in a different section as she was walking by, just the cover and the words caught her eye, and the book was about like, taking this leap of faith and following your dreams. And she decided to buy the book, actually, because she was like, Oh, this must be signed. Like, here's this book. Totally not where it belongs in the bookstore. That's about following your dreams in a, like, self help, kind of a way, when she was there for a fiction novel. So then she's like, driving home and she's gonna put on a podcast, because she's got a little bit of a drive from where she was, and she accidentally clicked a
different episode than what she was intending to for, like a new podcast she was listening to. And on her drive, she noticed that there was, like, an entrepreneur on the podcast that was giving tips for and it was like a dip, like the type of podcast had nothing to do with entrepreneurialism. It had to do with something, it was like a cooking show or something, like something totally different than, than what the topic ended to be about. So she ended up, because she was driving, she ended up just listening to the whole thing, even though it wasn't the one she she clicked like a really old episode accidentally. And then the next day, when she was at like the local coffee place where she likes to get her coffee, she was telling me she overheard this conversation between two people that were talking about starting their own business. It was, it was like a dog agency or something. It was a different type of thing, but the words that they were saying kind of fit her thing that she was thinking about. And the girl was, say, was talking about her fears, and that, you know, how she was doing starting out. And so it's just kind of funny that she overheard them talking, and then she was also getting lots of numbers and but it was a bunch of random numbers. So she was like, but it was like the 444, and the 1111, and two, two, and all the all the different strata stringing together of numbers that you could get, that's what was happening. And so she was like, something's happening. Like, I don't know what's happening, but something's happening. And then she said she had decided to reach out to a previous mentor, like someone she had studied with and mentored within her field, and, you know, just wanted to just ask some of their opinions, because that that is something I always suggest, is like, if you can ask someone, like, interview someone, or ask someone or or, you know, hear someone else's opinion, if you need some validation, that way seek wise counsel, is the way I usually say it. And she said it was funny, because that professor had said they had just been thinking about her, and they had just been wondering, like, when she was gonna finally do her own thing? Like, when was she becoming so uncomfortable working in someone else's creative box? Because this person is just so creative, and the work they were doing was, you know, maybe only using one aspect of their creativity. So this whole conversation happened as a result. So it's so interesting that these little synchronicities started to happen just as she had started to kind of give herself over to the idea of like, okay, let me give this some serious thought, or let me, let me really honor these restless feelings that I'm having. So that is how synchronicities can often show up. And it is the fourth sign that your intuition is calling you in 2025 the fifth sign that your intuition is calling you in 2025 is this feeling internally called to bigger change. It's hard to describe the sensation of being called right to make a change, such as like a career or a relationship. It's more than a restless stirring,
but it's like a nagging
needing to do it, even if it's something that we're not quite agreeing to yet, right? It doesn't mean we're taking action on it yet. It just means we are feeling this internal call or pull or tug on our heart, especially if we are starting to notice we've been, like, playing a role. We often see this. I hate to just use this example, but we often see this towards the end of, like, a breakdown of our relationship, when a relationship's maybe nearing its end, I'll say it that way, and we start to realize, like, oh, wait a minute, you're not asking me what I want, and we're just, I'm just playing this role of this person who fits into your life and what you want, but like, what about what I want? Of course, sometimes that could be navigated through with therapy and all the things, but it's really when we start recognizing that we're just playing a role and maybe not being I think what we now call like our authentic self, not being our true self, not being honest, just playing a role. So that feeling of knowing we're playing a role can be part of this feeling called to bigger change. It can often feel uncomfortable or unsettling when we're being called to bigger change. Especially if it's a big change, like changing our career or exiting a relationship or committing to something in a way that we hadn't before, it can feel daunting and uncomfortable and unsettling and like we don't want to do it at all, but for some reason, we keep feeling that pull, or loops back around. We might have, like, been able to put it, put a lid on it for a little while, and then a little, you know, sometimes it's a day or a week or a month or months later, that pot is bubbling again, even though there's been a lid on it. So you may feel like your loved ones or people you care about don't understand you anymore, because you're changing, and sometimes they outright won't like it, particularly if you're starting to reevaluate some version of people pleasing, like, if you're you guys know, I'm a recovering people pleaser. If you one of the roles you've played in this in this structure, whatever this group is, a business group, a family group, or whatever our community, if the role you have always played as people pleaser, when you start challenging that within yourself and starting to test behaving differently, not everyone's gonna like it, and sometimes, I personally have had this happen where I've been in a relationship and I've grown as a person and I start stating different preferences or different requests, or I want to have an opinion about something, or I want to share my thoughts, or I want to do something different. It's not always well received. So this can be a really uncomfortable one. It can be it can the anxiety can make us want to stay small, sometimes, right? Because sometimes it's like, oh, if I grow or if I say this opinion or say this thing or claim this space for myself, that's going to be really uncomfortable. So this can be an uncomfortable one. I like to highlight that because, for some reason I always thought this, like intuitive side of us was supposed to feel very natural and very comfortable, and when we're being nudged or called to something that's our highest and greatest good. Well, certainly that path should feel flowing and open and wonderful, and I have not always experienced it that way. So if that is you too, don't be discouraged. It is a part of it for most of us, this idea of feeling called to bigger change and strategies for navigating these changes with trust and courage include things like reminding yourself that you're ever evolving and give yourself permission to try new things or to try old things. Maybe there's things you want to try that an old version of you tried, and really just to be honest with yourself about even your likes and dislikes, even little little bits of things. Sometimes we do something one way, because that's the way we've always done it. But we haven't asked ourselves, like, oh, do I like this version of this recipe, or would I rather leave this ingredient out? For example, we can apply that to any area of our lives, and really it's just about creating a life that's more aligned with our own true desires and values. And just like we outgrow shoes, we can outgrow iterations of ourselves or our expression. I've gone through tons of iterations of myself, and it doesn't mean that one iteration wasn't true. It just means that it was true for that time. It's still a part of who I am, but it's maybe not the totality of my expression like it once was I used to much more heavily identify as an artist. I would seek out huge canvases, and I'd spend hours and hours lost in painting and creating, and while I still feel that inside of me, it's just not a part of my current expression. But it could be, I could shift at any time. I could decide, oh, I want to explore that again. But do you have permission within yourself to let yourself even admit to yourself your likes, dislikes, things you're interested in, things you want to learn, things you're curious about, and sometimes, as you've heard me talk about before, these tiny breadcrumbs can lead us to big change. And some of the work, the emotional side of things like we were initially talking about, has to do with working ourselves through the changes about ourselves or within ourselves, or who we're growing into, right? There's this quote that I really, really love. It is by I'm going to say this totally wrong, and I as Nin, it's a n, a, I S, but the i's got these two little dots over it, maybe a nice Nin, and I am, and the day came when the room it let me start over, and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. That quote has stayed with me for most of my life, because I have often felt the emotion of feeling very tight in a bud. Very tightly wound and afraid to change and not wanting to upset anyone or disrupt this life that I had created. And the day comes where the risk, risk to remain tight in that bud, is more painful than the risk to blossom, the risk of uncertainty. So I'm going to read it one more time, just because I love it so much. Because I love it so much. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Okay, moving on to sign six. Sign six that your intuition is calling you in 2025 is unexplained. Knowing, knowing in the psychic sense, or intuitive sense, is often called Clair cognizance. It means clear knowing, and it is that intuitive, like sixth sense, kind of a knowing. But again, I want to throw it in there. Remember, this is not about predicting the future. It's not about knowing the future or knowing the lottery numbers we all wish we could it's really about sudden knowing without reason. Different ways this knowing can guide important decisions or protect us from challenges are like sometimes we just all of a sudden, know I need to pull over, or that person, something's wrong with them. Or, I wish I had, like, a really concrete example about this, but really it's unexplained knowing or someone's pop. We just know something about someone, and we don't know how we know it. It can come in very subtle ways. It can come when you're just in conversation with someone, and you just all of a sudden know a little bit of a detail about them, and it can be like, Oh, I think that person's having a hard day. It could be unexplained knowing like that, or it could be unexplained knowing in a different way. Sometimes people will also use the word feeling in here, like I've had it, where I just had a feeling I needed to pull over and, like, check a car tire, when nothing felt particularly wrong and no lights were going off, and then there, there was a problem. So it's this unexplained, knowing, clear cognizance, clear knowing, it can include being able to start to sense any inauthentic or manipulative behavior. It can also include something we were talking about before, which is someone is saying words to you, and you know that something else is true. You might not know what it is, but you know something's off about what they're saying, and it's it's so gaslighting as an intuitive I have to tell you, when we just know someone's behavior is off, their energy is off, and we might not exactly know why. I mean, we might, our mind might spring into motion and fill in some possible reasons of what that person could be up to. But we we might not even be able to pinpoint it. We might try to double check and see like was that person doing this. So we might check up on it, and we might see like, No, they weren't. Maybe I'm being crazy, because they're saying everything's okay, but something doesn't feel right. So that can even be unexplained, knowing it doesn't mean that we have like this fully flushed out, knowing sometimes we do, but not always. So don't get discouraged if you don't feel like yours is, like, uh, as deep of knowing as you wish it was, because it won't. It won't always be, but it can be.
You may notice or be more aware of the ways, like both big and small, that you are not being honest. This could be part of it too, because remember, all of this work is ultimately about ourselves and how we engage. So it doesn't mean that you even have to change it. It just means you might notice if you're saying a little untruth or mistruth, even if it's the kind where you're like, trying to be polite and you're saying you really liked, like a gift someone gave you that you didn't, or you really like their singing and you don't, or something. It could be like it in a way that's intended to be polite or even self protective, where it's like maybe you're saying you're fine and you know you're not fine, you might just start realizing more when that is happening. And again, it's not that you have to change it if you don't want, but it's just the knowing or the awareness of it counts for this sixth sign of unexplained knowing. I really love this quote by Elizabeth Gilbert, you may notice or be aware. Oh, no, that's what I said. Okay, I put the I put her name above her quote in her discussion on creativity and intuition, Elizabeth Gilbert shares insights into following one's inner guidance. She mentions, we live in a culture that says you should be able to power through anything, life will very generously remind you that you cannot, and it will very generously break you at times, and very generously show you so there's times where we can't necessarily know everything that's to come, but. Sometimes life really puts its foot down with us and shows us that we just can't power through everything, and then we come to deeper and other knowing, for those of you that don't know, Elizabeth Gilbert is the author of many, many wonderful books, including, Eat, Pray, Love, so I encourage you, I'll link the source of that, and it's from the Tim Ferriss Show podcast interview. Okay, I want to move on to our final sign, and then I've got this exciting announcement for you, sign seven, that your intuition seven is calling you in 2025 is feeling lost, or like life has kind of lost its luster or its shine. This one, perhaps can be the most uncomfortable of these seven signs. Once, once this starts happening for you, it can show up as things that you once enjoyed, just don't seem to get you happy anymore, things that you once really loved or that you could get excited about, just have kind of lost their shine, just not as interesting, not as fulfilling as they once seemed. Question the quote, unquote, meaning of things as part of this or you might even find yourself questioning the meaning of things like life, where you fit in and why you spend or work the way you do it's it's sort of these self evaluation questionings. Sometimes they can be about ourselves and how we fit into the picture. Sometimes they could be about the picture itself. So so it can tip into this feeling lost. Can can start to tip into this evaluation or searching or questioning the bigger themes of our life, right? Or life itself. What's the purpose of life? What am I doing here? What you know, those types of ponderings all fall under this umbrella of feeling lost, or feeling like life has lost its luster. Maybe you had goals previously, or lots of plans and for some reason, or maybe no identifiable reason, these plans or life path just don't resonate with you anymore. That can happen as we grow and change. A lot of us pivot multiple times in our life, but you might be at one of those crossroads, or even at the beginning of the bridge to a different path of just feeling like, you know, I know this is the goal I've set my mind on, or I've dedicated my life to, but I just don't, I'm not feeling it anymore, or I don't that inspiration is gone, that excitement's gone. It doesn't mean that you weren't being authentic when you created those goals. Just maybe you've grown in a different direction, and it's okay if they don't resonate with you anymore, you may be feeling stuck or like something is energetically, quote, unquote, blocking you. This I find so frequently with people when they're in this phase of their intuition calling them to grow, to do the work, to build the relationship. And we feel stuck. We feel like something's blocking us. It's usually our own resistance to whatever it is we're being asked to look at, or it's an unaddressed emotion most of the time, so but it can start to show up as this, like I just feel a block. I just feel like my path's not moving forward. I feel like I feel stuck. I don't feel excited about these goals. I can't move my manifestation forward. Those kind of things. You may find yourself looking for answers outside of yourself, or like looking for someone else to solve it, or to tell you what to do next. That's never gonna work. We can take advice, sure, and we can have wise mentors and people to help guide us, but just hoping that some magical person on a white horse shows up and fixes us and fixes everything in our life and saves us. And I think we all know it's not going to happen, even though some part of us might secretly wish it does. But if you find yourself really looking for all the answers outside of yourself, that can be a signal that, okay, I think my intuition is calling me. I'm not trusting myself. I'm not looking for answers within you. Might try everything else, like often I see people are trying like everything else, except getting in touch with themselves, your true emotions, your inner voice, working through those past emotions sometimes is a part of it, not always for everybody. It just depends on each of us as an individual. But sometimes it's what we resist the most, and sometimes we want to try everything else. It kind of reminds me of some of you know, I used to be a like a fitness trainer way, way back in the day, and it's the math is not super hard, as far as, like, I mean, yeah, the emotional math is hard, but the physical math of you know, how much exercise, if someone is at a certain age and a certain body type, what do they need for fuel? What do they need for exercise to reach XYZ goals? So if that's you know what they want to do, but most people don't like the answer, right? So trying every other solution, every pill on the market, every ridiculous diet out there. I believe it was worse 25 years ago, way worse what was available. So trying everything else except the actual plan that they had hired me to create for them. So sometimes that's part of the working around to getting ourselves to embrace the truth of what we need or what our next steps are. But we can fight against a lot. So if you feel yourself fighting against change or looking within or looking for answers everywhere else, or you kind of know the answer, but you just don't like it, and so you're trying everything else. This might be a check yes on this step for you, and
this might be your soul trying to stir you into action to find your own answers. Because sometimes we have to get uncomfortable to a point that we will go through every solution to try to find a way and finally come back to ourselves. Sometimes we have to get uncomfortable to a point that we're willing to do that. I've definitely been guilty of that a lot of times, so that might be part of it in some area for you, and I want to share this Joseph Campbell quote. Joseph Campbell is a an author and a renowned mythologist, and he's the originator of the hero's journey, which you may have heard of. He says we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. And I just love that quote, because I'm quite a planner, and I have been in my life, and so it's like we plan for things, and then life is what happens along the way. But I just love this idea of being willing to let go of the life that we plan to have, the life that's waiting for us. And are you willing to do that? I wanna give a final thought, and then I got this big announcement. Your life is always speaking to you in whispers, guiding you, pushing you, nudging you to your next right steps, or next best steps. And in many situations, the Whisper is also the first warning. It's a quiet nudge from deep within, saying, Hmm, something feels off, a small voice that tells you this no longer serves you, or this is no longer the place you need to be, or you don't belong here anymore. It's not an insecure voice, it's a deep truth voice. It's the shiver, the Goosebumps that raise the hairs on the back of your neck. This thing can sometimes be in the pit of your stomach, or it can even be the pause before you speak. But really, whatever form this whisper takes, it's not a coincidence your life is trying to tell you something. Heeding these signs can open the door to your personal evolution, pushing you towards your life's purpose. Ignoring them or sleepwalking through life is an invitation to chaos. That final thought was by Oprah Winfrey, and she wrote that in the book, the path made clear discovering your life's direction or purpose. And I really love that people like Oprah, who a lot of us look up to at least certain aspects about her, her life and and,
yeah, teaching, it's amazing that someone like that talks about intuition and knows about this whisper and calling us forward and it not being a coincidence, and that our soul, our life, is trying to tell us something, and are we willing to be called into it? Are you willing to be called by your intuition in 2025 Are you ready yet? So that brings me to my really exciting announcement. I know I have been promising to teach a workshop for quite some time. It is finally time. So I want to talk to you about this workshop opportunity. It is called take charge of 2025. Intuitive alignment for a breakthrough year. It's a transformative workshop to reconnect, realign and rise. This is your opportunity to step into the driver's seat of your life and make 2025 your most powerful, purposeful and fulfilling year. Yet this is a live online workshop Saturday, January 25 from 10am Pacific to 4pm Pacific. So we are going to be together for the better part of the day. And even if you can't attend live, there will also be a recording, which I will send out to everyone who joins the course. You can find this in the events section of my website, and I will put it in the show notes. It is JoyfulMedium.com/take-charge-2025,
look for it in the show notes, and for you, spirit speakeasy. Listeners. my pod squad family, I have created a special code for you so you can get this workshop completely free. You just have to go to the landing page. All the details are there. You can read all about it. You can sign up using this free code. The code is SSVIP, like Spirit Speakeasy, S, S, V, I, P, all, capital, all, one word. The code expires January 11, 1/11, and the workshops the 25th so make sure that you take advantage of this. This code is not going to be announced anywhere else. It is only for the spirit speakeasy listeners, you are the first to even learn about this workshop. I will be announcing it publicly later the day that this is released, and then eventually emails and things will come out about it. But you guys are hearing about it first, because you are really my special insiders. So SSVIP is the free code. The code expires on January 11. Let me tell you a little bit about the workshop. Again. It's live Saturday, January 25 from 10am Pacific to 4pm Pacific, with a recording. But if you have not worked with me before, and you're wondering about working with me, if you've been on like the free community healings, and you're wanting to work a little deeper with me, or you're on the pod and you're just wanting to work together, this is a great opportunity to work together. The workshop itself is only $27 so I've tried to keep the price point really low, but you don't even need to worry about that, because you have the free code until January 11, so please use it. Let's talk a little bit about what is going to happen on this workshop day. It's broken down into three sessions that we will do together, live over, zoom, over the course of the day, and on the info page that's linked in the website, linked to the website in the show notes, right here. So if you look in the show notes, or, yeah, look in the show notes, whether you're listening or watching or wherever you get the pod, the link is in the show notes. So make sure you go to that web page, and you'll find all the information about the course, but here is what you're going to get in the workshop. So the first session is called the unstoppable alignment session, and you're really going to discover how to recognize what's actually blocking you. So if you're someone who's like, yeah, I have felt blocked, we're going to learn what those blocks are and what's actually blocking you in the areas of life that matter to you the most, you're going to learn how to reveal to yourself what's holding you back from your true, intuitive self. You'll be gently guided through an exercise to support you in uncovering all of these answers within yourself, and you could duplicate the exercise over and over at different times to continue unblocking yourself. Session two is called the Energy mastery session. Here's a secret. You already experience energy all the time, whether you recognize it or not, and it's part of the sensing aspect of your intuition. Intuition isn't reserved for just gifted people, it's a skill like any other, and you've been using it without even realizing it since you were a kid. The session will guide you to consciously harness and shift stagnant or blocked energy that we already identified in session one, allowing you to align with your true purpose. So you'll be guided through a visualization experience where you'll exercise several of your subtle senses to work with the energy and discover what you need to move all of that energy from session one and learn how to play with and shift your own energy right now, right in the workshop The third session is CO visioning your breakthrough year. Now that you will have understood your blocks and moved them, you're ready to gain clear insight into your potential for 2025 you'll be guided to connect with your higher self, to co create a vision for your best year yet, step into your fullest potential and discover what's possible when you align with your soul's true calling. By the end of the session, you'll have concrete guidance and inspiration straight from your higher soul self. Okay, I hope that you are excited about this workshop. I am super excited about it. I love getting to interact with you all, and while I love doing the free community healings and the pod and the free meditations that sometimes accompany the podcast. I really want to get in there and make a difference with you and teach you these tools and get you to be able to COVID in this breakthrough session at the end. So if you want to join me, all you've got to do is go to the link below. I'm also going to put this link in the bios of my social medias, and again, it'll be in the events section of the website. It'll be emailed out at some point. But the workshop is called take charge of 2025 intuitive alignment for a breakthrough year. It is live with me, Saturday, January, 25 from 10.
10 to four Pacific and use the spirit speakeasy code, SSVIP. That is only good till January 11. This code expires. It is limited time. I'm so excited to have this workshop, because what a better way to kick off 2025 especially if any of the aspects of these seven signs resonated with you. Your intuition is calling you to deepen your relationship with it in 2025
let's make this the best year yet. Let me know how many of these signs resonated with you. I am hoping to see you all at the workshop or on the recording for the workshop, if you can't make it live due to your life or time zone or whatever. But the truth is, your intuition is calling you in 2025 it's calling you all the time, and the way to deepen working with it is to start working with it. Don't let another year go by, wishing that you were more intuitive, wishing that you felt more connected, wishing that you could have more clarity. Show up and get these tools. Big hugs. Bye for now. Don't forget to check the show notes. Talk to you soon. Big hugs from inside spirit speakeasy