Modern Mystic Healers 

The Ultimate Healing Playbook for Highly Sensitive Souls:

A Transformational 10 Month Mentorship and Professional Certification Program with Renowned Spiritual Expert Joy Giovanni


Awaken to your calling as a healer, share your true gifts with the World...and co-create the life of your dreams 

Since the beginning of time people have used the mystical ability of energy healing to totally transform themselves, while creating dramatic, personal healing shifts for others and in the world around them. You've come here because this innate healing gift is within you, and it's time to finally awaken to the profound wisdom and energetic tools that have been locked deep inside you all this time.

But there’s a problem…

Healers of old were initiated into the mystical healing arts through apprenticeship, spiritual attunement and hands-on guidance under the watchful eye of a sage. These integral elements can't be replicated by watching pre-recorded online videos alone! 

If you want to create lasting healing shifts, it's crucial that you also have an expert guide and mentor who can teach you practical tools and techniques that you can use in real-life situations, whenever you need them.

You're feeling a pull towards these mystical healing arts because you're ready to start unfolding the next chapter of your soul's journey, the next phase of your life's purpose, but nothing you’ve tried has been quite what you need to get you there.

Until now!

This 10 month mentorship is a powerful blend of Reiki 1 & 2 deep dive trainings, Modern Mystic Tools for energy healing, personal expert support, Practical/Hands-on experience, and sisterhood that you can't find anywhere else. You'll finally get the tools, experience and support that is so vital for stepping into your power as a true healer. And, you'll finally be able to co-create what you truly want. 

Enroll Now! Become a Modern Mystic Healer

Here’s the cold hard truth…

Deep inside you've always known you were sensitive, an empath or just cared A LOT. You haven't fully stepped into your innate gifts as a healer because no one has given you the right techniques, specific methods, and personalized support necessary for using your energy as a healer.

You can be the most amazing person and have the biggest heart. But, at the end of the day, if you don’t have an expert mentor who supports your continued growth as a healer, you're left feeling lost and without the confidence to help yourself, let alone others on their own healing journey.

The great news is… no matter what has happened in the past, you CAN intentionally master the healing gifts that already live deep inside of you. And it can be easier than you think. 


As a Modern Mystic Healer, you will:

  • Become initiated and attuned to Reiki 1 & 2 and learn step-by-step exactly how to use this Japanese system of energy healing.

  • Understand the main 7 Chakras and how to use healing techniques to clear and balance them.
  • Learn to recognize and work with your personal Healing Spirit Guide, the angels, and the healing masters.
  • Understand the ethics and responsibilities that come with the gift of being a professional healer.
  • Learn specific meanings of each color, plus methods and secrets of healing with color.
  • Understand how to use your Intuition and Clairsentience as a healer.
  • Have the opportunity to practice all the healing tools you're learning - so by the end of the course you'll be able to start working as a professional healer right away, if you choose.
  • Have an experienced mentor to support and guide you as you learn, grow and explore.
  • Bond with like-minded seekers and create lasting friendships that will support you on your journey for years to come!
  • Learn about energetic secret weapons like cord cutting, energy filtering, creating powerful guided meditations for clients ...and so much more!
  • Become fully Professionally Certified in Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 and receive a beautiful certificate that traces your healing masters lineage back to Master Usui himself! 
  • Become more divinely connected and empowered- so you can create transformation as a healer and miracles in your every day life.  

Here’s everything you’ll get in this 10 month intensive mentorship program:

True Healers Mentorship 

So many Energy Healing training courses fail because they don't give you any personal support. Not this! Healers are meant to have mentors to guide us so we can fully understand how to use each tool and to show us how to stand in our own power as healers! In the Modern Mystic Healers Mentorship, I don't just share my expertise. I also become your development mentor who nurtures you, cheers for you, and guides you through this butterfly-like transformation. Plus, if you choose, you can upgrade to get monthly one-on-one sessions, a great value especially if you plan to work professionally or with the public after the course!


Access to Sage Support

Get coached by me every step of the way. Need a bit of help on the Reiki symbols? Have a question about the homework? Want to walk through a practice session and better understand your experience? Bring your questions and have a breakthrough! When time permits, we will also cover topics that are coming up for the entire group. You will learn so much from sharing your own experiences and hearing others share theirs too. (Special note: We take major holiday weeks off from classes and a break in the summer so everyone can get some time to regroup!)


All the Tools to go Pro

Weekly LIVE training sessions full of expert insights and strategies I've used to help 12+ years worth of healing clients in private practice in real ways. We will cover everything from Reiki 1 & 2, secret and powerful uses of Reiki symbols, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Healing with Color, Healing with your own Spirit Guide, cord cutting, energy filtering to creating powerful guided visualizations. There are even group energy healing sessions for you to participate in as an apprentice healer, gaining valuable experience with real clients. By the end of the program you will know how to perform Professional healing sessions, in-person or virtually, step-by-step from start to finish. 

Be Respected in the Field

Stepping into your unique expression as a healer is a powerful and sacred journey. True Healers develop through dedication, practice, experience and trustworthy guidance. It is one thing to take a quick online workshop and a whole different thing to journey through a nine month mentorship where you will participate in and log 100 healing experiences. You will also receive a beautiful Reiki 1 & 2 Professional Certificate so your Reiki Master lineage is traceable to Master Usui himself. Become recognized as the  respectable, legitimate Healing Arts Practitioner your heart is calling you to be.

Practice as an Apprentice at my monthly "Monthly Free Community Healing" session

As part of the Modern Mystic Healer Mentorship, you will have the opportunity to begin putting Reiki and "The Tools" into real life practice from day one! You will learn uses for everything from using healing for regular self care to little known uses for infusing Reiki and energetic tools into your day to day life. PLUS, starting in Novemberyou will have the unique opportunity to join me monthly at my monthly "Monthly Free Community Healing" session, open to the public-Live on Zoom, and work as an apprentice healer alongside me during these incredible sessions. This real life experience will steep you in the joy and honor of working as a healer.


Find Your Soul Tribe

You’ll get to join my exclusive private Facebook group for Modern Mystic Healers, where you can share and get extra support from like-minded sensitives. There is a special bond that develops between those initiated as healers as together. You will be a family for these 9 months and maybe longer!

You will also have a standing invitation to our exclusive monthly Empower Mixer (for Mentorship Members only) where will connect, chat and bond in a casual, virtual setting. It’s often said we are the product of the people we spend the most time with. This is an amazing community that will support you in your growth, no matter what!


Enroll Now

What makes the “Modern Mystics Healers” program so unique?

Most Energy Healing Certification courses fall short because they expect us to learn like "Latch Key" healers. We are left to try to find our own way through pre-recorded videos, self-study books or we get certified in a quick weekend workshop and get sent on our way. We then spend more time and money trying to figure out how to apply the little bits we've learned and end up taking course after course trying to build the confidence to actually use what we've learned. We get pieces of paper that may say "certified" but we still don't feel ready, let alone know how to handle a professional session with a client from start to finish! Almost all energy healer development courses miss this CRUCIAL element - and therefore they don't help you! 


Energy Healers are meant to have mentors!


 The tried and true methods you will learn in Modern Mystic Healers have been carefully woven into a framework that can support your personal and professional development for years to come. This isn’t just a class that offers a few basic explanations and instructions that you could probably find online. This is a transformational program that has been tested over the last 12 years in private practice.

Modern Mystic Healers is a unique blend of Reiki attunement and training, Modern Mystic Healing tools training and development, practical healing sessions (so you can have real experiences with the tools you're learning) and the personal support of an expert mentor with thousands of hours of professional experience.

 The perfect balance of what you would expect from an apprenticeship with a mystic sage of old mixed with the ease and affordability of modern day group coaching through technology.

You are a Modern Mystic who just needs to be awakened, guided and supported to step into your power as a Healer and gain the confidence to share your gifts with the world.

You felt the pull that brought you here.

This is the next fork in the road on your journey

I'm Ready

What is Reiki & How is this Reiki training different?

Whether you are brand new to Reiki or have previously been attuned, I guarantee you have never experienced Deep Dive Reiki Training & Mentorship like THIS.

 What is Reiki?

What is Reiki? Reiki is an ancient Japanese system of healing. Quite simply "Rei" means Universal Life Force and Ki (or Chi) means Energy. So essentially, once "attuned",  initiated or given the sacred blessing, the Reiki practitioner can direct the Universal Life Force Energy that is all around us in all things to and through the recipient to help the receiver's systems (physical, mental, energetic, emotional, auric, chakras, etc) heal and balance themselves. 

But that's only one aspect of Reiki...

Reiki Level 2 also involves a system of 3 sacred symbols. Each of these symbols has hundreds of uses for healing work but can also be used and enjoyed in our day-to-day lives as practitioners! We can uses the symbols for everything from magnifying an intention of a social media post or manifestation to infusing powerful words & vibrations into your water or tea to quietly blessing the hands of your dentist before a procedure... and SO much more!! 

In Modern Mystic Healers we have one Deep Dive Reiki Session each month so you are fully steeped in the energy & wisdom of this sacred healing modality, the old school way, like healers' apprenticeships of the ancient days. 

While it is quite spiritual, Reiki does not require you have any specific spiritual belief to be attuned to and practice Reiki. Actually, it works in a beautifully complimentary way to most beliefs systems and also with most western and alternative health care practices and treatments. 

Fun Fact: 

Reiki is widely used the hospital setting with more than 900 hospitals offering it in Australia, the USA, UK, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico. Reiki is offered in Children’s hospitals, Hospital Emergency Rooms, Pre-Op, Operating rooms, Post Op, Oncology, Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Internal Medicine, and Palliative Care. In fact, one of the largest Reiki Healing program is at the esteemed Brigham and Women's Hospital in my hometown, Boston. Also on this list are leaders such as Johns Hopkins Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, Cedars-Sinai, Harvard University Medical Center, Columbia University Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, The Children's Hospital Boston and Los Angeles, just to name a few. 


“Reiki promotes relaxation, relieves stress and anxiety, reduces pain and fatigue, and improves the overall quality of life.”

I'm Ready

“I was fortunate enough to attend Joy's course in 2020. Amazing, powerful and emotional is how I would describe my time as a student of hers. She has wonderful positive energy and such a relatable way of connecting with her students, that you feel like you've just spent two hours talking to your friend instead of being in a class. Joy provides a plethora of tools, skills, references, information and first hand knowledge to assist you in healing and furthering your spiritual growth. She is very open in sharing her own personal experiences with the subject matters. And she provides an encouraging and accepting atmosphere for learning. I highly recommend training with her."

— Roz Reynolds

“Joy is a true professional, the real deal. She is advanced in her skills as an energy worker. She is a true Healer's Healer. I am an advanced energy worker myself and have lots of clients and I work hard at self care yet when it comes to my own personal issues well sometimes i just can't do brain surgery on myself so I call Joy! When my energy gets "stuck" she always knows how to gently move that energy out and I regain self mastery. Thank you Joy for always making room in your schedule to see me. I appreciate you. I highly recommend Joy to anyone that is interested in a Master Healer and teacher.”

— Heather Rene

"Joy is excellent at creating the container for a deeper level of learning and understanding in the way she teaches. 
I truly value the way she explains things in layers to help form the full picture and ensures that each student is connecting with with the information and exercises she is teaching before she builds the next layer.
Over the last 6 years I have gone from not knowing very much about intuition or energy to now using my intuitive connection every day and embracing my gifts as a healer. I feel so much more in touch with myself."
-Brittany Green 
Enroll Now!

The Modern Mystic Healers Curriculum

Our group will meet online for one 75 minute session each week over the next nine months - focusing on Reiki Level 1 & 2 Deep Dive Development, Modern Mystic Healing Tools, Group Healing practical sessions, PLUS, join me for my monthly "Free Energy Healing Clinic" as an apprentice healer to get practice with actual clients! PLUS, you will have VIP access to our private monthly Community Virtual Mixer (see below). AND, if you choose, you can upgrade to get SIX one-on-one private intuitive coaching sessions with me. (You will also have access to recordings of each session in case you can't attend or want to review). AND there is a Live One Day Workshop that you can attend Virtually in Spring 2024!

Reiki: Level 1 & 2 Professional Certification

Monthly 75-minute LIVE tutorial and practice experience using tools that work. In these sessions we will take a deep dive in the ancient Japanese art of Reiki. You will learn step-by-step how to work with Reiki and explore powerful, little known uses for this healing modality. You'll be taught the secret symbols used in Reiki and how to use them for your clients and yourself! By the end of the course you will be Certified as a Reiki Level 1 and 2 practitioner and know how to hold a professional session both in-person and through distance healing. 

Transform from feeling like a beginner with Reiki to being fluent in this powerful healing art, wielding the symbols and  shifting the energy like a pro!

Modern Mystic:

Spiritual Healing Tools 

Monthly 75-minute LIVE tutorial and practice experience. Learn the foundational, life-changing tools of the Mystical Healing Arts. You will learn and practice specific tools and techniques to move and heal the subtle energies. Understand the Chakras and how to use healing techniques to clear and balance them. Learn the secrets of  healing with color. Learn how to recognize and work with your healing guide, angels and healing masters. Know how to cut cords, powerfully guide meditations, and so much more.

You'll walk away from each session with powerful tools and techniques that you can use every day in your professional and private life.

Heal: Group Healing Session 

Monthly 75-minute LIVE group energy healing session. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Joy has often been called “the healer’s healer". In these sessions you will have the opportunity to experience receiving healing and also to participate as a healer as you progress, practicing the tools you're learning in a safe, supportive environment with classmates you know and trust.  We grow profoundly as healers by both giving and receiving healing and these sessions will allow you to experience my methods inside and out, both as the recipient and as the healer. 

Think of it like a monthly energetic spa treatment.


Empower: Virtual Mixer 

Meet once monthly on Zoom outside of our classroom setting! These casual, "virtual mixer" sessions are exclusively offered to members of my mentorships. In this inner circle we share, chat and build a lasting siblinghood. One of the most powerful pillars in my own growth over the last 10 years has been the spiritual soul siblings I have gained along the way. I want this for you too!

It’s like a virtual happy hour with me and your woo-woo crew! 


Refine: One-on-one Coaching

(Optional Modern Mystic on Fire Package). Six one-on-one Private Intuitive Coaching 75-minute session with me to work on anything on your heart (from the professional to the personal.) Receive invaluable guidance, coaching, and soul support during these private sessions. Using my gifts as a psychic medium and my experience as a "Healer's Healer" and coach, I hold space for you to process and unfold in ways that are specific to your unique journey. These sessions can prove invaluable if you intend to work as a Professional Healer after the course!

Don’t worry, even if you don’t know what you need, I will! 

Are you ready to step out of fear and into unfolding your life's purpose?

When it comes to your life you have two choices.

You can keep going the way you’re going……

Knowing you are meant to help others in some profound way but not quite understanding how to get from here to there

Knowing you are sensitive to subtle energies and emotions but not having the "how- to" knowledge to manage the energy in your space

Wishing you knew how to embrace your inner light and intentionally co-create the life you want and deserve.

Or you can follow the call in your heart, uncover that Healer's soul deep within you and start working with your purpose for real.

Here’s a recap of everything you get with the Modern Mystic Healers 10 month Transformational Mentorship and Professional Certification Program

It’s difficult to assign value to a program like this. After all, how can you put a number on a personal transformation that reconnects you with the deepest parts of yourself and gives you the tools and professional training to take your healing work as far as your heart desires? Not to mention getting to be personally mentored and nurtured through the entire process.

What kind of price tag can you put on that? It’s tough to say. So, I’ve done my best to put it in perspective.

Our group will meet online for one 75 minute session each week focussing on Reiki 1 & 2 Development, Modern Mystic Spiritual Healing Tools Development, Group Healing practical sessions and Community Building Mixer 

1 Monthly Reiki Level 1 & 2 Deep Dive Development session: Reiki for self healing, distance healing, deeply understand each symbol and the powerful energy of Reiki and how to infuse it into your every day life (and your manifestations)! Tutorials and guided practical experiences plus homework. Value: $3000

1 Monthly Heal: Group Healing practical sessions: Receive powerful, live group healings and get to practice healing assignments in class  as you learn by doing. By the end of the course you will be prepared to give your own professional sessions, if you choose. Value: $2400

1 Monthly Modern Mystic Spiritual Healing Tools Development sessions: Tutorial and guided practical experience using healing tools for Chakras, the Auric field, Timeline Healing, working with your healing guidesand SO much more plus homework. Value: $3000

PLUS, 1 Monthly Empower Social Hour: Community Virtual Mixer (share, chat and build a lasting siblinghood) Value: $900

PLUS, SIX Refine, Personal Coaching sessions: (Optional upgrade, 6 private coaching sessions, with recording emailed to you) One-on-one Private Coaching 75-minute session to work on anything you need personal support, every step of the way. Don’t worry, even if you don’t know what you need, I will! This level of 1:1 support can be invaluable if you intend to work as a professional healer after the course Value: $3200

Recordings of all group sessions in case you can’t make it or to review. Value: $500

Private Community of likeminded soul sisters. Value: Priceless

PLUS, Special One Day Live Virtual Workshop:

Attend this Powerful virtual "Spring Forward". We will spend a full day together doing exercises, guided experiences and healing practice to reset, recharge and refresh just when you need it most SPRINGTIME! Tentatively April, 2024. Date TBD     Value: $500

AND.....Starting in December 2023 - You'll be ready to join me monthly at my "Monthly Free Community Group Healing Clinic", open to the Public, where you can participate in the healing as a Modern Mystic Healer Apprentice to gain valuable, practical experience and visibility as a healer.

The expertise and support to finally step into your gifts as a healer and the tools to intentionally co-create the life you choose from now on... priceless 

Professional Certification as a Reiki Level 1 & 2 Practitioner. You will receive a personalized certificate so you can trace your Reiki Lineage of Masters all the way back to Master Usui. (this is very important for a Reiki practitioner!)....priceless

Professional Certification Mystic Spiritual Tools Practitioner. You will receive a beautiful Healer's  certificate....priceless

Potential to earn income as a professional Reiki practitioner and energy healer (certified and trained practitioners earn from $50-$250 per session, varies by area)....Unlimited 


Total Value: $13,500

But you won't pay that. 

You’re Protected with my Satisfaction Guarantee

I’m confident the Modern Mystic Healers Mentorship Program will help you take your gifts as a healer to a new level, providing you implement what I teach you. So I am offering a 30-day guarantee.  

How the guarantee works: Enroll now and join me for a month. If you complete the homework exercises, implement what I teach and still find the mentorship isn’t helping you, you may cancel. If you paid in full you will be refunded for all but month 1.

Is the Modern Mystic Healers Mentorship and Certification program worth the investment? 

This course is so special to me because it's the Ultimate Playbook I wish I had on my own journey as a healer. Most Reiki and Energy Healers development programs are missing the two crucial ingredients necessary to unlock and master our innate healing abilities: practical, hands-on experiences with the tools and mentorship level support. 

Most of us try things like self-paced pre-recorded courses, listening to webinars or reading books about spiritual tools and topics and generally go it alone, trying to figure all this "energy work" out on our own. It can feel like trying to piece together a puzzle with no picture to guide us. We feel drawn or guided to healing energy but there are so few true mentorship programs that help us learn step-by-step how to use these tools in real life personal and professional ways. This leaves us feeling alone and uncertain, untrusting of our own inner knowing. We  know that energy healing resonates with us but we aren’t taught how to intentionally work with it to manifest the life that we want, whether that is a new business as a Professional Healer, supplementing an existing business or income, or to use these techniques with our own pets, loved ones and ourselves, for things like managing anxiety and stress, depression, grief, improving sleep, for pain management, processing trauma, to balance ourselves or our space, infuse it into your foods, medicines, clothing...the uses are endless. 

 I know first-hand how illusive and confusing understanding energy healing can be. I also know that with the right strategies and support, you CAN awaken to your own calling as a healer and learn how to use these abilities in real, life changing ways
Did you know that Reiki and Energy Healing are officially being used as complimentary therapies in more than 800 hospitals just in the in the U.S. (including UCLA, UCSD, Sharp Memorial, and Cedars Sinai to name just a few)  and studies show that 25% of patients are actually requesting these services during hospitalization and for aftercare? â€śPatients love it,” says Simone Zappa, RN, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York “And they love it because it works.”
This 10 Month Mentorship Journey takes the guesswork out of it for you - you won't have to waste any more money on courses that don't work. And I will personally guide you through my unique combination process of Reiki Development, Healing Apprenticeship, Live Coaching and the my own secret toolkit- the Modern Mystic Energetic Healing Tools.
But the best part is you will have the potential reap the rewards in all areas of your life including everything you'll need to start working with your own clients as a Professional Reiki Practitioner and Professional Energy Healer by the end of the course if you choose!  (true Reiki and Energy Healers in the U.S. can earn on average between $50-$200 per session) All this while feeling more empowered, more in the flow and more yourself than you've ever been.
Got a question? We've got answers! 

Hey, I'm

Joy Giovanni

I've been where you are. If you feel disempowered, disconnected from your own innate spiritual gifts, I'm here to tell you that you can change that and I can help. 

I'm a psychic medium, intuitive coach, energy healer, and quirky teacher who feels like a gal pal all rolled up into one. Even as a child I felt a connection to spirit and had sensitivities (and experiences) I couldn't explain. I had a love of supporting and empowering others and wanted to help people find their courage to listen to their heart.

I felt a strong calling to wellness and healing after my second child was born when I was 22. I began training as an HHP in natural medicine and certified as a fitness trainer and massage therapist. I was also doing some fitness modeling, decided to pursue an acting career, and ultimately got a once in a lifetime role as a WWE Diva on tv every week in front of millions of people. And while those experiences were amazing, something was missing. I had let that inner voice be drowned out by the needs of everyone around me. 

Once again, I returned to personal development and wellness. Even though only a Reiki Master can attune initiates, I felt so called to energy healing that I actually tried to attune and initiate myself to Reiki...TWICE! When divine timing was finally right, I was literally led to a mentor and I became a Reiki Master and opened a small wellness practice in San Diego. During this time my gifts as a psychic and medium came into focus. I sought out and was mentored by some of the most well-regarded masters in the world of psychic mediumship.

Over the years I started to notice a pattern. As I performed healing sessions with my clients, gave them guidance that came from my work during their sessions and coached and supported them in their intuitive and personal development, their innate healing gifts started to become more and more apparent. They each needed a combination of intuitive tools, healing, personal development and an experienced, supportive mentor to guide and empower them along the way. And I've seen the most beautiful transformations happen in the lives of my clients and students. 

 Now it's your turn.

You are a Modern Mystic who just needs to be awakened, guided and supported to step into your power as a Healer and gain the confidence to share your gifts with the world.

You felt the pull that brought you here.

This is the next fork in the road on your journey

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

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